Capes & Back Items (Non-Rare Free Player)

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Auto updating list of all Non-Rare Free Player Capes & Back Items

14 Years Played (Cape)
15th Anniversary Banner
1st ChaosLord's Tattered Cloak
1st Hero of Balance Cloak
2-Striped Prismatic Beach Towel
3rd ChaosLord's Tattered Cloak
3rd Hero of Balance Scarf
3-Striped Prismatic Beach Towel
4-Striped Prismatic Beach Towel
4th ChaosLord's Runed Cloak
4th Hero of Balance Cloak
5-Striped Prismatic Beach Towel
5th ChaosLord's Ruined Wings
5th Hero of Balance Wings
8-Bit Maple Wings
A Ghostly Spirit
A Gourdly Spirit
Abezeth Cape
Abyssal Frost Samurai Spirit
Abyssal Void Magus Tassels
Acheron Usurper Lord Cape
Acheron Usurper Lord Halo Cape
Acid Rain Cape
Acid Rain Horned Cape
Adept of Awe Battle Scarf
Adeptus Kathooli Fins
Admiral's Eldritch Arms
AE Synthwave Cape
Aerated Cloak
AFK Back Mounted Hologram
AFK Backlights
Air Fènnù de Hóuzi Cape
Air Tank
Akh-a's Wings
Akiban Defender's Katana Cape
Albania Spirit Scarf
Algeria Spirit Scarf
Alliance Exponent Cape
Ally Rainbow!
Amarok's Thundersnow Tail
Amazon Cape
Amber Dragon Cape
Amber Dragon Wings
Ambitious Necro Lantern on your back
Amethyst Akiba-kei Aura Wings
Amethyst Akiba-kei Wings
Amethyst Faerie Wings
Ancient Creature Tail
Ancient Crossed Katana
Ancient Fire Rune
Ancient Shogun Back Arms
Ancient Wanderer's Scimitar Cape
Ancient Wanderer's Sheathed Blade
Anti-Kolyaban Cape
Antiquated Shadow Cloak
Antique Sheathed Katanas
Antique Tassels Cape
Antler Quiver
Ao Yousei Wings
Aozora Kijimuna Cape
Apa's Lightblades
Apprentice of Awe Scarf
Aquamer Cutlass Cape
Arachnid Commander's Sheathed Sword
Arachnid Gestalt Cloak of Nulgath
ArachnoFury Legs
Arara Azul on your Shoulder
Arata Gamer Back Bat (Non-AC)
Arbiter's Grace
Arbiter's Light
Arboreal Blooming Flowers (Non-AC)
Arcana Wings
Arcane Floating Sigil
Arcane LightCaster's Rune
Arch DoomKnight Cape
Arch DoomKnight Cape Sword
ArchAngel's Protection
Arched Glacial Portal
Archfiend Warlord Wings
Archfiend Warlord Wings + Tail
Archmaster of Awe Battle Wings
ArchPaladin Cape
Arctic Eldritch Tentacles
Arctic Invader Cape
Argentina Spirit Cape
Argentina Spirit Scarf
Aria's Silk Sash
Arkaries' Wings
Armenia Spirit Scarf
Ascendant Dagger Zodiac
Ascendant Grand Zodiac
Ascendant Hammer Zodiac
Ascendant Scythe Zodiac
Ascendant Staff Zodiac
Ascendant Tome Zodiac
Ascendant Wand Zodiac
Ascended Dragon of Time Runes
Ascended Dragon of Time Wings
Ash of the Embers
Asmat Back Shield
Aspiring Necro Lantern on your back
Assault Pack
Astaroth's Fang Cape
Astral Balance
Astral Karkinos Chains
Astralnomically Pink Wings
Astravian Adept Sheaths
Astravian Corsair Coat and Blade
Astravian Corsair's Coat
Astravian Enforcer Cape
Astravian Enforcer Crescent Halo
Astravian Oracle's Astrolable
Astravian Oracle's Cloak
Astravian Royal Wings
Astravian Sheathed Rapier
Atlas Stone (Non-AC)
Aulorian Cape
Aulorian Sword + Cape
Aureate Aegis Cloak
Aureate Aegis Cloak and Sword
Aurola's Coat
Aurora Caller's Cape
Aurora Caller's Rune
Aurora Caller's Wings
Aurora Dawn Cape
AUS-some Cape
Australia Spirit Cape
Australia Spirit Scarf
Austria Spirit Scarf
Autumnal Maple Leaves
Avarice of the Legion's Scarf
Avatar of Death Cape
Avatar Of Life Aura Wings
Avatar's Flame Banners
Avatar's Flame Spikes
Avomancer Wings
Awescended Omni Wings
Aya's Tails
Azal's Broken Wings
Azerbaijan Spirit Scarf (1)
Azerbaijan Spirit Scarf (2)
Baby Dragon On Yer Back
Back Frost Blades
Backblade of Shimazu
Backpack of Eggs
Backup Barbed Wire Bat
Backup Battle Blunderbuss
Backup Goth Guitar
Backup Iron Anchor
Backup Martial Master Rokushakubo
Backup Martial Rokushakubo
Backup Ol Reliable Zombie Buster
Back-Up Solarcore Shield
Backup Tactical Alpha Rifle
BaconCat Force Banner
Bag of Creature 83 Fluffles
Banana Banana Banana
Banana Leaf Cape
Bangladesh Spirit Scarf
Barbarian Sheathed Blade
Barnacle Bunnies
Battery Cell Pack
Battle Cleric's Bright Cloak
Battle Cloak of Panthera
Battle Mage's Cape
Battle Oracle Wings
Battle Scarred Back-Axe
Battleon Savior's Magical Wrap
Battlescarred Backup Cutlass
Battleworn Shield and Mantle
Beams of Celerita Wings
Bear Skin Cloak
Bearzerker Cape
Beastmaster Ravager Cape
BeastWings of Vokun
Belarus Spirit Scarf
Beleen's Crimson Captain Coat (Non-AC)
Belgium Spirit Cape
Belgium Spirit Scarf
Bewitching Dark Suit of Hearts
Bewitching Suit of Hearts
Bido's Back Blade
Bido's Beautiful Fireflies
Bido's Fireflies
Big Brass Shoulder Cannon
Big Slush
Billowing Scarves
Bioluminous Cloak
Black Cape
Black Kirin Parade Cape
Black OverSoul Cape
BlackHole Shrine
Blacklight-ning Sprites (Cape)
Blacklights Cape
BlackPink Cat Tail
Blackrawk's Wings
Blacksea Captain's Cape
Blade + Ruff of the Light
Bladed Cape of Glorious Destiny
Bladed Cape of Honor
Bladed Rune of Kheimon (Merge)
Blades of Order's Cloak
Blazing Zilla Bag
Blazing Zilla Tail
Blazing Zilla Tote Bag
Blessed Armored Wings Of Abezeth
Blessed Inquisitor Cape
Blessed Karok Wings
Blessed Rune of Vindication
Blessed Wings Of Abezeth
Blightslayer Back Shield
Blood Caster Runes (Merge)
Blood Cloak
Blood Dragon Bones
Blood Isles Backup Blades
Blood Isles Backup Equipment
Blood Isles Backup Guns
Blood Isles Shadow Backblades
Blood Legion's Scarf
Blood Moon Back Rifles
Blood Moon Bone Cape
Blood Paladin Wings
Blood Ranger Cape
Blood Ranger Quiver
Blood Symbiote Growths
Blood Void Spikes
Blood Void Spines
Bloodborne Death's Shadow Cape
Bloodborne Plague Knight Cape
Bloodborne Plague Knight Spikes
Blooded Cape
Bloodmoon Faerie Backblade
Bloodsea Captain's Aura
Bloodsea Captain's Cape
Bloopy Cape
Blue Dahlia Cloak
Blue Flag Cloak
Blue Grove Fairy Wings
Blue Kappa Shell
Blue OverSoul Cape
Blue Portal Cape
Blue Scarf
Blue Snowflakes
Blue Trollenic Cape
Boar's Guard Cape
BoltStriker Cape
BoltStriker Wings
Bone Wings of Gorgorath
Borgrix Fuel Pack
Bosnia and Herzegovina Spirit Scarf

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