Armors (Legend)

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Auto updating list of all Legend Armors

Pastel Skyguard Captain (Legend)
Peacock's Costume
Peppermint Twist
Pie-rate Captain
Pilgrim Rogue
Pilgrim Warrior
Pilgrim Wizard
Pink Entity
Pink L.O.S.E.R. (Armor)
Pink Necromancer
Pink WerePyre Slayer (Legend)
Pink Witch Armor (Legend)
PinkScar Rocker
Pirate of Vokun
Pirate Renegade
Pirut SlayR
Plasma Pyro (Legend)
Plate of Golden Prowess
Plate Of Holiness
Plate Of The Garnet Dragon (Legend)
Platinum Eternal Champion (Legend)
Plume of Paradise
Poised Serpent Rapper
Poisonmaker's Apprentice
Pomegranate Twist (Legend)
Pride of Chaos
Pride of Panthera
Pride of the Kingdom
Priest of the Ashes
Prisma Pop (Legend)
Prismatic ClawSuit (Armor)
Prismatic Doom Attendant
Prismatic Draconian
Prismatic Fall Fighter
Prismatic Necromancer (1)
Prismatic Neon Shadow (Legend)
Prismatic SkyGuard Warrior
Prismatic Water Snake
Pristine Blades of Order
ProtoSartorium (Armor)
Pumpkin Lord Armor (Legend)
Purified SoulBinder
Purple Dragonpriest Robes
Pyromancer Evolution (Legend)
Pyromancer's Apprentice
Queen's ArchSage (Armor)
Rainbow Pride Parade Outfit
Rainy Day Romper
Rampage Blademaster (Legend)
Rare DeathHunter Armor (Legend)
Rath and Zail Morphs
Raven King & Queen (Legend)
Ravenous Reaver (Legend)
Razorkiss Mech (Legend)
REALLY Undead Paladin
Reclamation Armor
Red Asian Dress
Red Dragon Plate
Red Dwarf Warrior Armor
Red Hibiscus Sarong
Red Kirin Parade Costume
Red L.O.S.E.R. (Armor)
Red Moglinster (Armor)
Red Tide Dragon (Legend)
Red Voltabolt Coat
Red-Hot Swank Valentine (Legend)
Reign Gate Keeper
Reign Plate
Renegade Armor
Revontheus the Good (Armor)
Rift Warden
Ripped Denim Concert Gear
Rise of a Dragon Slayer
Robe of Knowledge
Robe of the Arcane
Robes of Rayst
Rogue Fiend of Nulgath (Legend)
Rogue Leather
Romantic Heart
Ronin Hunter
Rose Ebil Ninja
Rosy Royal Wedding Garb (Legend)
Rouge Lord and Lady
Royal Alchemist
Royal Battle Herald
Royal Dancer
Royal Fang Armor
Royal Romance Garb
Royal Shockwave Scholar
Royal Suit
Royal Swordhaven Guard
Ruby Dragonhealer's Robes
Ruby Kitsune Duelist
Ruby Kitsune Duelist Plate
Sage Armor
Sakura Dragon Spirit
Sandsea Blaster Bandit
Sandsea Enchanter (Legend)
Sandsea General's Armor
SandSea Guardian
Sanguine Vampire (Legend)
Sanguine's Armor
Santy Claws Moglin Suit
Sapphire Beach Jacket (Legend)
Satyrs Away Team (Legend)
Satyrs Rush Team (Legend)
Satyrs Team (Legend)
Savage Warlord Armor
Scarlet's Costume
Scarsgarde Captain
Scientist J6 (Permanent)
Scion of Embers (Legend)
Scorching Leonine Archer
Scourge Overlord (Legend)
Scrooge Mcluck
Seahorcs Away Gear (Legend)
Seahorcs Team (Legend)
Sean and Dawn Are The Dead
Sek-Duat (Armor)
Seraphic Gunslinger (Legend)
Serpent Parade Green
Serpent Parade Red
Serpent Rap Artist
Server Gremlin Suit
Shadey Cowboy
Shadow Beastmaster Of Nulgath
Shadow Blade Shinobi
Shadow Dancer
Shadow Guard
Shadow Inbunche (Legend)
Shadow Jester (1)
Shadow Made
Shadow Mage (Armor)
Shadow Nightmare J6 (Legend)
Shadow of Nulgath (Armor)
Shadow of Nulgath (Rare)
Shadow Pirate
Shadow Shinobi
Shadow Solrac's Legacy (Legend)
Shadow Stalker
Shadow Void of Nulgath (Legend)
Shadow Weaver
Shadow WerePyre Slayer (Legend)
Shadow Witch (Legend)
Shadow ZombieSlayer Armor
Shadowcats Away Gear (Legend)
Shadowcats Gear (Legend)
ShadowCore Rocker
Shadowed Gothika (Legend)
Shadow's Costume (Legend)
Shadow's Light
Shadowscythe Mecha suit
ShadowScythe Rogue
Shadowslayer Armor
Shinobi Senshi (Legend)
Shinobi X
Silent Angel of Revontheus (Legend)
Silent Sentinel
Silver Cyborg Monk
Silver GunSmith
Silver Valentine Warrior
Silver Wedding Guest
Skulls of the Necromancer
SkyGuard Diplomat
Skyguard Gunner
Skyguard Helmsman
SkyGuard Mech Armor
SkyGuard Medic
SkyGuard MP
Skyguard Private
Skyguard Private (Temp)
SkyGuard Rifleman
Skyguard SWAT
Skyguard Warrior
Sly Fox Suit
Smooth Billionaire Suit (Legend)
Solar Entity (Legend)
Soldados Brasileiros
Solrac Devoid
Solrac Legacy
Sorcerer Armor
Soul Banisher
Soul of Chaos Armor
Soul of Chaos Human Armor
Space Marine (Legend)
Space Voyager Twig (Legend)
Space-Mage Armor
Spearmint Twist
Spicelord (Mem)
Spider Witch (Legend)
Spirit of Conquest (Legend)
Spirit of Death (Legend)
Spirit of Famine (Legend)
Spirit of Fire Armor
Spirit of War (Legend)
Spirit of Water Armor
Spirit Wolf
SpiritHunter Armor
Spookeasy Nightmare (Legend)
Sporkion Garb
Squire of Heartfelt Sighs
SteamPunk TreasureHunter
Stinky Cheese Suit (Legend)
Storm Kimono
Storm Ruler
Stormborn Battlegear
Strolling Zombie Killer
Summer Rave A
Summer Uniform
Super6 (Permanent)
Supernova Fortress Guard (Legend)
Sweetish Fish Suit
Swordhaven Diplomat
Swordhaven Master Adept
Synderes Groupie Armor
Tactical Agent Alpha
Tanuki Morph
Tarandus Battle Armor
Tau Ceti Soldier
Techno Mage
Techtronic Biker (Legend)
Terno Encantado
Terror Lord
The Beast Below
The Butcher (Armor)
The Chaos Knight
The Loop Armor
The Seekers of Chaos (Legend)
The Spawn
The Unhinged
The Unholy Armor
Thermal Lorekeeper of the Moon
Thermal Lorekeeper of the Sun
Thermal Titan

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