Battle Pets (Free Player)

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Auto updating list of all Free Player Battle Pets

Ancient Nightmare's Battle Pet (Non-Legend)
Apocalypse Mecha OMGZilla Battle Pet (Non-Legend)
Apocalyptic Minion
Arcane Shadow Minion
Auspicious Mammona Battlepet (AC)
Baby Yeti Battle Pet
Battle Boar
Black Dragon Guardian Battle (AC)
Bright Dragon BattlePet
Chaotic Armored Platinum Dragon
Chromium Void Battle BattlePet
Chrono Armored Platinum Dragon
Copper Void Blade BattlePet
Corrupted Doomblade Battle Companion (AC)
Cupcake Moglin Plush Pet
Cursed Armored Platinum Dragon
Dark Knight's Floating Blade Battle Pet (AC)
Dark Lord's Battle Droid (Temporary)
Deleuze Ice Blade Battle Pet (0 AC)
Deleuze Ice Blade Battle Pet (AC)
Doom Armored Platinum Dragon
DoomDragon BattlePet
DoomFiend Companion Battle Blade (AC)
Dragon Con Chibi Zazul
Dreadhound Rider Battlepet (Pet)
Enchanted Aurum Battle Blade (Non-Legend)
Enchanted Djinn BattlePet
Enchanted Magus Grimoire Battle Pet (Non-Legend)
Eternal Fledgling pet
Eternal Katana of Renunciation Battle Pet (Non-Legend)
Fabled Baby Dragon
Falcon Commander Battle Pet
Frostval Fiend Battle Pet
Fusion Creation Battle Pet
Fusion Destruction Battle Pet
Galactic Armored Platinum Dragon
Golden Falcon Battle Pet
Grand Apocalyptic Minion
Guncraft Artillery Combat Beast
Hate Wolf (Permanent)
Hate Wolf (Temporary)
Hollowborn Dragon's Epicedium Battle Pet
Hollowborn Judge Guardian Battle Pet (Non-Legend)
Icicle Imp Battle Pet (AC)
Icy Vordred
Infinity Titan BattlePet
Memet Moglin Plush Pet
Mini-taur Battle Pet
Molten Moglin Minion Battlepet
Monster Priestess' Blade Battle Pet
Mort Moglin Plush Pet
Necro Paragon Broadsword Battlepet (AC)
Necro Paragon Minion Battlepet (AC)
Nugget Moglin Plush Pet
Obsidian Mini-taur Battle Pet (Non-Legend)
Paladin Armored Platinum Dragon
Paragon Armored Platinum Dragon
Petrified Fiend Battle Pet Blade (AC)
Phoenix Hand Turkey
Pinkomancer Skeleton (Temporary)
Platinum Armored Platinum Dragon
Quibble Moglin Plush Pet
Relentless Pursuer Battle Companion (Non-Legend)
Resplendent Dragon Companion (0 AC)
Resplendent Dragon Companion (AC)
Revontheus Legacy Battle Master (AC)
Rez Moglin Plush Pet
Scourge Moglin Plush Pet
Scurvy Moglin Plush Pet
Shadow Blade Battle Pet
Shadow Ninja Battle Guardian (AC)
Shadow Ninja Battle Warden (AC)
Shadow Soulseeker Battle Pet (AC)
Skeleton (Battle Pet)
Sneaky Sneevil Assassin Battle Pet
Thorn of Renunciation Battle Pet (Non-Legend)
Transcendent BattleBlade of Tercessuinotlim (0 AC)
Transcendent BattleBlade of Tercessuinotlim (AC)
Transcendent BattleBlade of Tercessuinotlim (Quest)
Twig Moglin Plush Pet
Twiggy Moglin Style
Twignam Style
Twilly Moglin Plush Pet
Twilly Temporary BattlePet
Undead Leader Sword Battle Pet (AC)
Void Commander Sword Battle Pet (Non-Legend)
Void Paladin Slayer Blade Battle Pet (AC)
War Draconan
WerePyrate Battle Pet (AC)
Zilla Moglin Plush Pet
Zilla Summer Chibi (0 AC)
Zilla Summer Chibi (AC)
Zorbak Moglin Plush Pet
Zorbak Temporary Battlepet

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