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Auto updating list of all Free Player Seasonal Swords
Knight Zweihander
Laser Ragnarok
LeoSpire Royalty Kris
Light Blade of the Rebellion
Lightning Pirate's Cutlass
Lightning Pirate's Rapier
Lime Ice Pop
Litch Knight's Sword
Lorosian Hunter Saber
Lost Bayonet
Lu Niu's Jian
Lu Niu's Sheathed Jian
Lucky Coin Katana
Lucky Sword
Making a Point (Sword)
Malachite Brightsword
Malachite Cutter
Malevolent Scarecrow Chainsaw
Malicious Code Blade
Mallow Longsword
Marauder's Cutlass
Marauder's Rapier
Mediator Saber
Melty Cookie Sword
Memeat Formal Cleaver
Metrea's Frostkissed Dagger
Miners Hand of Domination
Muddy Soulflare
Naval Guard's Cutlass
Naval Guard's Rapier
Necho Tech Saber
Necrayaya's Spear
Nerfed Blade
Nerfed Blade of Awe
Nerfed Doom Blade
Nerfed Dragonblade
Nerfed Overfiend Blade
Nightmare Pumpkin Blade
Nocturan MoonSlicer
Northlands Hunter Blade
Number 75 - Gunblade
Nutcracker's Rapier
Oni Hatamoto Katana
Orange Ice Pop
Ornate Emerald Blade
Pan-Galactic Double Saber
Pan-Galactic Saber
Pastel Grenwog Kunai
Pen of Limited Scribbles
Pina Colada Ice Pop
Pineapple Thorn Blade
Pink and Ugly Stick
Pink Chainsaw Katana
Pink Sockatana
Pinky's Uni-horn
Pirate Mage Cutlass
Pirate Ninja Cutlass
Pocky Manslayer
Poison Bottle Sword
Polaris Duelist Rapier
Polish Warrior's Sabre
Polish Warrior's Sheathed Sabre
Prisma Blade
Prisma Blade of Victory
Prisma Laser Katana 1.0
PrismaShard Blade
PrismLaser Katana 2.0
Privateer's Cutlass
ProtoParagon Samurai Katana
Pumpkin Leaf Sword
Ragnarok Cavaliers Saber
Rapier of the Star
Ravenous Monstrosity Blade
Regal Pirate's Rapier
Regal Valeblade
Resonating Polaris Rapier
Reversed Edge of Giving
Rose Rapier of Reaping
Rotting Cutlass
Royal Shadowslayer's Hidden Blade
Royal Summer Inflatable Tachi
Runed Knight's Sword
Sapphire Fairy Sword
Satria Keris
Satria Kujang
Screaming Knife
Sea Serpent Warrior's Blade
Seahorc Hand Of Domination
Seri Gumum Slayer's Blade
Seri Gumum Slayer's Edge
Settler's Greatsword
Settler's Longsword
Shadow Eater of Wrath
Shadow Phoenix Rapier
Shadow Rapier
Shadow Sword
Shadowsleigher Kringlemesser
ShadowSlice Energy Blade
Sheathed Melody Of The Rose (Sword)
Sheathed Oni Hatamoto Katana
Sheathed Soul Devouring Katana
Sheathed Warrior's Golden Blade
Shrimp Skewer
Silver Corsair Cutlass
Silver Sun Cutlass
Sinister PumpKing Blade
Sketchy 1st Betrayal Blade
Sketchy 2nd Betrayal Blade
Sketchy 3rd Betrayal Blade
Sketchy 4th Betrayal Blade
Sketchy 5th Betrayal Blade
Sketchy 7th Betrayal Blade
Sketchy 8th Betrayal Blade
Slice of Awe
Soulflare (Sword)
Space-timeless Sword
Spiked Gu Duo
StarCrasher Lightblade
Steampunk Saber
Stellar Steel Dirk
Stone And Bone
Strawberry Ice Pop
Sullied Blame Blade
Sullied Ivory Blame Blade
Sunflower Claymore
Super Scion Blade
Sword Fish
Sword of Caledonia
Sword of Gold
Sword Of Hope (Sword)
Sword of the Bat
Sword of the Patriots
Tainted Harbinger Blade
Tartarus Keyblade
Teen Slasher's Knife
Tempest Soldier Laserblade
Temporal Tyrant Blade
The Edge of Giving
The First Nothing
The First Something
The Hostile Takeover (Sword)
Tidal Byakko Wakizashi
Tidal Tiger Wakizashi
Tidal Warrior of Prosperity Wakizashi
Toxic Alchemist's Noxious Blade
Toxic Alchemist's Royal Sword
Toxic Alchemist's Suspension Blade
Toxic Alchemist's Venom Blade
Toxic Aura Blade
Toxic Bloodriver
Toxic Diviner Blade
Toxic Oblivion Blade of Alchemy
Treasured Blade of Gold Coins
Treasured Sword of Gold
Tribal Chieftains Hand of Domination
Turbine Saber
Turdraken Carver
Turdraken Scale Sword
Turdraken Trophy Sword
Turkey Avenger Sword
Twilly's Voyager Space Saber (Non-AC)
Ultio Leo
Umitora's Zanbato
Ungourdly Wrath Blade
Urban Underworld Rage
Uw3017 Sword
Vampire Commander's Black Cutlass
Viridian Twist Sword
Vivid Rosales Blade
Void Knight's Blade (2)
Vorpal Turbine Blade
Warrior's Golden Blade
Wayang Artix
Wayang Gravelyn
Wayang Kala
Whisper of Autumn
Wild Huntress' Blade
Wild Huntress' Sword
WindWalker's Parang Blade
Winter Assassin Katana
Winter Assassin Ninjato
Wooden Chainsaw
Wraith Of Darkness Blade
WraithSlayer Blade
Wrapped Blade
Xi Qi's Claymore
Zhongchéng's Katana
Zhu Ronin Kanabo