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Auto updating list of all Legend Seasonal Swords
Ardent Shadowslayer Falchion
Assassin of Nulgath Sword
Black Katana
Blade of Half Awe-f
Blazebeard's Cutlass
Blister's Chainsaw
Blood Isle Corsair's Cutlass
Blue Raspberry Ice Pop
Celebration by Fireworks
Claws' Little Helper (AC)
Cryo Assassin of Nulgath Sword
Cuniculus Decimator
Cursed SpiritSeeker Blade
Dark Heart Sabre
DarkIce Calibreaker
Doom Edge
Doom Ice Pop
Double Glow of Glory
Earth Blade
Enchanted Necrayaya's Spear
Enredo Blade
Espada Brasileira
Ex's Caliber
Fire Blade
Flame God Sword
Fortune Bringer
Fortune's Blade
Fortune's Protector
FrankenFiend Katana
Frost and Steel
Frost Sword
Frostval Barbarian Sword (Legend)
Frozen DeathKnight Sword
Gilded TreasureHunter's Blade
Golden DeathSaw
Golden Harvest
Golden Rabbit Longsword
Golden Techno Blade
Green Dragon Hunting Blade
Grenwog Worshipper Greatsword
Heart Sabre
HollowSoul Knight Captain's Blade
HollowSoul Knight Captain's Dirk
Holly Sword
Ice Cold Steel
Ice Frost Sabre
Ice Storm Blade
Ignited Frost Sword
Jolly Frostval Caster's Sword
Liberty Blade
Liberty Blade Blue
Liberty Blade Red
Liberty Blade White
Lunar Gleam
Lunisolar Katana
Magical Dryad's Blade
Mammoth Crusher Black
New Year's Glow
Nightmare Pumpkin Greatsword
Overboard Blade of Boxgath
Peace Bringer Sword
Protector's Edge
Pumpkin Carver
Pumpkin Dicer
Pumpkin Slicer
Pumpkin Sword
Ragnarok Cavaliers Reaver
Recycled Parts Blade
Settler's Double Sword
Shade of Awe
Sheathed Kabasaran Sword
Shining Blade of Glory (Legend)
Sketchy 6th Betrayal Blade
Skullcrasher Cutlass
Slashing Rabbit
Slayer of Time
Solidified TimeBlade
Starlight Sword
Sugary Sword
Sword McLuck
Sword of Rainbows
Tarandus Battle Blade
Toxic Ivy Blade
Twig's Voyager Space Saber (Legend)
Twisted Blade of the Pumpkinlord (Legend)
Void Walker Sword (Legend)
Water Blade
Webbed Blade
Wind Blade
Zhu Ronin Cleaver