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Auto updating list of all Capes & Back Items
00-X Dungeoneer's Spare Tools
00-X Excursion Packs
013 CyberSkulls Centipede (0 AC)
013 CyberSkulls Centipede (AC)
013 CyberSkulls Sheathed Sword (0 AC)
013 CyberSkulls Sheathed Sword (AC)
013 CyberSkulls Shield (0 AC)
013 CyberSkulls Shield (AC)
10 Floating Pixels Cape
13th Horror-day Chibifar0 Cape
13th Pirate Captain's Specter (0 AC)
13th Pirate Captain's Specter (AC)
14 Years Played (Cape)
15th Anniversary Banner
16-Bit Super DoomBlade Cape
1st ChaosLord's Tattered Cloak
1st Hero of Balance Cloak
2 Floating Pigs
2013 Lunar Flare Cape
2013 Lunar Watch Cape
2013 Solar Watch Cape
2024 Giftbox Cape
2-Striped Prismatic Beach Towel
3 Fox Tails
3 Tail Fandango Fox
3rd ChaosLord's Tattered Cloak
3rd Hero of Balance Scarf
3-Striped Prismatic Beach Towel
4-Striped Prismatic Beach Towel
4th ChaosLord's Runed Cloak
4th Hero of Balance Cloak
5-Striped Prismatic Beach Towel
5th ChaosLord's Ruined Wings
5th Hero of Balance Wings
7 Tail Fandango Fox
7-Tailed Fox Tail
8-Bit Doom Flag
8-Bit Fire Rune
8-Bit Maple Wings
8-Bit Super DoomBlade Cape
A Ghostly Spirit
A Gourdly Legion Spirit
A Gourdly Spirit
Abaddon Bruiser's Butt
Abaddon Bruiser's Rune
Abaddon Embrace (0 AC)
Abaddon Embrace (AC)
Abaddon Spider Legs (0 AC)
Abaddon Spider Legs (AC)
Abezeth Cape
Abomineator Cape
Absolute Ebil Aura
Abyssal Acolyte's Cloak
Abyssal Acolyte's Flame Cloak
Abyssal Anchor on your Back
Abyssal Arms of the FireLord
Abyssal BeastMaster's Battlewrap (0 AC)
Abyssal BeastMaster's Battlewrap (AC)
Abyssal BeastMaster's Wrap (AC)
Abyssal BeastMaster's Wrap (Non-AC)
Abyssal Commander's Rune (0 AC)
Abyssal Commander's Rune + Wings (0 AC)
Abyssal Commander's Rune + Wings (AC)
Abyssal Commander's Rune (AC)
Abyssal Commander's Wings (AC)
Abyssal Commander's Wings (Legend)
Abyssal Dusk Sigil Wings (0 AC)
Abyssal Dusk Sigil Wings (AC)
Abyssal Dusk Wings (0 AC)
Abyssal Dusk Wings (AC)
Abyssal Flag Cape (0 AC)
Abyssal Flag Cape (AC)
Abyssal Flame Cannon (0 AC)
Abyssal Flame Cannon (AC)
Abyssal Flame Runes (0 AC)
Abyssal Flame Runes + Cannon (0 AC)
Abyssal Flame Runes + Cannon (AC)
Abyssal Flame Runes (AC)
Abyssal Frost Samurai Spirit
Abyssal Heretic's Cloak
Abyssal Heretic's Windblown Cloak
Abyssal Leviathan Cape (0 AC)
Abyssal Leviathan Cape (AC)
Abyssal Pyromancer's Flame Cape
Abyssal Reaver Cape (AC)
Abyssal Reaver Cape (Non-AC)
Abyssal Reaver Wings (0 AC)
Abyssal Reaver Wings (AC)
Abyssal Void Magus Tassels
Abyssal Void Sorceror Sigil (0 AC)
Abyssal Void Sorceror Sigil (AC)
Abyssal Warlock's Banners
AC Tagged Cape
Acheron Usurper Lord Cape
Acheron Usurper Lord Halo Cape
Acheron Usurper Lord Regalia
Acid Rain Cape
Acid Rain Horned Cape
Acolyte Paladin Wings
Adept of Awe Battle Scarf
Adeptus Kathooli Fins
Admiral's Eldritch Arms
AE Synthwave Cape
Aegis of Light Wings
Aerated Cloak
Aerodynamic Force Wings
Aerodynamic Strike Wings
AFK Back Mounted Hologram
AFK Backlights
After-Party Floodlights
Ageless Necromancer Cape
Air Fènnù de Hóuzi Cape
Air Tank
Akh-a's Wings
Akiban Back Katanas
Akiban Backblades
Akiban Backpack
Akiban Defender's Katana Cape
Akiban Katanas Bank Backpack
Akiban Samurai's Shadow
Akiban Script Cape
Akiban Sheathed Blades
Albania Pride Scarf
Albania Spirit Scarf
Albino Peacock Feathers
Albino Vampire Bats
Alchemical Commander's Crossed Weapons (AC)
Alchemical Commander's Crossed Weapons (Legend)
Alchemical Commander's Sheathed Sword (AC)
Alchemical Commander's Sheathed Sword (Non-AC)
Algeria Pride Scarf
Algeria Spirit Scarf
Alice In Chains Back Flag
Alien Shoulder Cannon
Alliance Exponent Cape
Ally Rainbow!
Alpha Omega Coils (Legend)
Alpha Omega Coils (Non-Legend)
Alpha Phantom Back Rifle
Amaranth Burning Flame
Amaranth Wings Of Infinity
Amarok's Thundersnow Tail
Amazon Cape
Ambassador Cape
Amber Dragon Cape
Amber Dragon Wings
Ambitious Necro Lantern on your back
Amethyst Akiba-kei Aura Wings
Amethyst Akiba-kei Wings
Amethyst Faerie Wings
Ammonite of Madness (0 AC)
Ammonite of Madness (AC)
Ancient Chains of Binding
Ancient Creature Tail
Ancient Crossed Katana
Ancient DragonSlayer's Jisshi Keitai
Ancient DragonSlayer's Rasen
Ancient Fire Rune
Ancient Flame Master's Sigil (AC)
Ancient Flame Master's Sigil (Special)
Ancient FlameMaster's Burning Sigil (AC)
Ancient FlameMaster's Burning Sigil (Special)
Ancient Frostsworn Wrap (0 AC)
Ancient Frostsworn Wrap (AC)
Ancient Knight's Back Blade (AC)
Ancient Knight's Back Blade (Non-AC)
Ancient Knight's Wrap (0 AC)
Ancient Knight's Wrap + Back Blade (0 AC)
Ancient Knight's Wrap + Back Blade (AC)
Ancient Knight's Wrap (AC)
Ancient Legionnaire's Cape (AC)
Ancient Legionnaire's Cape (Non-AC)
Ancient Legionnaire's Wings (0 AC)
Ancient Legionnaire's Wings (AC)
Ancient Mystical Katana Cape
Ancient Nightmare's Guardian (0 AC)
Ancient Nightmare's Guardian (AC)
Ancient Nightmare's Tentacles (0 AC)
Ancient Nightmare's Tentacles (AC)
Ancient Shogun Back Arms
Ancient Undead Cloak
Ancient Underworld Winged Cape
Ancient Wanderer's Scimitar Cape
Ancient Wanderer's Sheathed Blade
Angel Champion Wings
Angel of the Void Wings (0 AC)
Angel of the Void Wings (AC)
Angelic Neesha Wings (0 AC)
Angelic Neesha Wings (AC)
Angelic Neesha's Blessed Wings (0 AC)
Angelic Neesha's Blessed Wings (AC)
Anguished Spirit Moon
Animancer Guardian
Animancer's Hands of Life
Anjelus Wings
Annihilator Of Order Cape
Anomalous Spirit
Anomalous Spirit of the M4tr1x (0 AC)
Anomalous Spirit of the M4tr1x (AC)
Anseri Bow Cape
Anseri Destroyer Feathers
Anti-Kolyaban Cape
Antiquated Shadow Cloak
Antique Sheathed Katanas
Antique Tassels Cape
Antler Quiver
Ao Yousei Wings
Aoi no Hime Wings
Aozora Kijimuna Cape
Apa's Lightblades
Apocalypse Battle System
Apocalyptic Array of Mirrors
Apocalyptic Darkblood Cloak
Apocalyptic DeathLord's Altar
Apocalyptic DeathLord's Backblades
Apocalyptic DeathLord's Backspikes
Apocalyptic DeathLord's Banners
Apocalyptic Dracolich Wings
Apocalyptic Draconian Wings
Apocalyptic Dragon Tail
Apocalyptic Dragon Wings
Apocalyptic DragonKing's Wings + Tail
Apocalyptic Entity's Interest
Apocalyptic Gallery of Mirrors
Apocalyptic Illusionist Mirror
Apocalyptic Illusionist's Minions
Apocalyptic LichKing Runes
Apocalyptic LichKing's Runed Wraps
Apocalyptic LichKing's Wraps
Apocalyptic LichMoglin on your Back
Apocalyptic Trickster's Pocket Watch
Apocalyptic Werepyre Wings
Apprentice of Awe Scarf
Aquamer Cutlass Cape
Aquatic Runes
Aquatic Warrior's Sphere (0 AC)
Aquatic Warrior's Sphere (AC)
Aquatic Warrior's Waves (0 AC)
Aquatic Warrior's Waves (AC)
Arachna Morph
Arachnid Commander's Sheathed Sword
Arachnid Gestalt Cloak of Nulgath
ArachnoFury Legs
Arara Azul on your Shoulder
Arara Caos Capa
Arata Gamer Back Bat (AC)
Arata Gamer Back Bat (Non-AC)
Arata Gamer Bar Code (0 AC)
Arata Gamer Bar Code (AC)
Araw At Tala Rune Cape