Capes & Back Items (Legend)

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Auto updating list of all Legend Capes & Back Items

2013 Solar Watch Cape
Abaddon Bruiser's Rune
Abyssal Commander's Wings (Legend)
Albino Peacock Feathers
Alchemical Commander's Crossed Weapons (Legend)
Alpha Omega Coils (Legend)
Ancient Mystical Katana Cape
Angel Champion Wings
Anguished Spirit Moon
Archfiend Cloak of Nulgath
Archfiend Titan's Furred Cloak (Legend)
Arctic Fox Companion (Legend)
Ardent Demon Cape
Armed Celestial Commander Wings
Artifact Hunter's Scarf (Legend)
Asbestos Cape
Assassin Commander Backblades (Legend)
Assassin of Nulgath Wings (Legend)
Astral Runes
Astravian Enforcer Complete Halo
Audioroid SoundWaves (Legend)
Auroral Wings
Auspicious Sheathed Weapons (Legend)
Autumnal Red Panda
Backblade of the Prepared
Backblades and Cloak Combo
Backbreaker Blade (Legend)
Backpack full of Scrolls
Backpack of TNT
Bag for the Naughty
Beastmaster of Nulgath Cape
Belrot arms
Bestial's Tail (Legend)
Billowing Scarf + Gem
Bioluminous Amanita Cloak
Black Dance Feathers
Black Turkey Feathers 13
Black Turtle Shell
BlackBolt Cape
Bladed Braid
Bladed Hunter's Cloak
BladeMaster Shuriken Cape (Legend)
Blazing Sigil Cape
Blood Hanzo Cape (Legend)
Blood Harvest Moon
Blood Moon Rifles + Wrap
Bloodletter Sacrifice Portal (Legend)
Bloodmoon Faerie Double Wings (Legend)
Bloodsea Captain's Tentacles
Blood-Stained Fur Cloak
Bluddron's Bestial Cape
Bobby on the Back
Bomb on your Back
Bonebreaker Naval Slicer Cape (Legend)
Bonefiend Manslayer's Tail (Legend)
Braken Cape
Brass Jet Backpack
Brass Monkey on your back!
Bright BitterHeart Blade
Bright BitterHeart Blades
Bright FlameBlade Cape
Bright Grove Wings
BRIGHT Pink Eternal Burning Flame
Bright Shadow's Wrap
Bright Sheathed Bitter Blade
Bright SnowAngel's Wings (Legend)
BrightFlame DragonKnight Winged Cloak (Legend)
Brightoak Avenger Wrap
Brightoak Avenger's Aura
Brightoak's Bladed Cape
Bronze Draconian Wings
BroodFiend Spines
BroodFiend Wrap
Burning Celestial Wings (Legend)
Burning Phoenix Wings
Call of Hope
Canvas Cape
Cape d'Amour
Cape of Drowning
Cape of Moments
Cape of Shadowed Prowess
Cape of the Lost
Cape Shaped Giftbox (AC)
Cape Shaped Giftbox (Non-AC)
Carnaval Party Poppet
Celestial Commander Wings
Celestial Double Wings
Celestial Guardian Double Wings
Celestial Healer's Sparks (Legend)
Celestial Summoner Rune Cape
Celestial Wings of Nulgath (Legend)
Ceremonial Backup Cutlass
Cerulean Flame Wings
Chained Coffin Cape
Champion's Sigil (Legend)
Chaorrupted Cape
Chaorrupted Cavern Branches
Chaorrupted Tome Cape
Chaos Cloak
Chaos Fur Cloak
Chaos Giftbox Cape 2017 Mem
Chaos Squid Cape
Chaos takes Flight
Chaos Tentacles
Chaos Trench Coat + Sword
ChaosWeaver Cape and Spears
Chaotic Banner Cape
Chaotic Banneret's Bladed Wrap
Chaotic Countdown Cape
Chaotic Draconian Wings
Chaotic Pathshaper Tendril Cape
Chaotic Spellsword Wings
Charredbones Parrot
Chimera Parasitoid Tail and Wings (Legend)
Claw of Energy Cape
Claw of Fire Cape
Claw of Silver Cape
Claw of Water Cape
Claw of Wind Cape
Claw of Wood Cape
Claws of Rath'kor
Cleric's Aura
Cloak of Blizzard
Cloak of Clouds
Cloak of Dragonwings
Cloak of Fire and Shadows
Cloak of Great Divide
Cloak of Nulgath
Cloak of Panthera
Cloak of Shadows
Cloak of Silence
Cloak of the Dark
Cloak of the Kingdom
Cloak of the Night
Cloak of Vath
Cloak On Teh Prowel
Closed Lunar Sandwings (Legend)
Coffee Guzzler
Color-Custom Astral Wings
Colorful Giftbox Cape 2021
Conquest's Cape
Conquest's Embellished Cloak
Creature 15's Tail
Creature 16's MouthTail
Creature 28's Head
Creeper PumpkinLord Shroud (Legend)
Creepy Bat Wings
Crimson Archer Quiver
Crimson Countdown Cape
Crimson Party Cape
Crimson Winglets
Crossed Abyssal Frost Katanas
Crossed Blood Isles Cutlasses
Crossed Candy Axes
Crossed Midnight Cutlasses
Crossed Overclocked F13nd Blade and Hammer (Legend)
Crouching Blissus, Hidden far0
Cryo Assassin of Nulgath Wings (Legend)
Crystallis Conductor's Glyph
Crystallis Soldier's Hologram
Crystallized Ice Shards
Crystallized Ice Wings (Legend)
Cupid's Feathers (Legend)
Cursed Anchor Cape
Customizable Emblazoned Competitor's Bag
Cutesy Carrot Quiver Cape
Cutesy Grenwog's Bigger Gloves Trophy
Cutesy Grenwog's Gloves Trophy Cape
Cutesy the Fluff Cape
Cyber Assassin Back Katanas
Cyber Code Cape (Legend)
Cyber Deadly Assassin Back Blade (Legend)
Cyber Maximillian Cape
Cyberg Cape (Legend)
Cyberspace Dragon of Time Wing + Tail (Legend)
CyberVoid Wings
Dark Archfiend Cloak of Nulgath
Dark Asgardian Wrap (Legend)
Dark Auril Tail
Dark BitterHeart Cape
Dark Draconian Wings
Dark Dragon of Time Wing + Tail (Legend)
Dark Dragon's Wrap
Dark Embrace of the Queen
Dark Marrowspikes
Dark Overseer's Wings (Legend)
Dark Ripper Cape
Dark Rune Cape
Dark SnowAngel's Rune (Legend)
Dark Sparkle Cape
Dark Tail Of Destruction
Dark Wings of the Realm
DarkCaster's Winged Ministry
Darkfiend BackBlades of Nulgath (Legend)
Darkness Tendril Wings
Darkside Ascension Spiked Cloak (Legend)
Darkside Ascension Spikes (Legend)
Darrgoross Rune
Deadly Assassin Back Blade
Deadman's Bloodplates
DeathKnight Cape
DeathKnight's Shroud
Derp Twilly on your Back
Derp Zorbak on your Back
Descended Amadis Wings
Diabolical Magi Sigil
Diabolical Otherworldy Arms
Diplomatic Mantle
Disguised Pirate's Crossed Cutlasses
Doom Cloak
Doom DragonSlayer's Winged Wrap
Doom Worm Creepers
Doomed Artillery Array
DoomFiend Overlord's Spikes (Legend)
Double Jewelled Fly Wings
Dragon Wings
DragonFlame Coat + Rapier (Legend)
Dragonsworn Commander's Hip Cutlass (Legend)
DragonTamer's Power Wings (Legend)
Draped Chaos
Dread Heads of Nulgath
Dread Wings
Dreadhaven General Cape +5
Dreadhaven Knight Cape +5
Dreadspider Abdomen
Dreadspider Cape
Dreadspider Combo
Druids Fur Cloak
Dual Crash Logo Cape
Dual Crossed Shotgun Cape
Dual Flight Engineer Wings
Dual Mechanized Cutlass Cape (Legend)
Duality Mage Runecape
Duel Swords Paladin Cloak
Dunstalker's Wings
Dwakel Tech Spikes
Dwarlord Cloak
Ebil Nano-Katana Cape
Ebil Nanotype Grid
Ebil Operative Cape
EbilCorp Fishman Tail
EbilCorp Knight's Cape
Eggceptional Bunny Cannon Launcher
Eldritch BackBow Cape
Eldritch BackbowCape + Ribbons
Electric Axe on your Back
Electrifying Zilla Tote Bag
Electro BioBattery Pack
Elegant Guard's Cape
Elegant Guard's Wings

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