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Auto updating list of all Non-Rare Adventure Coin Capes & Back Items
Vorefax Tentacle Cape
Wales Spirit Scarf
Wandering Onryo Backblade
Wandering Onryo Flames
War Cultist Wings (AC)
Ward of The Ancients
Warden's Wings
Warp Necromancer Cape
Warrior of Time's Blade Cape
Warrior of Time's Wrap
Warrior of Time's Wrap + Blade
WarSeeker's Backblades (AC)
WarSeeker's Bladed Cape (AC)
WarSeeker's Burning Skull Cape (AC)
WarSeeker's Cape (AC)
Water Fairy Wings
Water Orb
Waves of Tumult
Waynudo Wheel
Web of Curses
Welcome to Spicy City
Welcome to Yulgar's Inn
Werepyrate Captain's Wings + Flag (0 AC)
Werepyrate Captain's Wings + Flag (AC)
Werepyrate Flag (AC)
Werepyre Wings
Westion Commander's Backup Shotguns
Whirly Bonka Cape
White Ermine Moth Wings
Wicked Edge Cape
Wind Orb
Windtorn Wrap
WindWalker's Parang Cape
WindWalker's Wings
Windwhipped Scarf
Winged Bloodmoon Cape
Winged Midnight Fiend Cape
Winged Stinger
Wings Of Abezeth
Wings of Arcadia
Wings of Azalith
Wings Of Ciriatto
Wings of Darkness (1)
Wings of Darkness (2)
Wings Of Hope (AC)
Wings Of Ice Wrap (AC)
Wings Of Infinity (AC)
Wings of Karok the Fallen
Wings of Semiramis
Wings of Shade
Wings of the Abyss
Wings of the Chosen
Wings of the Deep Trenches
Wings of the Flame Dragon
Wings of the Frost Dragon
Wings Of The Underworld
Wings of the Undying
Wings of Total Victory (0 AC)
Wings of Total Victory (AC)
Wings of Victory (0 AC)
Wings of Victory (AC)
Wings Of Viltusial
Winter Defense BackRifle
Winter Void Cape (AC)
WinterWild Back Blades
WinterWild Warrior Back Axes
Wisteria's Vines Cape
Wrap of the Undying
Wrap of the Void
Wrath of the Legion Cape
Wrath of the Legion Ultra Cape
Wrath of the Legion's Cloak
Wretched Arachnid Legs
Wretched Insect Legs
Yami no Ronin Sheathed Katana
Yami no Samurai Oni Head
Yinglian Tyrant's Sashimono
Yokai Amethyst Noble Banner
Yokai Amethyst Noble War March
Yokai Dragonslayer Cloak
Yokai Dragonslayer Fur Cloak
Yokai Dragonslayer Quiver
Yokai Dragonslayer Quiver Cloak
Yokai Dragonslayer War Cloak
Yokai Dragonslayer's Banner
Yokai Oni Aura (AC)
Yokai Oni Commander's Guardian (AC)
Yokai Oni's Lamps (AC)
Yokai Spirit Wrap
Zambia Spirit Scarf
Zardian Pilot Jet Cape
Zardian Pilot Jetpack
Zealith Reaver Wings
Zeph'gorog's Wings
Zimbabwe Spirit Scarf
Zorbak's Voyager Thrusters (AC)