Polearms (Free Player)

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Auto updating list of all Free Player Polearms

Abre Alas
Abysal BloodSpear
Abyssal Atlanticus Trident
Acid Rain Spear
Ada's Light Scythe
Ada's Overcharged Scythe
Ada's Scythe
Air Fènnù de Hóuzi Glaive
Akh-a's Spear
Akriloth's Bane
All-Seeing Spear of Chaos
Amaranthine Tri-Spear
Amethyst Poleaxe
Anaerobic Trident
Anti-Kolyaban Trident
Antiquated Shadow Swordstaff
Anubian Overseer Spear
Anubian Skyfall Spear
Apocryphal Destroyer's Chainsaw
Aqua Rage Trident
Aquamer Trident
Aracara's Limb
Arc Aura Lance
Arch DoomKnight Polearm
Arch Lich's Spear
ArchFiend Spear
ArchFiend Titan's War Glaive (Non-AC)
Archfiendish Spear of Death
Ascendant Scythe
Ascended Paladin Spear
Astaroth's Reaver Polearm
Astravian Alchemist's Polearm
Astravian Royal Spear
Astravian Saw Scythe
Astravian Serrated Scythe
Aulorian Spear
Aurelian Spear
Aurous Blessing
Autumn Magic Harvest Scythe
Avarice of the Legion's Scythe
Avatar Of Death's Scythe
Avomancer Spear
Awakened Fiend's Spear
Awakened Scythe of Gazeroth
Awakening Frost Shatter Spear
Banana Guandao (Non-AC)
Basalt Claw
Batty PitchFork
Beast of Vokun Polearm
Bedraggled Cherrywood Cane
Bioluminescent Trident
BitterEdge Blades
BitterEdge Slicer Polearm
Blacksteel Dragon Spear
Blade of Corruption
Blades of Order Pike
Blades of Order Spear
Blinding Scythe of Destiny
Bloodborne Plague Scythe
Blue Dahlia's Scythe
Bone Guardian Polearm
Bonefiend Manslayer's Scythe (Non-AC)
Boreal Cavalier Bardiche
Bright Astromancer Polearm
Bright Deorum Lance
Bright Officer's Axe (Polearm)
Bright Oracle Halberd
Bright Paladin's Spear
Bright Scythe of Destiny
Bright Spear of Light
Bright Warlord of Nulgath Polearm
Brightoak Poison Pike
Brightoak Raven Scythe
Brilliant Beacon Polearm
Broken Sheer Insanity
Bronze Overclocked Polearm
Brutal Lance!
Burning Phoenix Spear
Butternut Blades
Calamity Atlanticus Trident
Caliente Feather Fan
Celestial Dark Knight's Spear
Celestial Nomad's Scythe
Chaos Ally Spear
Chaos Beleen Polearm
Chaos Beleen Scythe
Chaos Energy Polearm
Chaos Gaze Scythe
Chaos Merdrac Trident
Chaos Pinnacle Spear
ChaosWeaver Defender
Chaotic Banneret's Polearm
Chaotic Scar Piercer
Chimeric Pincer Spear
Chimerical Doomed Eclipse Scythe
Chopping Pole Arm
ChronoPhoenix Guard's Spear
Citrine Poleaxe
Clockwork Scythe
Code Breaker
Cold Scythe of Vengeance
Conquest Polearm
Corpse Hijacker of Nulgath
Creature's Fang Spear
Crimson BoneLord Scythe
Crimson Star Reaper
Crypto Crusher Hammer
Crystal Spear of Love
Crystalized Tyrian Scythe
Crystallis Soulbreaker
Crystallis VoidSlayer Spear
Crystamorph Venom
Cursed Scythe of the Necropolis
Cursed Trident
Curve Bladed Polearm
Cyber Armored Spear
Cyber Golden Dragon Spear
Cyber Scythe
Cyber Skewer
Cyber Spear
Dançarino Primal Spear
Dark Altar Spear
Dark Artist's Axe
Dark Astravian General Lance
Dark Dracomancer's Scythe
Dark Dragon Slayer's Halberd
Dark Dragon's Havoc
Dark FrostScythe of Nulgath (Non-AC)
Dark Heart Harvester
Dark Knight of Vokun Polearm
Dark Metal Scythe
Dark Monkey King Staff (Non-AC)
Dark Phoenix Scythe
Dark ShadowFlame Great Harp
Dark Virtual Criminal Scythe
Darkon's Debris 13
Darkon's Debris 2 (Reconstructed)
Darkon's Debris 2 (Recovered)
Death Of Time Scythe
Death's Requiem Spear
Death's Scythe (2)
Deep Fried Dricken Polearm
DeepSea Star Pirate's Spear
Delta V Guard Lance
Demented Doom Spear
Deorum Lance
Dessert Spear
Devoured Stone Lance
Devoured Stone Poleaxe
Diabolical Burial Spade
Diabolical Monk's Devastator
Diabolical War Gonfalon
Doom Creeper Leg
Doom Shiden Bardiche
Doom Spear
Doom Worshipper's Scythe
Doomed Fate Reaper
DOOMing Fork
Double Bladed Soul Scythe
Double Saber of Ebil
DoubleBlast Staff
Double-Headed Abominator Poleaxe
Draco Tenebris Scythe
Dracolich Destroyer Scythe
Dracolich Guandao of Death
Draconic Tigress Polearm
Dragon of Time Reaper
Dragon of Time WingBlade
Dragonknight of Nulgath Spear
Dragon's Plague Scythe
DragonSlayer General Spear
DragonSlayer Spear of Poking +15
Dragonslayers Dread
DragonTamer's Poleaxe
Drakka Defender Polearm
Dread Knight Spear
Dreadhaven Halberd
Dreadhaven Spear
Drowned Trident
Druidic Ice Scythe
Earth Fènnù de Hóuzi Glaive
Earth Piercer
EbilCorp Fishman Trident
EbilCorp Plague Spear
EC Mach 6 Spear
Ecto Poleaxe Of Insanity
Ectoplasmic Pole
Edge of the Archfiend
EggHunter Berserker's Polearm
Electric Pool Noodle
Electronic ShadowScythe Spear
Elegant Siren's Trident (Non-AC)
Elemental Dragonslayer Polearm
Elemental Kyrios Naginata
Elite Dragonspear
Elite Guard's Scythe
EmberFlame Pike
Emerald Edge of Gorgok
Emerald Poleaxe
Empire's Origin Scythe
Empowered Shadow Spear
Empyrean Scythe
Enchanted Default Spear
Enchanted Doomed Fate Reaper
Enchanted Greataxe of Dread
Enchanted High Axe of Dread
Enchanted Kisshoten Naginata
Enchanted Lance of Doom Reborn
Enchanted Poleaxe of Dread
Enchanted Sandstorm Sceptre
Enchanted Shadow Battle Spear
Enchanted ShadowFlame Great Harp
Enchanted Spear of Doom Reborn
Enchanted Spectral Spear
Enchanted Volleyballer's Foam Spear
Energy Scalpel
Energy Slicers
Envenomed Spear of Nulgath
Epoch Definer Pilum
Eternal BeastMaster's Glaive
Ethereal Scythe
Evolved Bunny Berserker Spear
Fall ScareCrow's Scythe
Fallen Leviathan's Festering Tusk
Fallen Leviathan's Spear
Fallen Scythe of Vengeance
Fang of the Archfiend
Favored of Kyanos Polearm
Fear of Light (1)
Fènnù de Hóuzi Fire Glaive
Ferocious Flame Scythe
Festive Punk Elf's Scythe
Festive Scythe
Fiend Champion's Spear
Fiendfang Scythe
Fiendish Dragonbone Scythe
Fiendish Impaler
Fiendish Stormbringer Spear
Fiery Fissure Scythe
Fire Monkey Staff
Firebird's Fury Poleaxe
Firebird's Fury Spear
Firefeather Spear
Fishman Trident
Flag of Poland (Polearm)

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