Staffs (Non-Rare AC)

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Auto updating list of all Non-Rare Adventure Coin Staffs

1st Hero of Balance Staff
Acid Rain Staff
AdventureQuest Reign Staff
Alchemical Onyx Staff
Alpha Lycan Surfboard
Amethyst Spiked Staff
Apocryphal Destroyer's Staff
Arbiter's Salvation
ArchFiend Healer Staff
ArchMage's Staff
Ardent Mercy Staff
Artix Dragon Surfboard
Ascendant Staff
Ascended Legion Evoker's Staff
Astral Navigation Staff
Astravian Key
Astravian Oracle's Broom
Astravian Royal Staff
Asuka Surfboard
Asuka's Flaming Stick
Aurora Caller's Staff
Aurous Staff of Hope
Awakened Chaotic Lacerta Staff
Awakened Death's Requiem Staff
Awakened Fiend's Staff
Bandit Drakath Surfboard
Battle Oracle Battlestaff
Beachin' SurfBoard
Bengala Cor De Rosa
Bengala Encantada
Bengala Inclinada em Rosa
Bengala Inclinada Encantada
Big Daddy's Cane
Big Daddy's Enchanted Cane
Binky Lore Scroll
Bird of Coeurs Snowboard
Black Skull Cane
Blood Spirit Staff
Blood's Deadly Glow
Blossom Ring Staff
Blue Dragon Lore Scroll
Boreas Staff
Bough of the Underworld
Bright Faerie's Key Staff
Bright Star Staff
Brunswick Leo Scion Cane
Brutalcorn Surfboard
Caipora's Staff
Canadian Flag Staff
Candy Crusher Cane
CandyCaster Cane
CandyCorn Broom
Celestial Light Staff
Celestial StarStaff
Chair Lore Scroll
Champion Snowboard
Chaonslaught Caster Scroll
Chaonslaught Warrior Scroll
Chaorrupted Harpoon
Chaos Crystal Scroll
Chaos Lycan Scroll
Chaos Sp-Eye Scroll
Chaos Sprites Scroll
Chaos Vampire Knight (Staff)
Chaotic Arcane Branch
Chaotic Chinchillizard
Chaotic Koalion Scroll
Chaotic Lacerta Staff
Chibi Nulgath Surfboard
Colorful Chaos Rose
Combat Cupid's Requiem
Corrupted Mana Staff
Crownslayer Bananach
Crystallis VoidSlayer Staff
Cursed Sorcerer's Underworld Staff
Dark & Witchy Broom
Dark Aura Staff
Dark CheerCaster Wand
Dark Royal Scepter
Dark Scepter of the Ignited Ones (0 AC)
Dark Scepter of the Ignited Ones (AC)
Darkblood Zealot Staff
Deadtech Lich Staff
Deadtech Necromancer Staff
Death Surfboard
Death's Requiem Staff
Deceptive Glow
Deep Staff of Victory
DeepSea Star Pirate's Lunch
Deluxe Candy Cane
Demented Doomed Staff
Demonic Revenge
Derp Skull Cane
Devoured Stone Staff
Diabolical ManSplitter
Diabolical Surfboard
Diabolical Telescope
Diabolical Torch Staff
Diamond Frost Cane
Dire Rachis Staff
Divine Edge
Dragon Khan's Corrupt Scepter
DragonBlade Surfboard
Dragonfang Piercer
Dreadnought Skull Staff
Drenched Ringstaff
Dual-Bladed Lunaris Staff
Dwakel Lore Scroll
Ecto Enforcer Staff
Eden Formal Cane
Electina's Prismatic Lightning Rod
Elegant Bejeweled Cane
Elemental Lore Scroll
Emerald Gem Staff
Emerald Mana Surge
Enchanted Arcana's Disciple
Enchanted ArchMage Staff
Enchanted Beastmaster Staff
Enchanted Celestial Staff
Enchanted Defiance Surfboard (AC)
Enchanted Grove Druid's Staff
Enchanted Love Gambler Cane
Enchanted Necromancer Cane
Enchanted Paladin + Pup Surfboard
Enchanted Pirate King Surfboard (AC)
Enchanted Pirate Queen Surfboard (AC)
Enchanted Shadow Battle Staff
Enchanted Staff of Uprising Doom
Enchanted Undead Crew Surfboard (AC)
Enchanted Volleyballer's Rod
Enchanted Volleyballer's Surfboard
Energy Key Staff
Escherion's Surfboard (AC)
Eternal Dedication Scepter
Ethereal Wanderer's Cane
Ethereal Wanderer's Rose
Eventide Sorcerer's Broom
Evil ArchMage Staff
Evolved Hex Staff
Extrikiti Scroll
Faerie Guardian's Staff
Faerie Lights Wand
Faerie Wand
Fancy Love Attack Cane
Fancy Love Cane
Festive Silver Star Staff
Festive Snowflake Staff
Fiend Minion Staff
Fire Key Staff
Fishman Lore Scroll
Flibbitiestgibbet Surfboard
Flower Key Staff
Force Guardian Light Staff
Formal Grenwog Battle Cane
Formal Grenwog Cane
Formal GrenwogSlayer's Scepter
Formal Nation Cane
Frigid Fan-Pike
Frigid Ice Staff
Frigid Wolf Staff
Frog Drake Lore Scroll
FrostWarlord Staff
Frozen Fire Staff
Garaja Staff
Golden Dragon's Staff
Golden Spirit Rod
Golden Ugly Stick
Gothic Battlecane
Green Rat Lore Scroll
Greenguard Druid Scepter
Grizzly Lore Scroll
Healer of Time's Staff
High ShadowScythe Staff
High ShadowScythe Wand
Highborn Necromancer Cane
Hollowborn Bright Staff (0 AC)
Hollowborn Bright Staff (AC)
Hollowborn Cryomancer's Staff
Hollowborn DreamWalker's Attack Cane
Hollowborn DreamWalker's Cane
Hollowborn DreamWalker's Reversed Cane
Hollowborn Evoker's Staff (0 AC)
Hollowborn Evoker's Staff (AC)
Hollowborn Priest Staff
Hollowborn Surfboard
Hollowborn Virgam Luminum
Hollowborn Witch's Broom
Horc Warrior Lore Scroll
Howling Wizard's Cane
Iara's Acolyte's Staff
Ice Key Staff
Ice Wizard's Cane
Illumination of Ra
Imperial Obsequies Staff
Incarnation of Glitches Scythe
Inferno's Legion Staff
Invoker Staff
Jova's Wrath
Kezeroth Lore Scroll
Lance d'Amour
Lava Star Staff
Legendary Twilly Surfboard
Legion Fenrir Lore Scroll
Legion Lich Lord's Staff
Lemon Surfboard
Lich Lord's Staff
Licorice Candy Cane
Life and Rebirth Staff
Light of the Serpent
Light Staff
Lightning Mage Staff
Lime Surfboard
Loki's Luck
Lord of Order Escherion's Staff
LoveBringer's Staff
Lovely Full Sweep
Lucky Day Staff
Lumen Ice Staff
Lunar Blaze Surfboard
Lurker Lore Scroll
Lustrous Coronation Staff
Lycan Shaman Staff
Mage of Time's Staff
Magistral's Weather Staff
Magistral's Wyvern Staff
ManaShaper's Staff
Marauder's Cane
Minty Crusher Staff
Monochromatic Celestial Staff
Monstrous Surfboard
Mortal Fiend Staff
Mosquito Lore Scroll
Mystic Aries Staff
Mystic Fishstick
Mystical Elegy Staff
Mystical Full Sweep
Mystical HydraSlayer Staff
Necrotfinger's Staff
Neko Spindle Staff
Nightlocke War Staff
Nightmare Clown's Beatstick
Nightmare Clown's Upright Beatstick
NightWyvern Quarterstaff
Noble Leo Scion Cane
NobleHeart Blossom Staff
Octo Balloon Surfboard
Orange Star Staff
Orange Surfboard
Orb Of Astaroth Staff

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