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Auto updating list of all Legend Pets
+10 Pts Shark Pet
10th Anniversary Battle Dragon
10th Anniversary Frogcherion
10th Birthday Cake
13th Egg Pet
13th Eyeball Pet
13th Horror-day Chibifar0
1st Betrayal Blade of Nulgath Pet
+20 Pts Shark Pet
2nd Betrayal Blade of Nulgath Pet
+30 Pts Shark Pet
3 Little Pigs Pet
3D Jimmy the Eye
3rd Betrayal Blade of Nulgath Pet
4-Eyed Alien Larva
4th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath Pet
5th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath Pet
6th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath Pet
7Seas Cannon
7th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath Pet
8-Bit Bright Dragon Pet
8-Bit Hermes
8-Bit Memet
8-Bit Trobble
8th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath Pet
Aberrant Horror Pet
Abyssal Heretic's Mystic Blade Battlepet
Abyssal Wanderer Pet (Legend)
Actual Slothagon Pet
AdventureQuest Balloon Dragon
Aggressive Ebil Kuro Pet
Agitated Orb Battlepet
Agitated Pocong Companion
Akiba Dragoneon
Albino Bat (Pet)
Albino Onyx Armored Grenwog
Albino Peacock
Alina's Wedding Cake
Almighty One Pet
Almost Visible Baby Dragon
Alpha Ferret Pirate
Ambitious Ferret
Ancient Nightmare's Battle Pet (Legend)
Ancient Undead Minion
Angler Trobble (Pet)
Angry Boar Pet
Angry Bunny Pet
Angry Punch Pet
Ankle Biter
Anqa Battle Pet
Anubis Mummy Pet
Apa's Grace Battlepet
Apocalyptic BattleBlade Pet
Apocalyptic DragonKing's Sword Battlepet
AQWorld Cup Ball
Arara Amarela
Arara Azul
Arara Caos Lutador +3
Arara Jubilo
Arara Ouro
Arara Verde
Arcane Dark Caster Spirit Book (Legend)
Arcane Orb
Arcane Orb (Rare)
Arcane Parrot
Arcane Wolf
Arcangrove Owl
Arcangrove Raven
Arch Broodfiend Battle Pet
ArchFiend Dragon Egg
Archfiend Transcendence Battle Larva
ArchFiend's Vampragon
ArchFish Pet
Archivist Moglin
Arctic Wolf Pup
Arctusk Pet
Ardent Demon BattlePet
Ardent Shadowslayer Marionette
Armored Baby Frost Dragon 08
Armored Baby Red Dragon
Armored Daimyo Battlepet
Armored Guardian Dragon Pet (1)
Armored Guardian Dragon Pet (2)
Armored Mini Grenwog
Armored Piglet
Armored Vindicator BattlePet
ARTX Twilly Pet
Ascended Armored Daimyo Battlepet
Asian Dragon
Asteroid Rider Memet Pet
Atlas Stone Pet (Legend)
Attack Scorpion
Auspicious Mammona Battlepet (Legend)
Austere Shadowslayer Effigy (Legend)
Autumnal Dragon
Baby Bobble
Baby Cellot
Baby Chaos Dragon
Baby Crystal Dragon
Baby Dragon Artix
Baby Dragon Gravelyn
Baby Dragon Nulgath
Baby Dragon of Love Pet (Legend)
Baby Dragon ShadowFlame (Legend)
Baby Fire Dragon
Baby Frost Drake
Baby Green Dragon
Baby Ice Dragon
Baby Mantis Pet
Baby Moganth
Baby New Year Cub
Baby Pink Dragon
Baby Red Dragon
Baby Seal Battlepet (AC)
Baby Seal Battlepet (Non-AC)
Baby Shadow Dragon
Baby SharkCaster Battlepet
Baby Slothagon Pet
Baby Trigoras Dragon
Baby Twiggu's Pod Pet
Baby Vampragon
Baby Wooly Mammoth
Bacon Cat
BaconCat Zard
Bad Luck Kitten
Bad Mr. Wubbles
Badger Bear
Badger Brigade Pet
Bah-hum Bug
Bald Eagle
Balloon Reindeer
Bananach's Raven
Bandit Pup
Bat Bruiser
Battle Bat
Battle Bongo Cart Pet
Battle Commander Liest
Battle Gemaphant Pet
Battle Gems Anubus
Battle Gems DeathKnight
Battle Gems Dimetrodon
Battle Gems Gorillaphant
Battle Gems Hyena
Battle Gems Minoootaur
Battle Gems Ninetail
Battle Gems SnowWolf
Battle Gems Troll
Battle Gems Werewolf
Battle Grumpy
Battle Kitten
Battle Lamb
Battle OMGZilla
Battle PaladinSlayer Daimyo
Battle Pet Pyro
Battle Ready Kyger
Battle Slime
Battle Trollolol
Battle Twig
Battle Wyvern
Battlefiend Blade of Nulgath
Battle-Ready Binky
Battle-Ready Gren
Battle-Ready Mecha Binky
Battlescarred Ronin Moglin
Battling Grandhonk Goose the Gray
Bay Watcher Twig (Legend)
Beach Comber Quibble (Legend)
Bear Cub
Beastly Prince (Legend)
Beleen Balloon (Pet)
Beleen's Birthday Chinchilla
Beleen's Stupid Derp-Fish
Belo Passaro BattlePet
Beloved Vampragon
Bibliospectre Pet
Big Daddy (Pet)
Big Pigasus (Pet)
Bird of Coeurs (Legend)
Bird of Paradise (Pet)
Birthday ArchFish Pet
Biscuits the Beaver
Black Battlecorn
Black Cat
Black Chinchilla
Black Dragon Guardian Battle (Legend)
Black Dragon's Parrot Pet (Legend)
Black Friday Troll
Black Furble Pet
Black Kitten
Black Memurble
Black Spaced Intruder
Black Spider
Black Wolf
Blackened Wishbone Pet
Blacklight-ning Sprites (Pet)
Blacklights Pet
BlackSkulls Weapon Kit
Blade of Revontheus the Good Pet
Blazebringer Molten Blade Pet
Blazing Summer Zilla Chibi
Blight Prince Pet
Blistering Hawk
Blizzard Naval Moglin (Legend)
Blizzy Protec Battle Pet
Blood Crystal
Blood Eagle Pet
Blood Hanzo Orb Pet
Blood Makai Battlepet
Blood Moggot Pet
Blood Orb
Blood Orb (Rare)
Blood Red Fire Flies (Legend)
Blood Spider
Blood Sworn Moglin Pet (Legend)
BloodBlade of Nulgath Battle Pet
Bloodwolf Pup
Blue Baby Chick
Blue Dragon's Parrot Pet (Legend)
Blue FooDog
Blue FooPup
Blue Furble Pet
Blue Giftbox Pet
Blue Greep Pet
Blue Gummi
Blue Hedgehog (Pet)
Blue Memurble
Blue Spaced Intruder
Blue Trobble
Blue Trobbolier Pet
Blueberry Clawgurt
Blueberry Nubmuffin
Blush Brilliant Gem Pet
Bobby On Bike
Bone Dragonling (Pet)
Bone Guardian Pet
Bongo Cart Pet
Book Swarm Pet