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Auto updating list of all Non-Rare Adventure Coin Swords
#1 Seraph Fan
1st Betrayal Blade of Nulgath
2nd Betrayal Blade of Nulgath
3rd Betrayal Blade of Nulgath
3rd Hero of Balance Dirk
4th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath
4th ChaosLord's Laser Katana
50 Excalibur
5th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath
6th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath
7th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath
8th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath
A Blade Aquatic
Abyssal Frost Katana
Abyssal Katana
Accessory DaiDoji Katana
Activated Legion Devourer of Souls Blade
AdventureQuest Reign Blade
AeroFrost Katana
Ahoyrion's Cutlass (0 AC)
Ahoyrion's Cutlass (AC)
Akamatsu Katana
Alchemical Aura Blade
Alchemical Onyx Blade
Alchemical Onyx Katana
Alina's Deca Blade
All Hallowed Blade
Alpha Phantom Karambit
Alpha Rogue Knife
Alteon's Dragon Sword
Alteon's Polished Dragon Sword
Alteon's Star Sword
Amber Aura Blade
Amethyst Claymore
Ancient Koi Ningyo Tachi
Ancient Monstrous Jawblade
Ancient Scimitar (2)
Ancient Shogun Katana
Ancient Shogun Sheathed Katana
Ancient Wanderer's Scarab Blade
Ancient Wanderer's Scimitar
Ancient Wanderer's Spine Blade
Angler Cutlass
Ankh Athame
Antiquated Shadow Pistolsword
Antiquated Shadow Sabre
Apa's Grace
Apex MindSmasher Blade
Apocryphal Blade Of The Truth
Apocryphal Destroyer's Mutation
Apocryphal Eons Broadsword
Apocryphal Eons Sword
Apocryphal Retribution Blade
Apostate Alpha
Apostate Omega
Apostate Ultima
Aqua Core Double Sword
Aquamer Bloodletter
Aquamer Sheathed Bloodtaker
Aquamer‘s Cutlass
Arachnid Commander's Sword
ArachnoFury Blade
Arbiter's Glory
Arboreal Seed Spit (AC)
Arc Of Seraphim
Arcane Blade of Glory
Arcane HoloGram Blade
Arch DoomKnight Sword
Arch DoomKnight's Edge
Archfiend Arachnomancer's Claymore
ArchFiend Overlord's Armblade (AC)
ArchFiend Overlord's Blade (AC)
ArchFiend Overlord's Reaver (AC)
ArchFiend Rogue Backwards Knife
ArchFiend Rogue Knife
ArchFiend Warrior Champion Sword
ArchFiend Warrior Sword
Arena Guard Blade
Ascended Aurum Wings Blade
Ascended Avatar's Blade
Ascended Blade of Awe
Astaroth's Fang Blade
Astral Shard of Fate
Astravian Adept Szabla
Astravian General Broadsword
Astravian General Longsword
Astravian General Rapier
Astravian Royal Blade
Astravian Royal Rapier
Astravian Royal Sword
Astravian Sheathed Szabla
Augmented Chaos Blade of the Imperium
Augmented Dark Blade of the Fifth
Augmented Light Blade of the Rebellion
Aulorian Blade
Aurelian Sword
Aurora Borealis Blade
Aurum Blade of Dreams
Aurum Wings Blade
Avatar's Flame Sabre
Awakened Carnage Maw Cleaver
Awakened Chaotic Rigel Blade
Awakened Fiendslasher
Awakened Scimitar of Zal
Backhanded Enchanted Speirling Dagger
Backhanded Speirling Dagger
Backhanded Speirling Guardian Dagger
Balor's Hatred
Balor's Hunger
Bamboo Slicer Katana
Barbarous MindSmasher
Barbed Wire Bat
Base DaiDoji Katana
Battleworn Guardian Sword
Beast King's Lightning
Begemmed Blade
Behemoth Blade of BlueMoon
Beleen's Balloon Cutelass
Binky's Man Eating Uni-horn
Binky's Uni-horn
BioBeasts Memorial Star Sword
Bio-War Cultist Blade (AC)
Bit O Bacon Blade
Black Dragon Star Sword (2)
Black Star Blade
Black Valentine Sabre
BlackBolt Blade
Blade of Adulation
Blade of Ancient Justice
Blade of Ancient Vengeance
Blade of Awe
Blade of BananAWE (AC)
Blade of Chaos
Blade of Destiny (2)
Blade of De'ther
Blade of Dragon Control
Blade of Dread
Blade of Fealty
Blade of Fiery Destruction
Blade of Forbidden Doom
Blade of Glorious Destiny
Blade of Glorious Victory
Blade of Guiding
Blade of Honor
Blade of Ignis
Blade of Khopesh
Blade of Malevolence
Blade of Modulation
Blade of Platinum Joy
Blade of Semiramis
Blade of Shade
Blade of Shimazu
Blade Of the Black Sea
Blade of the Bound Eclipse
Blade of the Brilliant Chronomancer
Blade of the Burning Sun
Blade of the Deep
Blade of the Djinn King
Blade of the Fallen Djinn
Blade of the Glowing Moon
Blade of the Kingdom
Blade of the Light
Blade of the Lone Hunter
Blade of the Loyal Legion Warrior
Blade Of The Mount
Blade of the Oracle
Blade of the Pumpking
Blade of the Pumpking Legion
Blade of the Void Dragon
Blade Of Vengeance
Blaze of Awe
Blazing Heart Katana
Blessed Beloved's Kris Knife
Blessed Frostguarde Blade
Blessed Naval Cutlass (AC)
Blessed Rose Blade
Blight Oracle Dagger
Blinding Blade of Destiny
Blinding Broadsword of Destiny
Blinding Caladbolg
Blood Guardian's Sword
Blood Isle Corsair's Cutlass
Blood of the Void Blade
Blood Rage Sword
Blood Scripture Blade
Blood Scripture Key
Blood Sworn Daikatana
Bloodbiter Blade
Bloodborne Dragonsfang Blade
Bloodlust Dirk
BloodShield Blade
Blue Raspberry Ice Pop
Blue Tachyon Blade
Boar's Guard Sword
Bog Hunter's Blade
Boiled Prawn Rapier
BoltStriker Blade
BoltStriker Claymore
Bone Quaker Betrayal Blade
Boneblade of Gorgorath
Bonesaw's Saw
Bonespar Rapier
Boost Ram
Bounty Hunter's Dealbreaker
Bramble Blame Blade
Bramble Ivory Blame Blade
Bright Blade (1)
Bright Blade of Destiny
Bright Broadsword of Destiny
Bright Faerie's Claymore
Bright Mana Flame Sabre
Bright Officer's Blade
Bright Officer's Kunai
Bright Paladin's Sword
Broadsword of Bane
Broadsword of Destiny
Bunny Popsicle
Burning Blade (2)
Burning Blade Of Abezeth
Burning Phoenix Blade
Burning Sapphire Blade
Burning Sword of Doom
Candy Corn Crusher Blade
Candycorn Sword
Cangaceiro's Peixeira
Cardboard of Awe
Carnax Disciple's Dagger
Carnax Laser Sword
Celebration Blade
Celebration Dagger
Celebration Katana
Celestial ArchFiend Sword
Celestial Commander's Plank
Celestial Commander's Sword
Celestial Naval Cutlass (AC)
Celestial StarBlade
Celestial Summoner Blade
Celtic Hunter Blade
Ceremonial Temple Blade
Chained Oni Blood Katana (0 AC)
Chained Oni Blood Katana (AC)
Chainsaw Hand
Chainsaw Katana
Chaorrupted Dragonblade
Chaorrupted Pirate Cutlass (2)