Armors (Legend)

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Auto updating list of all Legend Armors

Grid Armor
Grid Iron Death Team (Legend)
Grief Armor (Legend)
Gryphon Rider
Guard of Vokun
Guardian Spirit (Armor)
Gymnast Gear
Hand of Destiny
Hand of Destruction
Hand-Drawn J6 Armor
Harpies Away Team (Legend)
Harpies Rush Team (Legend)
Harpies Team (Legend)
Heavy Metal Mercenary
Hei Gong Ji (Legend)
Hero of Steel (Armor) (Legend)
Heroic ZombieSlayer Armor
High Celestial Priest (Armor)
High ShadowScythe Rogue
Hipster Sweatervest (Legend)
Hollow Revenant
Hollow Zerker
Hollowborn GateKeeper
Hollowborn Shadow Shaper (Legend)
Hollowsoul Knight
Hollowsoul Knight Captain
Honor Guard
Honor of Onslaught
Hooked Metal Mog
Horc Glory Armor
Horc Peacekeeper
Huaso's Atuendo Festejo
Huaso's Atuendo Oscuro
Hydra Armor
Hydra Hunter
Iadoa (Armor)
Ice Beast
Ice Claw (Armor)
Ice Protector
Ice Warrior
Ice Wizard (1)
Icy Claws Suit (Legend)
Immortal LionSlayer (Legend)
Inbunche (Armor)
Indigo Paladin
Infernal Warrior (Armor) (2)
Inverted Elegaic Mage (Legend)
Iridescent Nereidian Majesty (Legend)
Iron Bones
J6 Space Commander
Jaan Sentinel (Legend)
Jack Rabbit
Jaded Necromancer
Jafar Armor
Jester Outfit
Jingling Armor Giftbox 12
Jolly Frostval Caster
Jolly SnowStalker
Justified Summer Lounger (Legend)
Kahn of Dragons Barbarian
Kathool Annihilator
Kawaii School Uniform (Legend)
Kezeroth the Worldsaver (Legend)
Kezeroth's Armor (Legend)
Kindred's Valiance Armor
King Coal's Armor
Kirin's Avatar
Kitteh Warriorz
Kitty Clown
Knight of Love
Knight of Shadows
Knight of the Shining Armor
Knight of Thorns (Armor)
Knight Terror
Krampus (1)
Krampus (2)
Laken Armor
Laken the Evil (Legend)
Lán sè Shu Ninja
LaRosa Toga
La's Sleeveless Brawling Gear (Legend)
Late-Afternoon Wolfy
League Competitor's Emblazoned Garb (Legend)
Ledgermayne (Armor)
Legend Shirt
Legendary Bride and Groom
Legendary Chaos Destroyer
Legendary Chaos Healer
Legendary Chaos Mage
Legendary Chaos Rogue
Legendary Chaos Warrior
Legendary Dark BattleMage Armor 13
Legendary Darker Fiend
Legendary Dragon Spirit
Legendary Frostguard Commander
Legendary Knight
Legendary Prime Dominus
Legendary Shinobi
Legendary Wedding Usher
Legion ShadowCats Armor (Legend)
Leonides Guard Captain (Legend)
Leonides Lord Commander (Legend)
Leonine Storm
Leopard Armorz
Lethe Of Vokun
Lich General
Lich Of The Stone (Armor)
Licorice Twist (Armor)
Light Auriladae
Light Witch
Lightning ClawSuit (Legend)
Living Ice (Armor)
Living Mana
Loki Mecha
Lolosian Corsairs Away Team (Legend)
Lolosian Corsairs (Legend)
Lolosian Corsairs Rush Team (Legend)
Looter's Raiment
Lord Brentan (Armor)
Lost Warrior
Love of Rouge
Lovely Celtic Warrior
Loyalist Away Gear (Legend)
Loyalist Away Team (Legend)
Loyalist Rush Team (Legend)
Loyalist Team (Legend)
Lucky Foot
Lumina Mage
Luminous Armor
Lunar Sand Knight (Legend)
Lycan Of Nulgath (Legend)
Mad Magic Manawalker
Mad Ubear Conductor
Madness of Chaos
Mage of Cinders
Mage of the Ignited Ones
Magenta's Costume
Magical Johnson
Magical MerMariner (Legend)
Magical Superstar (Legend)
Magistrate Armor
Magitech Plating
Magma Armor
Magma Claw
Makeshift Mage
Malachite Merc
Mammoth Team (Legend)
Man of Steal (Legend)
Marauder Legionary
Marauder Scout
Mascarada de Muertos
Masque of Red Death (Legend)
Masquerade Vesture
Master Falconer
Master Punk
Matrix Hanzo Void (Legend)
Maximillian Arctic Armor
Maximillian Armor
Mecha Gear: Mediator (Legend)
Mecha Leprechaun Suit (Legend)
Medieval Shadow
Memet Kigu (Legend)
Metamorphosis Maw's Loyal Knight
Midnight Hanzo Void (Legend)
Midnight Nutcracker (Legend)
Mighty Undead Infantry Armor
Mighty Warlord Armor
Miners Away Team (Legend)
Miners Rush Team (Legend)
Miners Team (Legend)
Minotaur of War! (Legend)
Mirror Drakath (Armor)
Mirrored Eternal Dragon Celebration Outfit (Legend)
MockingSlayer (Legend)
Moglin Self
MogliTech (Legend)
Molten Dragon Plate
Molten Robe
Moon Lab Scientist
Mort's PJs
Mr. Strawberry Sparkle Suit
Muenster Monsters Team (Legend)
Mummy (Armor)
Music Pirate Garb
Mutant Pumpkin Lord (Legend)
Mystical Warrior
Nagami Armor
Nation Phalanx (Legend)
Nation's Draconic Soldier (Legend)
Native Turkey Hunter
Native Warrior
Natural Druid (Legend)
Nebula Dragonslayer (Legend)
NechoTech V2
Necro Battlemage
Necro U Cheerleader
Necromancer Emperor
Necromancer Fiend (Legend)
Nekoyasha Robe
Neon Blue Shadow
Night Hunter
Nightmare Pumpkin Lord
Nightshade Bounty Hunter
Nightwatch Samurai (Legend)
Noble Courtier
Noble Garb
Nocturan Adept
Noel Maurader (Legend)
Non-GMO BrutalCorn (Armor)
Northern Aurora (Legend)
Northern Twilight (Legend)
Northpointe Shadowmage
Northpointe ShadowRogue
Nulgath (Armor) (Legend)
Nulgathinator 9000
Nully Claws (Armor) (Legend)
OakHeart Guardian
Obsidian Aerodux WarMage (Legend)
Obsidian UndeadSlayer
One-Eyed Doll Band
Oni to Kijo (Legend)
Onyx Cleric Of Time
Onyx DOOMFire Warlord (Legend)
Onyx Dragon Armor
Onyx Dragon of Time (Legend)
Orange Karategi
Ornate Air Fènnù de Hóuzi
Ornate Earth Fènnù de Hóuzi
Ornate Water Fènnù de Hóuzi
Oversoul MerMan
Pactagonal Knight (Armor)
Pactagonal Knight's Armor
PaintBender (Legend)
Paladin (Armor)
Paladin Loremaster
Pantherian Priests
Particle Armor

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