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Auto updating list of all full Free Player Daggers
Reavers of Hatoth
Reavers of Serepthys
Reavers of the Archfiend
Reavers of the Gilded Sun
Reavers of the Perishing Star
Regal Pirate's Accoutrements
Re's Giant Slicers
Re's Short Stabbers
Reshaper Swords
Resonating Polaris Rapiers
Reverse Daggers of the Void
Reverse Grip Iron Anchors
Reverse Nation Rogue's Knives
Reversed Brawler Dagger
Reversed Daggers of Thorns
Reversed Dragonslayer's Demise
Reversed Dual Ebil Saber
Reversed Flameborn Blades
Reversed Revenge
Riftkin's Toxic Daggers
Ripper Blades of the Underworld
Rogue Fiend Daggers of Nulgath
Rogue of Time's Daggers
Rogue's Dagger
Rouge Reversed Daggers
Royal Glaceran Daggers
Royal Shadowslayer's Battle Gear
Runas de Ataque
Runes of the Legion Beast
Runes Of Time
Rusted Slasher
Sai of Steel
Sandsea Sickles
Sandsea Strider Crys Knives
Sandsea WaveCutter
Santa Claw's Ripper
Santa's Impaler
Satyrs Hands of Domination
Scarab Fiend ArmBlades
Scarbucks Barista Gear
Scarbucks Double Dessert
Scarred Sword and Shield
Scarsgarde Daggers
Scavenged Infernal Spear and Shield
Scepter and Flail of Yasaris
Scorched Daggers
Scorpions Combat Knives
Sea Base Flotation Rings
Sea Dragon's Scimitars
Sea Turtle Plushies
Seahorcs Fist of Victory
Searing Slicers
Seraphic Fourth Blades
Seraphic Fourth Blasters
Serpent Knight Dagger
Serpent Shortswords
Serpentine Void Armaments
Serpentine Void Blades
Serpentine Void Flail and Shield
Serpentine Void Slashers
Serpent's Favor Fans
Serpent's Refinement Fans
Serrated Cutlasses
Serrated Gutter
Seven Fang Blades
Shadow Claw
Shadow Dagger (1)
Shadow Dagger (2)
Shadow Star Daggers
ShadowBlast Flames (0 AC)
Shadowcat Hand of Victory
Shadowed Beacon Daggers
Shadowed Blades of Doom
Shadowed Devourer
ShadowFlame Eviscerator Daggers
ShadowFlame Eviscerator Greatswords
ShadowFlame Eviscerator Pistols
ShadowFlame Eviscerator Revolvers
ShadowFlame Firebender Daggers
Shadowflame Juggernaut Armblade
ShadowFlame Knuckle Swords
ShadowFlame Rapier
ShadowFlame SpellSword's Daggers
ShadowNightmare Dual Gun
Shadowscythe Flames (Non-AC)
Shadowscythe Templar Accoutrements
Shadowslayer Relic Axes
Shards Of Reflection
Sharpened Parrot Mallet
Shatterglass Chakram
Shattersword Bandit Kamas
Shattersword Imp Kamas
Shattersword Minx Kamas
Shattersword Warrior Kamas
Shelled Stabber
Shielded Ivory Defiler of the Ancients
Shortswords of the Dark
Short-Wicked Bombs
Sidhe's Devotee Daggers
SightBlinder Axes of Nulgath
Sil Katar
Silver And Blue Pistols
Silver Dagger (1)
Silver Edged Lamenters
Silver Exalted Spears of Light
Silver Purgatorio Coins
Silver Skye Armaments
Silver Swashbuckler Gauntlets
Silver Throwing Knife
Silver Victor's Hammers
Silver Vindicator Swords
Sin of the Warlord Cleavers
Singapore Spirit Sticks
Sinister Pumpkin Sickles
Sinlithic Daggers
Sketchy Battle Gear
Skull Bombs
Skullbound Kamas
Skullbound Kusarigama
Skullbreaker's Blade + Axe
Skullbreaker's Dagger
Skullface Mace
Slayer Recruit's Dagger
Slime Dragon Rogue Lann
Smol Ratnegade Katana
Snowflake Sickles
Solar Stingers
SolarFire Blades
Solarfire Daggers
Solo Ship Captain's Cutlasses
Somnian Scroll + Quill
Soul Corroding Betrayal Blades
Soul Weaver's Daggers (Non-AC)
Space-timeless Claws
Space-timeless Daggers
Sparkler Overload
Spearmint Candy Canes
Spectrum Daggers
Spellcaster's Dark Accoutrements
SpellFrost Hammers
SpellSmith Daggers
Spinal Tap of Retribution
Spinal Tap of the Wicked
Spirit Dagger
Spirit Oni Swords
Spirit Stakes
Split Blades of the Deep
Split Blades of the Void
Sporkion Spork
Squish Game Battle Gear
Squish Game Guns
Stained Glass Faerie's Claymores
Stained Glass Faerie's Scythes
Staked Steak
Star Pirate's Cutlass + Rapier
Starfire and Darkfire
Starlight Daggers
Starlight Slicers
Starry Samurai's Swords
Steam-Powered Revolvers
Steampunk Double DoubleBarrel
Steel Chopper
Steel Hand of Victory
Steel Skye Blades
Stella Empyrean Katanas
Stenciled Fan
Sterling Drake Stingers
Stone Dagger
Stone Minotiger Dagger
Straight Edge
Sublimated ShadowSlayer's Accoutrements
Sublimated ShadowSlayer's Pistols
Sublimated ShadowSlayer's Sabers
Subzero Avalanche Daggers
Sullied Blade and Katana
Sullied Blame Blade and Shield
Summit Snack Combo
SUPER Dandelion Kiwi Cookies
Supernova Orb (Non-AC)
Swashbuckler's Rapiers
Sweet Harvest Combo Snack
Sword of Sponsors
Swordhaven Scout's Daggers
Swords of Abyssal Order
Swords of Hatoth
Swords of Misfortune
Swords of Serepthys
Swords of Shattered Reflections
Swords of the Depths
Swords of the Oracle
Tainted Blades of Na'al
Tainted Claw of Nulgath
Tainted Daggers of Na'al
Talons of Nulgath
Techtronic Daggers of Triumph
Techtronic Doom Daggers
Tengu Typhoon Cutlasses
Tharr's Axe and Shield
The Assassin's Ulterior
The Blades of Cataclysm
The First Something and Nothing
The Hardy Dagger
The Piercer Accoutrements
The Rogue's Ulterior
Thunderlight Pirate's Dual Charged Wheels
Thyllian Domination Spears
TigerClaw Talons
Tigers Hands of Domination
Timeless Cryofrost Daggers
TimeReaper Axes
Timeseeker's Blades
Tinsel's Dagger Gift
Titan Drakath's Blades
Titan Paladin's Blades
Titanic Destroyer Blades
Topaz Daggers
Toxic Alchemists Adornments
Toxic Alchemist's Noxious Blades
Toxic Alchemist's Venom Blades
Toxic Energy Daggers
Toxic Rune Fists
Toxic Scavenger Reavers
Toxic Wisteria's Claw
Transcendence Blades
Treasurehunter Z Dagger
TreasureHunter's Dirk
Tsuika no Omocha
Tuning Claws
Turdraken Carvers
Turkey Avenger Swords
Turkey Baster
Turkey Leg + Pie
Turkey Sternum Daggers
Twilly & Obake Battlepuppets
Twilly's Voyager Battle Gear (Non-AC)
Twin Blades of Famine
Twisted Eldritch Accoutrements
Twisted Eldritch Bow + Arrow
Twisted Jester Daggers
Twisted Rippers
Twisted Shadow Dagger
Two-Pronged Prisma Daggers
Ultimate Twin Blades of Destiny
Ultio Leo Daggers
Ultra Revenger Blades
Umbral Metamorphosis Scythe and Tome
Umitora's Zanbatos
Undead Falcon Blades
Undead Parabellum Blades