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Auto updating list of all Free Player Swords
Blazing Heart Katana
Blazing Igneus Sickle
Blessed Beloved's Kris Knife
Blessed Blade of Power
Blessed Frostguarde Blade
Blinding Blade of Destiny
Blinding BrightShield Blade
Blinding Broadsword of Destiny
Blinding Rage Katana
Blood Energy Katana
Blood Guardian's Sword
Blood Moon Cleaver
Blood Needle
Blood of the Void Blade
Blood Rage Cutlass (Non-AC)
Blood Rage Sword
Blood Scripture Blade
Bloodbinder Katana
Bloodbiter Blade
BloodBlade of Vokun
Bloodborne Dragonsfang Blade
Blooddrop Slasher
Bloodletter Katana
Bloodlust Dirk
Bloodsea Captain's Cutlass
BloodShield Blade
Bloody UndeadSlayer Sword
Blooming Pine Ember
Blue Balloon Sword
Blue Giftbox Sword
Blue Sneevil Chainsaw
Blue Sonic Blade
Blueblood Blade
Boar's Guard Sword
BoltStriker Blade
BoltStriker Claymore
Bom Velhinho Blade
Bone Bane Blade
Bone Claymore
Bone Quaker Betrayal Blade
Bone Sword
Boneblade of Gorgorath
Bonespar Rapier
Boreal Katana (Non-AC)
Borgrix Guardian's Blade
Bound Sword of Serekh
Box Guardian Blade
Bramble Blame Blade
Bramble Ivory Blame Blade
Brand of Glory
Bright Blade (2)
Bright Blade of Destiny
Bright Blade of the Sunhawks
Bright Broadsword of Destiny
Bright Mana Flame Sabre
Bright New Hero Blade
Bright Nymph's Honor
Bright Officer's Blade
Bright Officer's Kunai
Bright Paladin's Sword
Bright Rypt Sword
Bright SnowAngel's FrostBlade (Non-AC)
Bright Wrapping Paper Blade
Brightoak Poison Sword
Brightoak Raven Sword
Brightscythe Katana
Brilliant Beacon Blade
Brilliant Brightscythe Claymore
Broad Sword
Broadsword of Destiny
Broken Blade
Broken Split Blade of the Deep
Broken Zweihander
Bronco Hand of Domination
Broncolich Hand Of Domination
Bronze ShortSword
Brutal Battle Blade
Brutal Cam-PAIN Blade
Brutal Sword
Brute Strength
Bunny Blade
Bunny Popsicle
Burning Blade (2)
Burning Blade Of Abezeth
Burning Freeze
Burning Phoenix Blade
Burning Pointe's Edge
Burning Ruby Blade
Burning Sapphire Blade
Burning Sun Blade (Merge)
Burning Sun Blade (Wheel)
Burning Sword of Doom
Butcher's Carver
Butterfly Sword
Caladblue Sword of DOOM
Candy Corn Crusher Blade
Candycorn Sword
Cangaceiro's Peixeira
Cardboard Chainsaw
Cardboard of Awe
Cardboard Sword
Cardletter Katana
Carmine Cutter
Carnax Disciple's Dagger
Carnax Laser Sword
Carnelian Dragon Scale Sword
Carrotene Cutter
Castle Guard Sword
Celebration Blade
Celebration Dagger
Celebratory Skewer
Celestial ArchFiend Sword
Celestial Blade Of Awe (Non-AC)
Celestial Commander's Plank
Celestial Commander's Sword
Celestial Khopesh
Celestial StarBlade
Celestial Summoner Blade
Ceremonial Dragon Blade (Non-AC)
Ceremonial Temple Blade
Ceremonial Tribal Blade
Cerulean J6 Phoenix Blade
Chainfire Blade
Chainsaw Katana
Champion Of Order Blade
Chaorrupted Blade of Awe
Chaorrupted Dragonblade
Chaorrupted Nightmare
Chaorrupted Rapier
Chaorrupted Skeleton Sword
Chaorrupter Unlocked (Free Player)
Chaos Ally Blade
Chaos Avenger's Greatsword
Chaos Avenger's Hook Blade
Chaos Backstabber
Chaos Bandit's Rusted Blade
Chaos Beleen Blade
Chaos Blade of the Imperium
Chaos Crystal Blade
Chaos Gutter
Chaos Hydraslayer Blade
Chaos Infused Blade
Chaos Longsword
Chaos Pirate Cutlass
Chaos PuppetMaster Scissors
Chaos Shifter
Chaos Skull Rapier
Chaos Spy Cutter
Chaos Widow Saber
Chaotic Asura
Chaotic Banneret's Shortsword
Chaotic Dragon Blade
Chaotic Event Horizon
Chaotic Fire Dragonblade
Chaotic Khopesh
Chaotic Knight Blade
Chaotic MonsterHunter's Sword
Chaotic Rigel Blade
Chaotic Savage Blade
Chaotic Scar Ripper
Chaotic Short Sword
Chaotic Sword of the Lost
Chaotic Vampire Blade
Chaotic Winterror
Charged Cyber Katana
Charon's Shears
Cherry Ice Pop
Cheval Glass Sword
Chewy Cookie Sword
ChickencowMancer’s Blade
ChocoBlade of DOOM
ChronoGear Blade
Chrononaut Blade
Chthonic Fiend Exsanguinator (Non-AC)
Citadel's Light Blade
Classic Blade of Awe
Classic Chunin Kunai
Classic Chunin Ninjanto
Classic Chunin Sai
Classy Curved Blade
Clawsuit Guardian Sword
Clawsuit Holiday Claymore
ClawSuiting Holiday Greatsword
Claymore of the Celts
Cleyera Sakaki Katana
Cloud Shifter
Clover Chopper
Cold as Ice Katana
Cold as Space Kris
Cold Rune Edge
Cold Steel Knife
Coldfire Odachi
Colorful Grenwog Carrot Kunai
Colorless Pumpking Blade
Colossal Black Hole Sword
Combat Cupid's War Syringe
Commander's Sword
Condemned Shadow Sword
Conflagration Blade (Sword)
Cool Sword
Corrupted Gem Blade
Corruption Blade
Cosmic Blade of Stars
Cosmic Slasher
Crab Skewer
Crash Logo Slicer
Crimson Brightsword
Crimson Cutter
Crimson Dark Lord's Dark Laserblade
Crimson Dark Lord's Double Blade
Crimson Dark Lord's Laserblade
Crimson Grenwog Carrot Kunai
Crimson Royal Hearts
Crimson Star Slasher
Crimson ZARDIS Key
Criosphinx Sun Sword
CrossBones Sword
Crude short sword
Cruel Hydra Blade
Crunchy Cookie Sword
Crusader's Blade
CryoCube Blade (Non-AC)
Crypt Knight Sword
Crypt Rogue BackBlade
Crypt Samurai Blade
Cryptborg Blade
Cryptborg Laser Blade
Crystal Claymore (1)
Crystal Ice Dagger
Crystal Ice Katana
Crystal Phoenix Blade of Nulgath
Crystallis Ice Pop
Crystallis Icy Pole
Crystallis Kingsblade
Crystallis Peacemaker
Crystallized Mana Dagger
CrystalSea Blade
Crystamorph Stinger
Cursed Blade of the Necropolis
Cursed Bone Blade
Cursed Bone Knight Broken Sword
Cursed Bone Knight Greatsword
Cursed Flame Katana
Cursed Jester's Stabber
Cursed Katana