Polearms (AC)

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Auto updating list of all Adventure Coin Polearms

00-X Multipurpose Ambit Pole
013 CyberSkulls Scythe (0 AC)
013 CyberSkulls Scythe (AC)
013Cyber Skulls Polearm (0 AC)
013Cyber Skulls Polearm (AC)
Abaddon Annihilator Scythe (0 AC)
Abaddon Annihilator Scythe (AC)
Abomineator Poleaxe
Abysal BloodSpear
Abyssal Atlanticus Trident
Abyssal BeastMaster's Spear (0 AC)
Abyssal BeastMaster's Spear (AC)
Abyssal FireLord's Flame Scythe
Abyssal FireLord's Polearm
Abyssal Flag Polearm (0 AC)
Abyssal Flag Polearm (AC)
Abyssal Heretic's Mystic Spear
Abyssal Reaver Spear (0 AC)
Abyssal Reaver Spear (AC)
Accursed Spear of Madness
Acid Rain Spear
Activated Devourer of Souls Greatscythe (0 AC)
Activated Devourer of Souls Greatscythe (AC)
Ada's Light Scythe
After Dark Feather Fan
Akh-a's Spear
Akriloth's Bane
All-Seeing Spear of Chaos
Alpha Werejaguar Polearm
Amaranthine Tri-Spear
Ancient Knight's Polearm (AC)
Ancient Nightmare's Spear (0 AC)
Ancient Nightmare's Spear (AC)
Anti-Kolyaban Trident
Antiquated Shadow Swordstaff
Anubian Skyfall Spear
Apocalyptic Darkblood Spear
Apocalyptic LichKing's Scythe
Apocryphal Destroyer's Chainsaw
Aqua Rage Trident +25
Aqua Vivae's Edge
Aquamer Trident
Arc Aura Lance
Arcane Dark Caster Scythe
Arch DoomKnight Polearm
Arch Lich's Spear
Archer's Lance
ArchFiend Judge's Scythe (0 AC)
ArchFiend Judge's Scythe (AC)
ArchFiend Overlord's Spear (AC)
ArchFiend Overlord's Spear (Special)
ArchFiend Spear
Archfiend Titan's War Glaive (AC)
Archfiendish Spear of Death
Arena Rockstar 8th Scythe
Ascendant Scythe
Astaroth's Reaver Polearm
Astral Quasar Spear
Astravian General Lance
Astravian General Pike
Astravian Royal Spear
Astravian Saw Scythe
Astravian Serrated Scythe
Aulorian Spear
Aurora Summoner's Polearm (0 AC)
Aurora Summoner's Polearm (AC)
Auspicious Spetum (0 AC)
Auspicious Spetum (AC)
Autumn Magic Harvest Scythe
Avarice of the Legion's Scythe
Avatar Of Death's Scythe
Avomancer Spear
Awakened Death's Requiem Scythe (0 AC)
Awakened Death's Requiem Scythe (AC)
Awakened Fiend Poleaxe (0 AC)
Awakened Fiend Poleaxe (AC)
Awakened Fiend's Spear
Awakened Scythe of Gazeroth
Awakening Frost Shatter Spear
Banana Guandao (AC)
Basalt Claw
Battlepoint Scythe
BattleStaff of the Ravenlord
Beastbane's Blood Spear
Berserker Polearm
Beyond Death and Time
Bioluminescent Trident
Bitterfrost Doublebladed Polearm
Black Dragon Ronin Naginata (0 AC)
Black Dragon Ronin Naginata (AC)
BlackSkulls Polearm
BlackSkulls Scythe
Blacksteel Dragon Spear
Blade of the Shadow Born
Bladed Polearm of Betrayal
Bladed Polearm of Havoc
Blazing Antares Scythe
Blessed Bident
Blessed Raziel
BlightSlayer Polearm
Blinding Scythe of Destiny
Blinding ZombieSlayer Spear
Blood Flame Dragon Polearm
Bloodborne Plague Scythe
Blooded Key Polearm
Bloodmoon Faerie's Scythe
Blue Dahlia's Scythe
BoneBreaker Poleaxe
Bonefiend Manslayer's Scythe (AC)
Boreal Cavalier Bardiche
Boreal Cavalier Spear (0 AC)
Boreal Cavalier Spear (AC)
Boreal Shovel (0 AC)
Boreal Shovel (AC)
Bright Astromancer Polearm
Bright Faerie's Scythe
Bright Glaive of Guardianship
Bright Guardian of Time Polearm
Bright Lance of Champions
Bright Officer's Axe (Polearm)
Bright Oracle Halberd
Bright Paladin's Spear
Bright Scythe of Destiny
Bright Spear of Light
Bright Warlord of Nulgath Polearm
Brightguard's Bladed Polearm (AC)
Brightoak Raven Scythe
Brightsteel Halberd
Brikebeiner Ice Scythe
Brikebeiner Soul Scythe
Brilliant Star Polearm
Brilliant Star Scythe
Broken Sheer Insanity
Bronze Overclocked Polearm
Bullseye Spear (AC)
Bullseye Spear (Special)
Calamity Atlanticus Trident
Celestial Dark Knight's Spear
Celestial Nomad's Scythe
Celestial Sandspear
Chaorrupted Ruler's Polearm (0 AC)
Chaorrupted Ruler's Polearm (AC)
Chaorrupted Ruler's Scythe (0 AC)
Chaorrupted Ruler's Scythe (AC)
Chaos Ally Spear
Chaos Gaze Scythe
Chaos Merdrac Trident
Chaos Pike
Chaos Pinnacle Spear
Chaos Reaper Scythe
Chaos Star Polearm
Chaos Star Scythe
Chaotic Dragon Scythe
Chaotic Miasma Gutter
Chaotic Obsession Spear
Chaotic Sumire Impaler
Charred ShadowFlame Spear
Chimeric Pincer Scythe
Chromium Void Chrono Polearm
Chromium Void Chrono Spear
Chromium Void Polearm
Chromium Void Spear
Chrono Infinity Lance
Chrono Menace Ice Spear
Chrono ShadowHunter Scythe
Chrono ShadowSlayer Scythe
Chrono Star Polearm
Chrono Star Scythe
ChronoReaper Scythe
Code Breaker
ColdSteel Lance
Combo Breaker Trident
Copper Void Chrono Polearm
Copper Void Polearm
Copper Void's Spear
Copper Void's Time Spear
Corpse Hijacker of Nulgath
Corrupted Guardian's Spear
Cosmic Frost Scythe
Cosmic Omen Scythe
Cosmic Quasar Spear
Cosmic Reaper
Creator's Berserker
Creature's Fang Spear
Crimson BoneLord Scythe
Crimson Knight's Dragon Lance (1)
Crimson Knight's Dragon Lance (2)
Crimson Knight's Lance (1)
Crimson Knight's Lance (2)
Crimson Star Reaper
CrimsonFlame Needle
Cryofreeze Catalyst Spear
Cryomancer Knight's Spear
Cryozen's Exitosus Scythe
Crypt Key Polearm
Cryptic Arcane Dark Caster Staff
Crypto Crusher Hammer
Crystal Spear of Love
Crystallis Deep Dive
Crystallis Spear of the Heavens
Crystallis VoidSlayer Scythe
Crystamorph Venom
Cursed Bident
Cursed Bone Knight Scythe
Cursed Guitar of DOOM
Cursed Healer's Enchanted Spear
Cursed Healer's Spear
Cursed Overlord's Spear
Cursed Scythe of the Necropolis
Cursed Star Polearm
Cursed Star Scythe
Cursed Trident
Cyber Armored Spear
Cyber DeathHunter Scythe (0 AC)
Cyber DeathHunter Scythe (AC)
Cyber Demise of the Gods (0 AC)
Cyber Demise of the Gods (AC)
Cyber Dragon Tongue Scythe (0 AC)
Cyber Dragon Tongue Scythe (AC)
Cyber Golden Dragon Spear
Cyber Paragon Scythe (0 AC)
Cyber Paragon Scythe (AC)
Cyber Reaper Scythe (0 AC)
Cyber Reaper Scythe (AC)
Cyber Scythe
Cyber Scythe of the Legion (0 AC)
Cyber Scythe of the Legion (AC)
Cyber Skewer
Cyber Soul Reaper
Cyber SoulBinder Poleaxe (0 AC)
Cyber SoulBinder Poleaxe (AC)
Cyber Spear
Cyber Spear of Nulgath (0 AC)
Cyber Spear of Nulgath (AC)
Cybernetic Dragon Spear
Cybernetic Dragonlord's Spear (0 AC)
Cybernetic Dragonlord's Spear (AC)
CyberPaladin 3000 Lance
Cyberspace Dragon of Time Polearm (0 AC)
Cyberspace Dragon of Time Polearm (AC)
Dançarino Primal Spear
Daoi Sith Halberd
Dapper Cane (AC)
Dark Aqua Vivae's Edge
Dark Artist's Axe
Dark Artist's Scythe (0 AC)
Dark Artist's Scythe (AC)
Dark Asgardian Scythe (0 AC)

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