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Auto updating list of all Non-Rare Free Player Axes
A Dino Bone
Advent Darkness Axe
Amethyst Axe
Amethyst Crystal Axe
Amethyst Pickaxe
Ancient Axe of the Archipelago
Anti-Kaiju Axe (Non-AC)
Apocryphal Shadow Executioner
Arbiter's Crusher
Archfiend Annihilator of Death
Artix's Undead Axe
Ascended Light of Destiny
Awakened Axe of Golmoth
Awakened Fiend Axe
Awakened Fiend Dual Axe
Axe Axe +15
Axe Of Cerberus
Axe of Dread
Axe of Feeling
Axe of Frozen Peace
Axe of Golmoth
Axe of Many Flames
Axe of the Black Knight
Axe of the Infernal Defiler
Axe of the Light
Axe Of The Piercer
Axe of the Prospector
Ballyhoo's Axe
Bark Basher
Battle Chaoaxe
Battle Scarred Traveler's Axe
Batwing Axe
Bear Clawed Axe
Bearded Axe of Nulgath
Beetle Bass
Big Wolf Slaying Axe
Blackhole Light of Dread Space
Blazing Light of Destiny
Blight Oracle Axe
Blinding Box of Destiny
Blinding Edge of Obsidian (Non-AC)
Blinding Light of Destiny (Axe)
Blinding Light of Destiny Handle
Blinding Light of Dread Space
Blood Axe Of Destruction (1)
Blood Axe Of Destruction (2)
Blood Legion Battle-Axe
Bone Axe
Boneaxe of Gorgorath
Bonebreaker of GrimSkull
Bonecrusher of GrimSkull
Brase's Fireman Axe
Bright Officer's Axe (Axe)
Bright Paladin's Axe
Brutal Axe of the Archfiend
Burger of Destiny
Candy Corn Crusher Axe
Carnax Devotee's BattleAxe
Carnicero Axe
Cavernous Carver Axe
Cerberus Axe
Champion Ender of Nulgath
Chaorrupted Light of Destiny
Chaos Beleen Axe
Chaos Dragonlord Axe
Chaos Myconian Decapitator
Chaotic Axeperity
Chaotic Savage Axe
Cheery Blinding Light of Destiny
Chocolate Bite of Destiny
Citrine Axe
Climber's Ice Pick
Coldfire Tabar
Cry Of Chaos
Crystalsplitter of Nulgath
Cyber Dreadhaven Mace
Cyber PoleAxe
Cyber Void Light of Destiny
Dark Axe of Friendship
Dark Crown Axe
Dark Ops Cold Steel Axe
Darkblood Axe
Deadly Axe of Chaos
Deadtech Lich Hatchet
Deadtech Necromancer Hatchet
Death Eater Axe
Death's Requiem Axe
Dene's Axe
Double Blade of Ice
Draconic Nation Double Axe
Draconic Trigress Axe
Dragon Crown Axe
Dragon of Time Cleaver
DragonROARS Guitar
Dread Deadmoor BattleAxe
Dreadhaven Axe
Dwakel Axe
Dwarfhold Geometric Silver Axe
Dwarven Throwing Axe
Earthen Axe
Earthsplitter of Nulgath
EbilCorp Porkon Axe
Ecto Enforcer Axe
EmberFlame Axe
Emerald Axe
Emerald Axe of Falguard
Emerald Pickaxe
Enamored Guard's Axe
Enchanted Axe of Dread
Enchanted DeathKnight Axe
Enchanted Handaxe of Dread
Enchanted Mountaineer's Ice Axe
Enchanted Shadowsong Attack Guitar
Enchanted Shadowsong Guitar
Evolved Agony Chain
Fiery Axe
Firebird's Fury Great Axe
Firefighter Axe
Flowing Axe
Forest Axe
Frazier Fury
Frightening Broad Axe
Frostlorn Axe
Frozen Axe
Frozen DragonFlame Axe
Frozen Hatred Poleaxe
Gale Axe
Galvanic Tyrant
Gargoyle Axe
General Porkon's Axe
GL-1ST Salvage Axe
GL-24K Gilded Axe
Glacial Light of Destiny
Glacial Troll Axe
Gold Exalted Paladin Axe
Golden Axe of Kalestri
Golden Battle Axe
Golden Firebird's Poleaxe
GrandMaster Enchanted Axe
Greater Junkyard Pile o' Crap
Grim Bone Chopper
Grimskull Butchering Axe
Grumble's Curse
Halcyon Coronation Axe
Halcyon Skye Axe
Halcyon Skye Hand Axe
Halcyon Virtue Axe
Handaxe of Dread
Harvest Sickle
Heavy Celtic Axe
Heretic's Metal Axe
Heroic Berserker Axe
Hollow Draconian Axe
Hollowborn Executioner's Axe
Hollowborn Reaper's Kama
Hollowborn Shadow of Fate
Honored Gilded Axe
Horc Grunt Axe
Icy Frostlorn Axe
Imperial Kama
Infection Cutter
Infernal Krampus' Claw
Inferno Nation Double Axe
Iron and Gold Axe
Iron Maple Leaf Axe
Jewel of the Sea
Junkyard Doohickey
Karag Battleaxe
King Dethrix's Axe
Lapis Crystal Axe
Learning to Fly
Legion Soul Splitter
Legion Viking Big Axe
Legion Viking Hatchet
Lesser Junkyard Gizmo
Lich's Earth Axe
Liquid Hot Magma Axe
Little Hatchet
Love Bard's Guitar
Lumberhorc's Maple Leaf Axe
Lumberjack Axe
Lumenomancer's Woe
Lunar Sand Axe
Magmagilt Tabar
Mana Overdriven Devastation
Mariachi Hero Guitar
Meat Cleaver
Mi's Guitar (1)
Mi's Guitar (2)
Mi's Rainbow Guitar
Mystical Acolyte's Axe
Nerfed Blinding Light of Destiny
Nightlocke War Axe
Nightmare Carnax's BattleAxe
Not so nICE Axe
Obsidian Light of Destiny
Occam's Razor Axe
Oversoul's Rusted Head Axe
Pink Reaper Of Doom
Platinum Broad Axe
Polished Blinding Light of Destiny
Primaris Paladin's Axe
Prime Sheer Insanity
Primitive Bone Axe
Quattro Chaos
Quattro Cleaver
Raxborg's Axe
Raxgore's Axe
Raxgore's Skull Crushing Axe
Rooted Axe
Rose Pickaxe
Ruby Axe
Ruby Pickaxe
Sanctified Light of Destiny
Sapphire Axe
Sapphire Pickaxe
Scarab Mace
Scarmiglione Cleaver
Shadow Terror Axe
Shadowflame Devastation
Shadowflame Juggernaut Axe
Shadowflame Juggernaut PoleAxe
ShadowReaper Of Doom
ShadowScythe General Axe (Merge)
Shadowslayer Relic Axe
Shadowsong Attack Guitar
Shadowsong Guitar
Sheer Insanity
Shrimp Axe
Silver Exalted Paladin Axe
Silver Light Axe
Skele-crystal Cleaver
Skull Cleaver
SkullBorne Axe
Skullbreaker's Axe
Skye Warrior Axe
Slithering Hunter Axe
Snowy Axe
Snuggle Berserker Axe
Space-timeless Axe
Sphinx's Secret Axe
Spinal Tap Axe
Spooky Axe
Sput's Really Big Cleaver
Steampunk Hatchet
Strong Axe of Golmoth