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013 CyberSkulls Breaker Blade (0 AC)
013 CyberSkulls Breaker Blade (AC)
013 CyberSkulls Sword Breaker (0 AC)
013 CyberSkulls Sword Breaker (AC)
#1 Seraph Fan
13th Captain's Cutlass (0 AC)
13th Captain's Cutlass (AC)
13th Captain's Rapier (0 AC)
13th Captain's Rapier (AC)
13th Commander's Cutlass (0 AC)
13th Commander's Cutlass (AC)
16-Bit Super DoomBlade
1st Betrayal Blade of Nulgath
1st Birthday Sword
2017 Honorable Hero Blade
2024 Giftbox Sword
2nd Betrayal Blade of Nulgath
3rd Betrayal Blade of Nulgath
3rd Hero of Balance Dirk
4th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath
4th ChaosLord's Laser Katana
50 Excalibur
5th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath
6th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath
7th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath
8-Bit DoomBlade
8-Bit Oblivion Blade
8th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath
A BIG Knife
A Blade Aquatic
A Blade too Cold to Hold
Abaddon Desolation Katana (0 AC)
Abaddon Desolation Katana (AC)
Abaddon Penumbra Blade (0 AC)
Abaddon Penumbra Blade (AC)
Abraxos Blade
Abyssal BeastMaster's Greatsword (0 AC)
Abyssal BeastMaster's Greatsword (AC)
Abyssal Commander's Cutlass (AC)
Abyssal Commander's Cutlass (Non-AC)
Abyssal Cutlass of Nulgath
Abyssal FireLord's Molten Blade
Abyssal Flame Cutlass (0 AC)
Abyssal Flame Cutlass (AC)
Abyssal Flame Star Sword
Abyssal Frost Katana
Abyssal Heretic's Mystic Blade
Abyssal Heretic's Shadow Blade
Abyssal Katana
Abyssal Overfiend Cutlass (0 AC)
Abyssal Overfiend Cutlass (AC)
Abyssal Reaver Katana (0 AC)
Abyssal Reaver Katana (AC)
AC Tagged Sword
Accessory DaiDoji Katana
Activated Devourer of Souls Greatsword (0 AC)
Activated Devourer of Souls Greatsword (AC)
Activated Legion Devourer of Souls Blade
Adorable Pink Blade of Cuteness
Advent Darkness Blade
AdventureQuest Reign Blade
Adventurer's Sword
Adventus Blade
AeroFrost Katana
Aetherial Ark Dagger
Ahoyrion's Cutlass (0 AC)
Ahoyrion's Cutlass (AC)
Airship Avenger
Akamatsu Katana
Akiban BladeMaster Katana
Akiban BladeMaster Reversed Katana
Akiban Defender's Blade
Akiban Samurai Katana
Akiban Samurai Nodachi (Sword)
Akriloth's Oblivion Blade (AC) (1)
Akriloth's Oblivion Blade (AC) (2)
Akumu Katana
Alabaster Lily Rapier
Alchemical Aura Blade
Alchemical Commander's Sword (0 AC)
Alchemical Commander's Sword (AC)
Alchemical Onyx Blade
Alchemical Onyx Katana
Alchemist Star Sword
Aletsch Glacial Frostblade (0 AC)
Aletsch Glacial Frostblade (AC)
Alina's 8-Bit Gem Blade
Alina's Deca Blade
All Hallowed Blade
Alliance Exponent Sabre
Almost Visible Blade
Alpha Phantom Karambit
Alpha Rogue Knife
Alteon Star Sword
Alteon's Dragon Sword
Alteon's Polished Dragon Sword
Alteon's Pride
Alteon's Star Sword
Amaranthine Void Blade
Amber Aura Blade
Amethyst Claymore
Amethyst Rune Blade
Amethyst Toxic Blade
Amethyst Willowcreek Blade
Ameythst Dragon's Laser
Anatomically Alien
Ancient Blade of Victory
Ancient Bones
Ancient Dismal Claymore
Ancient DragonSlayer's Kurutta Katana
Ancient Evil Runeblade
Ancient Greatsword Of Ice
Ancient Grovebreaker Blade
Ancient Knight's Golden Blade (AC)
Ancient Knight's Golden Blade (Legend)
Ancient Knight's Mystical Blade (0 AC)
Ancient Knight's Mystical Blade (AC)
Ancient Koi Ningyo Tachi
Ancient Monstrous Jawblade
Ancient PaladinSlayer Claymore (AC)
Ancient PaladinSlayer Claymore (Legend)
Ancient Platinum Blade
Ancient Scimitar (1)
Ancient Scimitar (2)
Ancient Shogun Katana
Ancient Shogun Sheathed Katana
Ancient Skull Blade
Ancient Skulls and Doom Blade
Ancient Wanderer's Scarab Blade
Ancient Wanderer's Scimitar
Ancient Wanderer's Spine Blade
Angelic Golden Flame Sword
Angelic Golden Swords
Angelic Hematite Sword
Angelic Love Sword
Angelic Neesha's Dagger (0 AC)
Angelic Neesha's Dagger (AC)
Angelic Runed Broadsword
Angelic Silver Flame Sword
Angelic Silver Sword
Angle Blade
Angler Cutlass
Animancer Blade
Ankh Athame
Annihilator Of Order Blade
Anti-Energy Blade
Anti-Kaiju Knife (AC)
Anti-Kaiju Knife (Non-AC)
Antiquated Shadow Pistolsword
Antiquated Shadow Sabre
Ao Tsuki Banisher
Ao Tsuki Kunai
Ao Tsuki Wakizashi
Apa's Grace
Apex MindSmasher Blade
Apocalyptic Darkblood Blade
Apocalyptic DeathLord's Blade
Apocalyptic Draconian Blade
Apocalyptic Draconian Sword
Apocalyptic Dragon's Blade
Apocalyptic Dragon's Edge
Apocalyptic Shadow Blade
Apocryphal Blade Of The Truth
Apocryphal Destroyer's Mutation
Apocryphal Eons Broadsword
Apocryphal Eons Sword
Apocryphal Nightmare Hunter Blade
Apocryphal Retribution Blade
Apostate Alpha
Apostate Omega
Apostate Ultima
Apprentice's SpellBlade
AQ3D Tech Demo Starsword
Aqua Core Double Sword
Aquamer Bloodletter
Aquamer Sheathed Bloodtaker
Aquamer‘s Cutlass
Aquatic Warrior's Cutlass (0 AC)
Aquatic Warrior's Cutlass (AC)
Arachnid Commander's Cutlass (0 AC)
Arachnid Commander's Cutlass (AC)
Arachnid Commander's Sword
Arachnid Voracity of Nulgath
ArachnoFury Blade
Arasat's Bane
Arbiter's Glory
Arboreal Seed Spit (AC)
Arboreal Seed Spit (Legend)
Arc Of Seraphim
Arcane Blade of Glory
Arcane HoloGram Blade
Arcane Pirate Cutlass
Arcane Pirate Rapier
Arcane Underworld Blade (0 AC)
Arcane Underworld Blade (AC)
Arcane Void Knight Blade
Arch Broodfiend Blade
Arch DoomKnight Sword
Arch DoomKnight's Edge
ArchDoom Fiend Spinal Blade
Archer's Keysword
Archfiend Arachnomancer's Claymore
ArchFiend Overlord's Armblade (AC)
ArchFiend Overlord's Armblade (Special)
ArchFiend Overlord's Blade (AC)
ArchFiend Overlord's Blade (Special)
ArchFiend Overlord's Reaver (AC)
ArchFiend Overlord's Reaver (Special)
ArchFiend Rogue Backwards Knife
ArchFiend Rogue Knife
Archfiend Titan's Blade (0 AC)
Archfiend Titan's Blade (AC)
Archfiend Titan's Dragonslasher (0 AC)
Archfiend Titan's Dragonslasher (AC)
Archfiend Titan's Sword (0 AC)
Archfiend Titan's Sword (AC)
ArchFiend Warlord's Sword (0 AC)
ArchFiend Warlord's Sword (AC)
ArchFiend Warrior Champion Sword
ArchFiend Warrior Sword
Ardent Shadowslayer Blade
Ardent Shadowslayer Falchion
Ardent Shadowslayer Knife
Arena Guard Blade
Armaghan's Excalibur
Armored Turdraken Sword
Artifact Hunter Blade (AC)
Artifact Hunter Blade (Merge)
Artix's Star Sword of Destiny
Ascended Aurum Wings Blade
Ascended Avatar's Blade
Ascended Blade of Awe
Ascended Bloodletter of Nulgath (0 AC)
Ascended Bloodletter of Nulgath (AC)
Ascended Champion Blade of Nulgath (0 AC)
Ascended Champion Blade of Nulgath (AC)
Ascended Oblivion Blade of Nulgath (0 AC)
Ascended Oblivion Blade of Nulgath (AC)
Ascended Overfiend Blade of Nulgath (0 AC)
Ascended Overfiend Blade of Nulgath (AC)
Ascended Overfiend Blade of Nulgath (Merge)
Ascended Paladin Sword
Ascended Phoenix Blade of Nulgath (0 AC)
Ascended Phoenix Blade of Nulgath (AC)
Ascended Raziel
Ascent to Conquer