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Auto updating list of all Non-Rare Adventure Coin Daggers
Serpent Knight Dagger
Serpent Tongue Blades
Serpentine Void Armaments
Serpentine Void Blades
Serpentine Void Flail and Shield
Serpentine Void Slashers
Serrated Crimson Cutlasses
Serrated Cutlasses
Seven Fang Blades
Shadow Claw
Shadow Dagger (2)
Shadow Daggers of Destruction
Shadow Emperor Sword + Shield
Shadow Star Daggers
Shadowed Blades of Doom
ShadowFlame Commander's Pistols
Shadowflame Firebender Claws
ShadowFlame Firebender Daggers
Shadowflame Juggernaut Armblade
ShadowFlame Rapier
ShadowLord Commander's Pistols
Shadowscythe Templar Accoutrements
Shadowslayer Relic Armblades
Shadowslayer Relic Axes
ShadowStalker of Time Clocks
ShadowZard Dagger + Lance (AC)
ShadowZard Dagger + Shield (AC)
ShadowZard Daggers (AC)
ShadowZard Lance + Shield (AC)
Sheep Pillows
Sheep Plushies
Shielded Defiler of the Ancients
Shielded Ivory Defiler of the Ancients
Shortswords of the Dark
Sidhe's Brigand Pistols
Sidhe's Devotee Daggers
Silver Dagger (2)
Silver Edged Lamenters
Silver Exalted Spears of Light
Silver Stream Swords
Silver Swashbuckler Gauntlets
Silver Victor's Hammers
Singapore Spirit Sticks
Sinlithic Daggers
SkullBorne Dagger
Skullbreaker's Blade + Axe
Skullbreaker's Dagger
Skye's Wailing Greatswords
Slayer Recruit's Dagger
Snowflake Sickles
SnowStalker's BoneSwords
Snowy Replicas of Destiny
Solo Ship Captain's Cutlasses
Soul Corroding Betrayal Blades
Soulfire Odachis
Soulfire Tonfas
Space-timeless Claws
Space-timeless Daggers
Spearmint Candy Canes
Spectrum Daggers
Speirling Blades
Speirling Gaheris Blades
Speirling Guardian Daggers
Spellcaster's Dark Accoutrements
Spellsword Daggers (AC)
Spinal Tap of Nulgath
Spirit Oni Swords
SpiritHunter Katanas
SpiritHunter's Hammers
Squish Game Battle Gear
Squish Game Guns
Stained Glass Faerie's Claymores
Stained Glass Faerie's Scythes
Star Dancer's Katanas
Star Lights of Destiny
Star Lights of the Empyrean
Star Pirate's Cutlass + Rapier
Starfish Plushies
Starlight Candles
Starry Samurai's Swords
Steampunk Double DoubleBarrel
Stella Empyrean Axes
Stella Empyrean Blades
Sterling Drake Stingers
Stingray Plushies
Storm Caller Daggers
Storm Caller Knives
Strawberry Bamboo Panda Snacks
Street Beater Bat + Blade (AC)
Sublimated ShadowSlayer's Pistols
Sublimated ShadowSlayer's Sabers
Sullied Blade and Katana
Sullied Blame Blade and Bangle
Sullied Blame Blade and Shield
Sullied Blame Blades
Sullied Ivory Blame Blades
Summit Snack Combo
Sunflower Claymores
SUPER Dandelion Kiwi Cookies
Swashbuckler's Rapiers
Sweet Sakura Perfume Bottles
Sweetened Chronomenace Blades
Swords of Abyssal Order
Swords of The Underworld
Symphonic Duet Daggers
Symphonic Sforzando
Tactical Alpha Blasters
Tactical Alpha Guns
Tactical Alpha Rifles
Tainted Blades of Na'al
Tainted Daggers of Na'al
Taro's Dual Pretty Manslayers
Taro's Dual Prismatic Manslayers
Tengu Typhoon Cutlasses
Tharr's Axe and Shield
The First Something and Nothing
The Harvester's Katanas
The Hostile Takeover (Dagger)
Thunderlight Pirate's Dual Charged Wheels
Thyllian Domination Spears
Tidal Byakko Fans
Tidal Byakko Wakizashis
Tidal Tiger Wakizashis
Tidal Tiger's Fans
Tidal Warrior of Prosperity Wakizashis
Tidal Warrior of Prosperity's Fans
Tiger Shark Plushies
TigerClaw Talons
TimeReaper Axes
Timeseeker's Blades
Timestream Ravager's Cutlasses
Timestream Ravager's Dark Hooks
Timestream Ravager's Pistols
Titan Drakath's Blades
Titan Paladin's Blades
Titanic Destroyer Blades
Titanium FrostElf BattleGear
Titanium FrostElf Blades
Titanium FrostElf Reversed Daggers
Titanium FrostElf ShortSwords
Totally Normal Canes
Toxian Synthesis Gamma Swords
Toxian Synthesis Swords
Toxic Alchemists Adornments
Toxic Alchemist's Noxious Blades
Toxic Alchemist's Venom Blades
Toxic Rune Fists
Toxic WyvernSlayer's Great Blades
Trapper's Accoutrements (AC)
Trapper's Daggers (AC)
Treasurehunter Z Dagger
TreasureHunter's Dirk
Trollic Naval Accoutrements (AC)
Tsuika no Omocha
Turdraken Carvers
Turdraken Carving Gear
Turkey Avenger Swords
Turkey Leg + Pie
Twin Blade of Nulgath
Twin Drake Cutters
Twisted Eldritch Accoutrements
Twisted Eldritch Bow + Arrow
Twisted Shadow Dagger
Two-Pronged Prisma Daggers
Ultimate Twin Blades of Destiny
Ultio Leo Daggers
Umbral Metamorphosis Scythe and Tome
Umitora's Zanbatos
Undead Parabellum Blades
Undead Parabellum Sword and Shield
Undeadly Kamas
Undeathly SoulReaper of Nulgath
Underglade Scavenger Reavers (AC)
Underworld Ankle Shackles
Underworld Asgardian Battle Gear
Underworld Asgardian Sword + Shield
Underworld Asgardian Swords
Underworld Dagger
Underworld Dagger of Courage
Underworld Dark Ops Rifles
Underworld DeathSpines
Underworld DreadSaws
Underworld FlameMaster's Gauntlets (AC)
Underworld Infiltrator Blades
Underworld Infiltrator Great Shurikens
Underworld Knight's Battle Gear (AC)
Underworld Mecha Ghoul's Rifles
Underworld Oni's Blades
Underworld Oni's Burning Blades
Underworld Parabellum Armaments
Underworld Parabellum Blades
Underworld Spirit Kris
Underworld Viking's Spirit Horns
Underworld Void Vigilante BattleGear
Underworld Wrangler's Rifles
Undying Love Chalices
Undying Loyalty Blades
Unending Light Arrows
Unending Light Bow and Arrow
Ungodly Reavers of Nulgath
Ungourdly Wrath Blades
Unidentified Item of Nulgath (Iron Scythe of Nulgath)
Unlucky 13th Chainsaws
Unstable Betrayal Blades
Unstable Dark Sprites Daggers
Urban Assassin Katana + Sheath (AC)
Urban Duelist Rebel Katana and Sheath
Urban Duelist Rebel Katanas
Urban Duelist Rebel Sheathe and Katana
Urban Underworld Rages
Usagi Oni Battle Fans
Uw3017 Dual Handguns
Uw3017 Gun and Blaster
Uw3017 Guns
Vamish Bloodwrath Blades
Vampiric Hollowborn Sabers
Vanta Daggers
Vanta Dual Katanas
Vanta Dual Ninjato
Vanta Katana And Scabbard
Vengeful DragonKnight Swords
Vengeful Ivory Soul Sickles
Vengeful Soul Sickles
Vindicated Dawn Blades
Vindicator Assassin Daggers
Vindicator Titan's Axes
Violet Detention Gear
Violet Mayhem Mall Gear
Virgo Changeling's Maces
Visionary Betrayal Blades
Vivid Rosales Blades
Void Advocatus Blades
Void Awakening Accoutrements (AC)
Void Beetle General Armaments
Void Beetle General Machetes
Void Beetle Warlord Armaments
Void Beetle Warlord Armblades
Void Beetle Warlord Blades
Void Betrayer Daggers
Void Betrayer Reavers
Void Betrayer Swords
Void Paladin Katanas
Void Pirate's Dagger
Void Recruit's Swords
Void Slicer Daggers
Void Spartan Blade and Shield
Void Spartan Daggers
Void Spartan Spear and Shield
Void Vigilante Blades
Volleyball Hero's WaterGuns