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Auto updating list of all Legend Polearms
Abaddon's Terror
Absolix Polearm
Air Fènnù de Hóuzi Ornate Glaive
Amethyst Scythe
Ancient Knight's Polearm (Legend)
Ascent to Arms
Battle Cleric's Draconic Spear
Battle Mage's Staff
Batwing Scythe
Beast of Pirate's Bay Trident
Beastmaster of Nulgath Spear
Bido's Toxic Flame Spear
Blade of the Dead
BladeMaster's Fauchard
Blazerun Beacon Staff
Blazing Solar Staff
Blood Scythe Of Destruction
Blood Sworn Polearm
Bogbreather Spear
Brawn Jovi
BrightGuard's Bladed Polearm (Legend)
Cadaverous Scythe
Celestial Beacon Polearm
Celestial Beacon Scythe
Celestial Beacon Staff
Chaorrupted Halberd
Chaotic Crystal Glaive
Chaotic Dragon Lance
Chaotic Music Note
Charmed Bident
Charon's Oar
Charon's Spear
Corrupt Draconic Rhongomyniad
Cosmic Reaper
Creeper Arm
Crimson Dragon Scythe
Crimson Purification
Cursed Bone Knight Scythe
Dapper Cane (Legend)
Dark Bone Knight Scythe
Dark Lightning Staff
Dark Ripper Spear
Dark Scythe of the Realm
Dead Comb
Deadly Dragon Claw
Deadly Jester Scythe (Legend)
Death Pit Bone Scythe
Deathknight Spear
DeepSea Star Pirate's Trident
Divine Retribution
Divine Storm Scythe
Doublesided Painblade
Draconian Poleaxe
Dragon's Reach
Dreadhaven Halberd +5
Dreadhaven Spear +5
Dry Ice Polearm
Dry Ice Polearm +10
Dual-Edged Duneskewer
Duel Molten Greatswords On A Stick
Earth Fènnù de Hóuzi Ornate Glaive
Electric Arc
Elegant Vampire Scythe
Elite Fortress Guard Lance (Legend)
Empowered Double Bladed Soul Scythe
Enchanted Abaddon's Terror
Enchanted Prisma Spear
Energy Reaper Scythe
Enhanced BroomBroom
Evisceration Reaper
Evolved Ogre's Spear
FallFire Scythe
FallFire Staff
Fear of Light (2)
Fear of Shadows
Fènnù de Hóuzi Fire Glaive Ornate
Festive Pine Gift Scythe
Fiendish Monkey King Staff
Fiendish Monkey King Staff (Legend)
Fiend's Spear of Oblivion (Legend)
Fight of the Light
Flaming Golden Deathspear
Fork of Ruin (Mem)
Forked Trident (Mem)
Frost Scythe
Frostguard's Lance
FrostScythe's Cruelty
Gears of Melancholy
Geki Halberd
Gilded Dread Scythe
Gilded Ram Poleaxe
Glorified Spear of the Celestine
Golden Purification
Great Spear Of Flame
Greater Bloodbeacon Polearm +5
Grim's Shadow Scythe
Guandao of Slaying
Gunlance (Legend)
Half-Dragon's Havoc
Hammer of Infinite Space (Legend)
Hashi Trident
Havoc Scythe of Nulgath (Legend)
Hollowborn Shadow Shaper's Scythe
Hollowsoul Lance
Hyaline Spear
Hydra Spear
Iron Spear of Chaos
Jus Divinum Polearm
Karmic Retribution (Legend)
Kartherax Scythe
Kiss of Venom
Lán sè Shu Naginata
Lance Of Gourds
Legacy Spear
Legendary Knight's Pike
Legendary Retribution
Legion Wolf Scythe
Lengjing's Pike
Leviasean Pike
Leviathan's Lightning
Lightwielder's Spear
Love at First Scythe
Love Harvester
Lunar Sand Spear (Legend)
Luxorlight Spear
Lycan Scythe of Hemorrhaging
MantaRay Paddle
Marauder Spear
Memehano's Blaze
Mermaid's Hairpoon
Mudluk's Prosperity
Murgish Shortspear
Mushroom Scythe
Mystical HydraSlayer Polearm
Nation Dragonbane Scythe
Nebula Reaper
Necrotic Naginata of Doom
Necrotic Scythe of Scourge
New Love at First Scythe
Nightshade Staff
Oblivion Spear of Revontheus
Obsidian Polearm
Occam's Razor Scythe
Octarine Scythe (Legend)
Odanata Weapon
O-dokuro Glaive
One Eyed DoomLance
Onyx Legion Wolf Scythe
Organ Harvester
Pestilence Spear
Pike of Contempt
Pike of Pain
Pluma de Boitata Staff (Legend)
Poison Vapor Polearm
Possessed Pitchfork
Potent Chaorruption
Prismatic Pitchfork
Pumpkin Lance of Piercing
Purified HydraSlayer Polearm
Purified Scythe of Nulgath
Purified Soulbinder Poleaxe
Queen's ArchSage Scythe
Radiant Lucian Spear
Rage Against the Scythe (Legend)
Rage Unleashed Scythe
Raven Queen Scythe (Legend)
Red Hot Chili Poker
Red Naginata
Red Rocket Blade
Rip Tide
Riparian Trident
Rocket on a Stick
Royal Knight's Lance
Sands Of Blood Scythe
SandSea Guardian's Polearm
Sapphire Slicer
Scorpion Scythe
Scorpion Spear
Scythe of Dread
Scythe of Liberty
Scythe of Red Death
Scythe of Revenant
Scythe of Scourge
Scythe of Screams (1)
Scythe of the Celestial Guard (Legend)
Scythe of the Decrepit
Scythe Of The Void
Shadow Beastmaster of Nulgath Spear
Shadow Scythe
Shadow Slash
ShadowFlame Dragon Spear (Legend)
ShadowRender Scythe
ShadowScythe of Scourge
Shamrockin' Scythe
Shattered Ice
Shattered Soul Harvester
Sheer Polearm
Shinobi Naginata
Sickle of the Harvest
Skyguard Spear
Soul Saving Spear
Soulcursed Silencer
Soulreaper of Nulgath
Spear of Guiding
Spear of Honor
Spear of Immortality
Spear Of Legend
Spear of the New Year
Spirit Scythe of Wrath
SpiritHunter Halberd
SpiritHunter's Pike
SpiritHunter's Reaper
Staff of Despair
Stone's Glow
Stormy Pinkness
Superior Guard Spear
Techno Armored Spear (Legend)
Techno Dragon Spear (Legend)
The Apprentice's Scythe
The Brutalizer (Legend)
The Eggsterminator Scythe
The Everglaive
The Grave Spade
The Hollow Spear
The Scythe of Eternal Rest
Thunderborn Trident
TideWalker's Wrapped Spear (Legend)
TideWalker's Wrapped Trident (Legend)
Tinsel Taunter
Translucent Axe
Trident of Alignment
Turdrakolich Slicer
Twisted Gift Scythe
Ultra Dragoon Lance
Ultra Revenger Polearm
Underworld Soul Weaver's Spear (Legend)
Unholy Demons Slash
Unlucky Bident
Vampire Guard's Scythe
Violaceous Purification
Vodarage Beacon Staff
Void GateKeeper's Spear (Legend)
Void Walker Spear (Legend)
Water Fènnù de Hóuzi Ornate Glaive
Wraith Warder
Wretched Widowmaker (Legend)