Grounds (All)

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00-X Spray Paint Palette
Absolute Ebil Vibe
Abyssal BeastMaster Rune (0 AC)
Abyssal BeastMaster Rune (AC)
Abyssal Commander's Ground (0 AC)
Abyssal Commander's Ground (AC)
Abyssal Magus' Ritual Circle
Abyssal Sorcerer's Ritual Circle
Alchemical Glyph Rune
Amethyst Akiba-kei Hypnosis
Ancient DragonSlayer's Rasen Jimen
Animancer Aura
Anti-Storm War Tank's Energy Aura
Anti-Storm Warbeast's Energy Aura
Apocalyptic Darkblood Ground Rune
Apocalyptic Desert
Apocalyptic Illusionist's Stage
Arcana Fragment
Arcane Sigil
Arterial Rift
Ascended Cosmic Chaos
Astral Karkinos Rune
Aurora Cryomagus Grace (0 AC)
Aurora Cryomagus Grace (AC)
Auroran Cryomagus Grace (0 AC)
Auroran Cryomagus Grace (AC)
Autumn Falls
Autumnal Pathway
Beams of Light
Blade Destiny Circle
Blessed Shield of Vindication
Blessed Sigil of Vindication
Blood Isles Misty Ground
Bloodmoon Faerie Field (Ground)
Bloodmoon Faerie Grove (Ground)
BloodRiver of Madness
Blue Ember Rune
Boiling Madness Ground
Bright Summer Faerie Field (Ground)
Bright Summer Faerie Grove (Ground)
Burnt Rubber Smoke
Candy Corn Crusher Rune
Chaos Portal Tentacles
Chaos Unleashed
Chrono Centurion Meridian
Chronobound Gear
Chronoglyph of Lore
ChronoReaper Ground Rune
Cocytus Fractal Summons Rune
Contract Enforcer's Domain (0 AC)
Contract Enforcer's Domain (AC)
Cosmic Chaos Maelstrom
Cosmic Laplace Dream (AC)
Cosmic Laplace Dream (Non-AC)
Cove of Graves (0 AC)
Cove of Graves (AC)
Cove of the Dead (0 AC)
Cove of the Dead (AC)
Cryo Chronomancer's Dome
Cryozen's Companion Rune
Cursed Healer's Ground Rune
Dark DoomWood DragonKnight Rune (0 AC)
Dark DoomWood DragonKnight Rune (AC)
Dark Dragon Summoner's Ritual (0 AC)
Dark Dragon Summoner's Ritual (AC)
Dark Magic Web
Dark Manifestation Portal
Dark Prismatic Rune (0 AC)
Dark Prismatic Rune (AC)
Dark Waters (0 AC)
Dark Waters (AC)
DarkFrost Dragon Rune
Dazzling Cryomagus Grace (0 AC)
Dazzling Cryomagus Grace (AC)
Dead Aim Aura (0 AC)
Dead Aim Aura (AC)
DeepSea Smol Wave
DeepSea Tidal Wave
Desert Apocalypse Debris
Desert Hound Power Reserve
Domain of the Heartless
Domain of the Imugi
Dominance Clouds
DoomWood DragonKnight Rune (0 AC)
DoomWood DragonKnight Rune (AC)
Dracolich Lord Aura
Druidic Soothsayer Rune Gate
Dual-Headed Moglin Eater
Dual-Headed Umbral Serpent
Ebil AI Logo
Eldritch Creature's Guardian
Eldritch DeepDweller's Guardian
Elegant Prestigious Aura
Ember Soul Rune
Enchanted Akiba-kei Hypnosis
Enchanted Apocalyptic Darkblood Ground Rune
Enchanted Constellation Rune
Enchanted DragonRune (0 AC)
Enchanted DragonRune (AC)
Enchanted Ground Flames
Enchanted Infernal Underworld Ground Rune
Enraged Pyromancer's Sigil
Eternal Chaos Ground Rune
Eternal Dragon's Companion Pedestal (0 AC)
Eternal Dragon's Companion Pedestal (AC)
Eternal Dragon's Pedestal (0 AC)
Eternal Dragon's Pedestal (AC)
Eternal Flames Of Akriloth (0 AC)
Eternal Flames Of Akriloth (AC)
Eternal Manifestation Ground Portal
Eternal Rhyme Star Stage
Eternal Unleashed
Ethereal Wanderer's Ground Rune
Exodus Guardian's Portal
Fiendish Void Pool (0 AC)
Fiendish Void Pool (AC)
Fiend's Void Circle (0 AC)
Fiend's Void Circle (AC)
Frigid Phantasm Glyph (0 AC)
Frigid Phantasm Glyph (AC)
Frostball Balcony (0 AC)
Frostball Balcony (AC)
FrostBlood Ice Spikes
Galactic Laplace Dream
Ghostly Skulls
Ghostly Smoke
Glaceran Loyalty Sigil
Gleeful Gift Elves Ground Rune (0 AC)
Gleeful Gift Elves Ground Rune (AC)
Goddess Of War Battlefield
Gold Coin Ground Rune
Golden Aura of Swordhaven
Golden Dragon's Bright Celebration Field (0 AC)
Golden Dragon's Bright Celebration Field (AC)
Golden Dragon's Dark Celebration Field (0 AC)
Golden Dragon's Dark Celebration Field (AC)
Grasp of the ShadowFlame
Grave of Winter
Grave of Winter Blades
Grimfaxe Geltscher (0 AC)
Grimfaxe Geltscher (AC)
Grounds of Mayhem (0 AC)
Grounds of Mayhem (AC)
Guiding Star
Gunpowder Beach
Harmonic Libra Rune
Holiday Snowglobe Stage (0 AC)
Holiday Snowglobe Stage (AC)
Hollowborn Battlemage Sigil
Hollowborn BeastMaster Rune (0 AC)
Hollowborn BeastMaster Rune (AC)
Hollowborn Druid Rune Gate
Hollowborn Vampire Lord's Territory
Infernal Underworld Ground Rune
Infinity Garden (0 AC)
Infinity Garden (AC)
Iron Admiral Sonar (0 AC)
Iron Admiral Sonar (AC)
Joy Explorer Rune
Kabasaran Soul
Kitty Comforts Ground Rune
Leanan Sidhe's Aura
Leanan Sidhe's Mist
Legionarius' Blade Halation (0 AC)
Legionarius' Blade Halation (AC)
Little Island Retreat (0 AC)
Little Island Retreat (AC)
Lost Midnight Sea Souls
Lovely Ground Rune
Lucky Land Ground Rune
Mage of Time's Rune
Malevolent Paifang Ground
Malignant Knight's Aura
Manifestation of Mana
Mark 00-X
MatchMaker GroundRune
Monument to the DeathLord
Moonlit Graveyard
Moving Floral Ground
Mystical Aura of Swordhaven
Mystical Golden Aura of Swordhaven
Nascent Temporal Portal
Nation Ground Rune (0 AC)
Nation Ground Rune (AC)
Nation Ritualist Rune
NecroStorm Resurrection
NecroStorm Victim
Neon Stage (0 AC)
Neon Stage (AC)
Netspace Portal
Neverborn Ritual
Noble Navy's Loot (0 AC)
Noble Navy's Loot (AC)
Nova Ascension
Obsessor's Shadow
Obsidian Swirling Shadow (0 AC)
Obsidian Swirling Shadow (AC)
Oceanic Pool (0 AC)
Oceanic Pool (AC)
Paragon of Doom's PowerBlast
Permafrost Ground Rune
Pesugihan Greed Offering
Pesugihan Greed Ritual
Petrified Snowflake
Phalanx Rune (0 AC)
Phalanx Rune (AC)
Pirate War Loot Pile (0 AC)
Pirate War Loot Pile (AC)
Polychronic Magister's Focus
Prismatic Dracolich Lord Aura
Prismatic Rune (0 AC)
Prismatic Rune (AC)
Prismatic Sigil
Proto Dark Caster Focus Rune (0 AC)
Proto Dark Caster Focus Rune (AC)
Proto Legion Dark Caster Focus Rune (AC)
Proto Legion Dark Caster Focus Rune (Merge)
Pulsar Manipulator's Launchpad
Pyroclastic BeastMaster Rune (0 AC)
Pyroclastic BeastMaster Rune (AC)
Quantum Centurion Meridian
Raccoon's Tricks
Raccoon's Tricks (AC)
Raccoon's Tricks (Non-AC)
Radioactive Warning
Reanimancer's Essence
Relentless Pursuit Circle (0 AC)
Relentless Pursuit Circle (AC)
Retro Battleon
Revontheus Legacy Rune (0 AC)
Revontheus Legacy Rune (AC)
Revontheus Legacy Seal (0 AC)
Revontheus Legacy Seal (AC)
Revontheus Legacy Sigil (0 AC)
Revontheus Legacy Sigil (AC)
Rimeblossom Ground Rune
Rune of Chaos
Rune of Darkness (Ground)
Rune of Deliciousness
Rune of Energy
Rune of Fire
Rune of Ice
Rune of Light (Ground)
Rune of Love
Rune of Nature
Rune of the Void
Rune of the Wind
Rune of Water
Sakura Blossom Rune
Savage Zard Territory (0 AC)

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