Armors (Non-Rare Free Player)

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Auto updating list of all full Non-Rare Free Player Armors

1 Dimensional Armor
10th Hero of Balance
11th Hero of Balance
12th Hero of Balance
1st ChaosLord Prime
1st Hero of Balance
2015 Ninja Warrior
2024 Giftbox Armor
3rd ChaosLord Prime
3rd Hero of Balance
4th ChaosLord Prime
4th Hero of Balance
5th ChaosLord Prime
5th Hero of Balance
6th ChaosLord Prime
7th ChaosLord Prime
7th Hero of Balance
8th Hero of Balance
9th Hero of Balance
A Friend of a Fiend
Absolute Zero (Armor)
Abyssal Frost
Abyssal Priest of Nulgath
Acolyte of Kolyaban
Adept of Awe
Adeptus Kathooli
AdventureQuest Mage
AdventureQuest Shirt
AE Dragon Shirt
AE Logo Shirt
Aegis Guardian
Agares' Armor
Agent of Despair
Air Fènnù de Hóuzi
Akiban Defender
Alchemage Armor
Alden Armor
Alden Armor (Temp)
Alliance Exponent
Almost Visible Ninja
Ancient Creature (Armor)
Ancient Evil Commander
Ancient Shogun Armor
Ancient Wanderer
Anti-Kolyaban Armor
Antiquated Shadowslayer
Anti-Storm War Tank
Anti-Storm Warbeast
AntiTitan Corps (Armor)
Anubis Armor
Apa's Outfit
Apophis Medjai
Apprentice Necrobard
Apprentice of Awe
Apprentice of the Light
Apricot Blossom Ao Dai
Aquamer Scallywag
AquaPyrrus Priest-Mage
Aquatic Defender
Arcana Voyager
Arcane of Nulgath
Arcane StoneCrusher (Non-AC)
Arcane Warfiend of Nulgath
Arcangrove Invoker
Arch DoomKnight
ArchFiend Armor (2)
Archfiend DeathLord
ArchFiend DoomLord
ArchFiend Healer
ArchFiend Mage
ArchFiend of the ShadowFlame
ArchFiend Rogue
Archfiend Warlord
ArchFiend Warrior
Archfiend's BladeMaster
ArchFiend's Commandant (Temporary)
ArchMage's Robes
Archmaster of Awe
ArchPaladin Armor
ArchVoid Healer
ArchVoid Mage
ArchVoid Rogue
ArchVoid Warrior
Arctic Invader
Ardent Familiar Raiment
Arena Warrior
Armor of Awe (Armor)
Armor of Aya
Armor of Azalith
Armor of the Sun
Armor of Valthos
Armor of War
Armor of Zular
Armored Dwarfhold Prospector
Artix's Wedding Party
Ascended Dragon of Time
Ascended Paladin
Ashen Nymph
Asherion Armor
Ashray Elf Warden
Ashray Villager
Assassin of the Sands
Assassin of Vokun
Astral Mantle
Astral Vacuum Green
Astravian Adept
Astravian Musician
Astravian Officer
Astravian Oracle
Astravian Royal Guard (Armor)
Astravian Royal Secretary
Astravian Secretary
Astravian Shadow Adept
Astravian Urban Duelist
Aureate Aegis
Aureate Shield Aegis
Aurola's Armor
Aurola's Casual Wear
Autumn Nymph
Avarice of the Legion
Avatar of Death
Avatar Of Life (Merge)
Avatar's Flame
Azure Spitfire
BaconCat Commander
Bagged Undead
Bagged Undead (temp)
Ballyhoo's Outfit
Bandit Armor
Bandit Armor (Temp)
Bandit Drakath Armor
Banshee Dress
Barber Armor
Barista (Armor)
Battle Berserker
Battle Cleric of the Dragon
Battle Oracle
Battle Priest of the Sky
Battle Scarred Traveler
BattleGems Shirt
BattleMage Armor (Non-AC)
BattleMaster Tharr
BattleOn Destroyer
BattleTech Mech
Beachin' Werewolf
Beast Hunter
Beast Hunter Evolved
Beast Of Vokun
BeastMaster Beleen Armor
Beastmaster Ravager
Bellhop Minion
Benevolent Yukata
Biobeast Master
Bionic Bunny
Black Pawn
Black Sun Eclipse Emperor
Blackhorn Runes Armor
Blacksea Captain
Blacksea Pirate (Armor)
Blacksea Pirate Disguise (Temporary)
Blacksmith Apprentice
Blaze Binder Armor
Blazing Zilla Swimwear
Blessed Abezeth
Blessed Gladius Armor
Blessed Inquisitor Armor
Blessed Karok (Armor)
Blonde Bone-shell
Blood Dracolich Armor
Blood Guardian Armor
Blood Legion Warrior
Blood Moon Warrior
Blood Ninja
Blood Paladin
Blood Ranger
Blood Summoner
Bloodborne Plague Knight
Bloodtusk Bonebreakers
Bloody UndeadSlayer
Blue Karategi
Blue Space Crew Shirt
Blue Space Paladin
Bluefin Shark Diver
BoltStriker Armor
Bone Crusher Knight
Bone Reaver
Book of Lore Shirt
Both Directions Groupie
Brandbreak Mercenary
Bride and Groom Groupie Armor
Bright Amadis
Bright Casual Wear
Bright Knight (Armor)
Bright Mana Flame
BrightOak Hunter
Brightscythe Shinobi
BrightShield Keep Warrior
Broken Infernal
Bronze ChronoGuardian
Bujin DoomKnight
Burning Void Warrior
Calamitous Warlic (Armor)
Calavera Mech
Cannonblast Gunner
Capoeirista + Abada
Captain's Armor
Carpet Racer
Castle Crusher
Casual Surveillance Outfit
Celestial ArchFiend
Celestial Commander
Celestial Dark Knight
Celestial Defender
Celestial Fiend
Celestial Guardian (2)
Celestial Knight (Armor)
Celestial Lieutenant
Celestial Lieutenant Temp
Celestial Nomad
Celestial Paladin (2)
Celestial StarMage
Celestial Summoner
Celestial Wanderer
Cerulean Dragonhealer's Wanderer
Cerulean Sorceress
Champions of the Rainbow Armor
Chaorrupted AntiTitan Corps
Chaorrupted Arcana Mage
Chaorrupted Artix & Beleen
Chaorrupted Cysero & Alina
Chaorrupted Defender
Chaorrupted Lycan Hunter (Armor)
Chaorrupted Sorcerer
Chaorrupted Usurper
Chaos Avenger Armor
Chaos Bandit (Armor)
Chaos Berserker
Chaos Cannoneer
Chaos Cyclops
Chaos Doom Robe
Chaos Dragon Slayer
Chaos Eye Shirt

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