Armors (Legend Seasonal)

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Auto updating list of all Legend Seasonal Armors

Academy Jacket Outfit
Academy Tracksuit
Angel Avengers Team (Legend)
Arbor Armor
Arctic Defender
Arctic Necro-Draugr
Ardent Shadowslayer
Armor of Elim
Armure l'Amour (Legend)
Asmat Warrior
Assassin of Resolution
Battleon Formal Garb
Battlescarred DragonSlayer
Big Daddy Helper
Black Healer Robes
Black J6
Black Mage Robes
Black Ninja
Black Renegade
Black Rogue Armor
Black ShoGunslinger
Black Warrior Armor
Black Witch Armor
Blackserker Champion
Blazebeard (Armor)
Blood Hawk Team (Legend)
Blood Testament Corsair
Bodiless Horseman Morph
Bounty Hunter
Broncolich Away Gear (Legend)
Broncolich Fantasy Gear (Legend)
Broncoliches Logo Gear (Legend)
Carnaval of Love
Celtic Caster
Celtic Cutthroat
Celtic Destroyer
Cerise Dragon Spirit
Champion Of Ice
Chrono Vanguard
Classic Broncolich Gear (Legend)
Classic Loyalist Team (Legend)
Classic Miners Team (Legend)
Classic Seahorcs Gear (Legend)
Cold Bones Armor
Colorful Waterpolo Suit
Coolmint Twist
Countdown Disaster
Covert Falcon Ranger
Crimson Party Outfit
Crows Away Team (Legend)
Crows Rush Team (Legend)
Crows Team (Legend)
Crystallis Boardwalk Outfit (Legend)
Crystallis Summer Wear (Legend)
Cute Killer Costume
Cute Santa
Cutesy GrenwogSlayer
Cyber Maximillian
Cyber Punk (Legend)
Dark Celestial Priest
Dark McLuck (Legend)
Dark Pumpkin Caster
Descendant of the Dragon
Doom Phoenix Away Team (Legend)
Doom Phoenix Reborn Team (Legend)
Doom Phoenix Rush Team (Legend)
Dressy Gothic Beachwear
Ebil Kaiju Scientist
Ebony Dragon Spirit
Enchanted Big Love Formal Wear
Enchanted Hockey Star Captain
Enchanted Necrayaya Armor
Enchanted Tactical Agent Alpha
Enchanted Volleyball Captain
Eternal Champion (Legend)
Evolved PumpkinLord Armor
Festa da Fierce
Festive Archer (Legend)
Festive Battle Elf
Field Guardian (Armor)
Formal ZooKeeper
Frostlorn Bonedancer (Legend)
Frostval Barbarian Armor (Legend)
Frozen DeathKnight
Glutton Armor
Gobble Slayer
Gold Party Outfit
Golden Moglin Brawler
Golden Valentine Warrior
Golf Suit
Gourdello Armor
Green Dragon Armor (1)
Grenwog Slayer
Grid Iron Death Team (Legend)
Harpies Away Team (Legend)
Harpies Rush Team (Legend)
Harpies Team (Legend)
Hollowsoul Knight Captain
Hooked Metal Mog
Huaso's Atuendo Festejo
Huaso's Atuendo Oscuro
Ice Claw (Armor)
Ice Protector
Jolly Frostval Caster
Kezeroth's Armor (Legend)
Legendary Dragon Spirit
Legion ShadowCats Armor (Legend)
Lolosian Corsairs Away Team (Legend)
Lolosian Corsairs (Legend)
Lolosian Corsairs Rush Team (Legend)
Lovely Celtic Warrior
Loyalist Away Gear (Legend)
Loyalist Away Team (Legend)
Loyalist Rush Team (Legend)
Loyalist Team (Legend)
Lumina Mage
Magical MerMariner (Legend)
Mammoth Team (Legend)
Mascarada de Muertos
Masquerade Vesture
Maximillian Arctic Armor
Mecha Gear: Mediator (Legend)
Miners Away Team (Legend)
Miners Rush Team (Legend)
Miners Team (Legend)
Mort's PJs
Muenster Monsters Team (Legend)
Mummy (Armor)
Mutant Pumpkin Lord (Legend)
Native Turkey Hunter
Native Warrior
NechoTech V2
Nightmare Pumpkin Lord
Nocturan Adept
Peppermint Twist
Pilgrim Rogue
Pilgrim Warrior
Pilgrim Wizard
Plume of Paradise
Poised Serpent Rapper
Pomegranate Twist (Legend)
Prismatic ClawSuit (Armor)
Prismatic Fall Fighter
Pumpkin Lord Armor (Legend)
Rainy Day Romper
Red Hibiscus Sarong
Red Moglinster (Armor)
Red Tide Dragon (Legend)
Red Voltabolt Coat
Robe of Knowledge
Rose Ebil Ninja
Royal Romance Garb
Sakura Dragon Spirit
Sapphire Beach Jacket (Legend)
Satyrs Away Team (Legend)
Satyrs Rush Team (Legend)
Satyrs Team (Legend)
Scrooge Mcluck
Seahorcs Away Gear (Legend)
Seahorcs Team (Legend)
Sean and Dawn Are The Dead
Serpent Parade Green
Serpent Parade Red
Serpent Rap Artist
Shadey Cowboy
Shadowcats Away Gear (Legend)
Shadowcats Gear (Legend)
Smooth Billionaire Suit (Legend)
Soldados Brasileiros
Space Voyager Twig (Legend)
Spearmint Twist
Spirit of Conquest (Legend)
Spirit of Death (Legend)
Spirit of Famine (Legend)
Spirit of War (Legend)
Storm Ruler
Strolling Zombie Killer
Summer Rave A
Summer Uniform
Tactical Agent Alpha
Tarandus Battle Armor
Terno Encantado
Thermal Lorekeeper of the Moon
Thermal Lorekeeper of the Sun
Thrilling Outfit
Tigers Away Team (Legend)
Tigers Team (Legend)
Timeseeker (Legend)
Toil Armor
Tribal Chieftains Away Team (Legend)
Tribal Chieftains Rush Team (Legend)
Tribal Chieftains Team (Legend)
Turkey Suit
Twig's PJs
Undead Curse
Undead Mage Armor
Undead Moglin (Armor)
Urban Royal Streetwear
UW3017 Shield (Legend)
Vampire Armor (Armor)
Void Walker (Legend)
Volleyball Captain
Voltabolt Coat
Votari Warrior
Warhorses Team (Legend)
Warrior of the Star
Witch Armor (Armor)
Yaomo Armor
Zeph'gorog Armor

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