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Auto updating list of all Axes
13 Leaf Clover Axe
8 Bit Artix's Axe
8-Bit Battleaxe
9001 SHU Keytar
A Dino Bone
A Rock
Abaddon's Orb Weaver Axe
Abomineator Axe
Absym Axe
Abyssal BeastMaster's Great-Axe (0 AC)
Abyssal BeastMaster's Great-Axe (AC)
Advent Darkness Axe
Agony Chains
Albedo Battle Axe
Amber Axe of The Harvest
Amethyst Axe
Amethyst Crystal Axe
Amethyst Pickaxe
Amethyst Skulls Guitar
Ancient Axe of the Archipelago
Ancient Legion Axe
Angel Axe of Light
Anti-Kaiju Axe (AC)
Anti-Kaiju Axe (Non-AC)
Apocalyptic DeathLord's Axe
Apocalyptic Draconian Axe
Apocalyptic Draconian BattleAxe
Apocalyptic LichKing's Axe
Apocryphal Shadow Executioner
Arbiter's Crusher
Arc Att-Axe
Archfiend Annihilator of Death
Archfiend Dragonlord's Axe
Arc-Lightning Guitar
Ardent Axe of Friendship
Arena Rockstar Guitar
Artix's Golden Paladin Axe
Artix's Scribble Axe
Artix's Undead Axe
Ascended Light of Destiny
Ashaan Arch Axe
Ashbringer's Battleaxe
Astravian Mercenary's Axe
Atlas Lion's Judgement
Auroral Edge Axe
Automated Axe
Avian Grace
Awakened Axe of Golmoth
Awakened Fiend Axe
Awakened Fiend Dual Axe
Axe Axe +15
Axe Me Nicely
Axe of Absolute Death
Axe of Boneshattering
Axe of Bone-Shattering
Axe of Boneshearing
Axe Of Cerberus
Axe of Chaos
Axe of Creation
Axe of Dread
Axe of Feeling
Axe of Frozen Agony
Axe of Frozen Peace
Axe of Golmoth
Axe of Hauberk
Axe of Holocene
Axe of Indictment
Axe of Light
Axe of Love
Axe of Malevolence (0 AC)
Axe of Malevolence (AC)
Axe of Many Flames
Axe of Minar
Axe of Randor
Axe of Ruin
Axe of Songs
Axe of Songs Attack Guitar
Axe of the Black Knight
Axe of the EbilCorp Knight
Axe of the Evil Eye
Axe of the Galvanic Chronomancer
Axe of the Infernal Defiler
Axe of the Light
Axe Of The Piercer
Axe of the Prospector
Ballooning Light of Destiny
BallyCool's Festive Axe
BallyCool's Platinum Axe
BallyCool's Platinum Holiday Axe
Ballyhoo's Axe
Bark Basher
Battle Axe of the Bayou
Battle Berimbau
Battle Chaoaxe
Battle Pickaxe
Battle Scarred Traveler's Axe
Battleaxe of Evil Intent
Battleaxe of the Angaz
Battlegear E Axe
Battlegear P Axe
Batwing Axe
Bear Clawed Axe
Bearded Axe of Nulgath
Beetle Bass
Berserker Battle Axe
Big Wolf Slaying Axe
Bio Berserker Axe
BitterHeart Axe
Black Electric Guitar
Black Electric Guitar Attack
Black Light of Destiny
Blackhole Light of Dread Space
Blacksteel Dragon Axe
Blades of Order Axe
Blazing Light of Destiny
Blight Oracle Axe
Blinding Axe of Destiny Lite
Blinding Axe of Purity
Blinding Box of Destiny
Blinding Edge of Obsidian (AC)
Blinding Edge of Obsidian (Non-AC)
Blinding Hurp of Derpity
Blinding LEDestiny
Blinding Light of Chaos
Blinding Light of Deliciousness
Blinding Light of Destiny (Axe)
Blinding Light of Destiny Handle
Blinding Light of DragonFable
Blinding Light of Dread Space
Blinding Pink of Destiny!
Blood Axe Of Destruction (1)
Blood Axe Of Destruction (2)
Blood Axe of the Underworld
Blood Legion Battle-Axe
Blood Lord's Wrath
Bloodstone Battle-Axe
Blue War Guitar
Blunt Brass Basher
Boarding Axe
Bone Axe
Boneaxe of Gorgorath
Bonebreaker of GrimSkull
Bonecrusher of GrimSkull
Botanical Nightmare
Braken Bass
Brase's Fireman Axe
Bright Axe of Light
Bright Guardian's Axe
Bright Officer's Axe (Axe)
Bright Paladin's Axe
Bright Poleaxe of Light
Brisk Wind of Aeolus
Broken Horn Basher
Bronze Crusher
Brutal Axe of the Archfiend
Brutality of the Darkblood
Burger of Destiny
Burning Battle Axe
Burning Light Of Destruction
Calamitous Gilead Axe
Candy Corn Crusher Axe
Carnax Devotee's BattleAxe
Carnicero Axe
Cataclysmic Gilead Axe
Cavernous Carver Axe
Celestial Bard's Ukulele
Celestial Sand Axe
Cerberus Axe
Cerise Crown Axe
Chainbreaker Axe (AC)
Chainbreaker Axe (Legend)
Champion Ender of Nulgath
Champion's Gilded Axe
Chaorrupted Basher
Chaorrupted Light of Destiny
Chaos Beleen Axe
Chaos Crystal Axe
Chaos Dragonlord Axe
Chaos Myconian Decapitator
Chaos Naval Guitar
Chaotic Axeperity
Chaotic Banneret's Axe
Chaotic Headsman's Axe
Chaotic Savage Axe
Cheery Blinding Light of Destiny
Chocolate Bite of Destiny
Chromium Void Axe
Chromium Void Chrono Axe
Chrono Light of Destiny
Chrono Naval Guitar
Chrono Paladin's Battle-Axe
Chrono Paladin's Poleaxe
Chrono Wanderer's Poleaxe
Chrono War Guitar
ChronoReaper Axe
ChronoStriker PoleAxe (AC)
ChronoStriker PoleAxe (Special)
Chud's Axe
Citrine Axe
Cleaver of Madness
Cleaver of the Truth
Climber's Ice Pick
Clover Axe
Cobalt Beast Hand Axe
Cobalt Glacier Crusher (Axe)
Cold Delusions Axe
Cold Steel Axe
Coldfire Tabar
Combat Soulreaper of Nulgath
Copper Void Axe
Copper Void Chrono Axe
Corrupt Nightbranch
Corrupted Deadmoor BattleAxe
Crescent Axe
Crimson DeathKnight's Axe
Crimson Knight Commander Axe
Cruel Axe of Midnight
Cry Of Chaos
Cryo Troll Axe
Crystalsplitter of Nulgath
Cursed Bone Axe
Cursed Guitar of Skull Punch Island
Cursed Skulls Guitar
Cyber Dreadhaven Mace
Cyber PoleAxe
Cyber Void Light of Destiny
Dage's Signed Undead Axe Guitar (0 AC)
Dage's Signed Undead Axe Guitar (Legend)
Dage's Undead Axe Guitar (AC)
Dage's Undead Axe Guitar (Non-AC)
Dark Angel Axe of Shadow
Dark Avenger's Axe (0 AC)
Dark Avenger's Axe (AC)
Dark Avenger's Runed Axe (0 AC)
Dark Avenger's Runed Axe (AC)
Dark Axe of Friendship
Dark Botanical Nightmare
Dark Crown Axe
Dark Double Axe Blade
Dark Knight Commander Axe
Dark Knight's Axe
Dark Metal Necro Guitar
Dark Ops Cold Steel Axe
Dark Tribe Skull Axe
Darkblood Axe
Darkblood Battle Axe
DarkFrost BattleAxe