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Auto updating list of all Adventure Coin Capes & Back Items
Black Hole Cape
Black Hole Spectrum (AC)
Black Hole Spiral
Black Knight Flag
Black Knight of Nulgath Cloak (0 AC)
Black Knight of Nulgath Cloak (AC)
Black Legion Raven Cape (0 AC)
Black Legion Raven Cape (AC)
Black Leopard Tail
Black Sun Bloodletter Deity (0 AC)
Black Sun Bloodletter Deity (AC)
BlackBolt Wings
BlackHole Shrine
Blacklights Cape
BlackPink Cat Tail
Blackrawk's Wings
Blacksea Captain's Cape
BlackSkulls Centipede
BlackSkulls Sheathed Sword
BlackSkulls Shield
Blade + Ruff of the Light
Blade Warrior Jet Wings
Bladed Boreal Wrap (0 AC)
Bladed Boreal Wrap (AC)
Bladed Braid
Bladed Cape of Glorious Destiny
Bladed Cape of Honor
Bladed Cloak Of Eminence (0 AC)
Bladed Cloak Of Eminence (AC)
Bladed Rune of Kheimon (0 AC)
Bladed Rune of Kheimon (AC)
Bladed Rune of Kheimon (Merge)
Bladed Wings of the Seraph
BladeMaster Cape
BladeMaster Katana Cape
BladeMaster Shuriken Cape (AC)
Blarin' Back Speaker
Blaster on your Back
Blazebringer Molten Blade Cape
Blazebringer's Flamekin
Blazebringer's Flames
Blazebringer's Runes
Blazing Zilla Bag
Blazing Zilla Tail
Blazing Zilla Tote Bag
Bleakwind Mantle
Blessed Armored Wings Of Abezeth
Blessed Blades of the North Cape
Blessed Golden Cloak
Blessed Knight Wings
Blessed Titanium Cloak
Blessed Wings Of Abezeth
BlightSlayer Back Gear
Blood Caster Runes (AC)
Blood Caster Runes (Merge)
Blood Fangs of Nulgath
Blood Flame Dragon Cape
Blood Hanzo Cape (AC)
Blood Hanzo Katana Cape
Blood Harvest Moon
Blood Isles Backup Blades
Blood Isles Backup Equipment
Blood Isles Backup Guns
Blood Isles Shadow Backblades
Blood Leeches of Nulgath
Blood Legion's Scarf
Blood Paladin Wings
Blood Ranger Cape
Blood Ranger Quiver
Blood Wings
Bloodborne Death's Shadow Cape
Bloodborne Plague Knight Cape
Bloodborne Plague Knight Spikes
Bloodbound Tail of Demise (0 AC)
Bloodbound Tail of Demise (AC)
Blooded Banner
Blooded Cape
Blooded Guardian Cape
Blooded Protection
Blooded Shroud Wrap
Blooded Wings of Time
Blooded Wings of Wrath
Bloodletter Sacrifice Portal (0 AC)
Bloodletter Sacrifice Portal (AC)
Bloodmoon Faerie Double Wings (AC)
Bloodmoon Faerie Great Wings
Bloodmoon Faerie Scythe Cape
Bloodmoon Faerie Sparkles
BloodMoon of Madness
Bloodsea Captain's Wings
Bloody Crossed Katanas
Blue Dahlia Cloak
Blue Dragon's Accoutrements (0 AC)
Blue Dragon's Accoutrements (AC)
Blue Dragon's Parrot Cape (0 AC)
Blue Dragon's Parrot Cape (AC)
Blue Dragon's Pirate Tail (0 AC)
Blue Dragon's Pirate Tail (AC)
Blue Dragon's Wings (0 AC)
Blue Dragon's Wings (AC)
Blue Snowflakes
Boar's Guard Cape
Boaruto's Father
Bobby on the Back
Boitata on your Back
BoltStriker Cape
BoltStriker Wings
Bone Wings of Gorgorath
Bonebreaker Commander's Coup Cape (0 AC)
Bonebreaker Commander's Coup Cape (AC)
Bonebreaker Naval Slicer Cape (AC)
Bonechilling Shadows Wrap
Bonefeather Wings of Nulgath
Bonefiend Manslayer's Spikes (AC)
Bonefiend Manslayer's Tail + Spikes (0 AC)
Bonefiend Manslayer's Tail + Spikes (AC)
Bonefiend Manslayer's Tail (AC)
Bonefire Warlord's Burning Skulls (0 AC)
BoneFire Warlord's Burning Skulls (AC)
BoneFire Warlord's Grasp (0 AC)
BoneFire Warlord's Grasp (AC)
BonePiercer Spikes
BooBoo Pal
Books Of Power
Boombox on your back
Boreal Cavalier Back Shield (0 AC)
Boreal Cavalier Back Shield (AC)
Boreal Cavalier Gear (0 AC)
Boreal Cavalier Gear (AC)
Boreal Cavalier Scarf
Boreal Cavalier Wrap (0 AC)
Boreal Cavalier Wrap (AC)
Boreal Cyclone (0 AC)
Boreal Cyclone (AC)
Boreal Hip Blade (0 AC)
Boreal Hip Blade (AC)
Bosnia and Herzegovina Spirit Scarf
Botswana Spirit Scarf
Bound God's Banners
Bound God's Glory
Bound God's Horns
Bound God's Portal
Bounty Blaster Jetpack
Brasil Spirit Scarf
Breath of Autumn Wind
Breethen D'irt Cloak
Bright Arachna Abdomen
Bright Arachna Legs
Bright Arachna Morph
Bright Champion's Wrap
Bright Commander's Cape
Bright Commander's Sword + Cape
Bright Draglin Cape
Bright DragonKnight Cape
Bright Dragons' Rage
Bright Faerie Scythe Cape
Bright Faerie Sparkles
Bright Faerie's Backblade
Bright Faerie's Double Wings
Bright Faerie's Great Wings
Bright Faerie's Wings
Bright Falcon Wings
Bright Gryphon Wings
Bright Guardian of Time Cloak
Bright Guardian of Time Rune Cloak
Bright Guardian's Wings
Bright Knight's Wrap + Blade
Bright Mana Flame Banner
Bright Mana Flame Spikes
Bright Officer's Rune
Bright Officer's Trilaiti
Bright Paladin Cape
Bright Runes of the Underworld
Bright SnowAngel's Rune (AC)
Bright SnowAngel's Wings (AC)
Bright Star Cape
Bright Warlord Of Nulgath Wrap (0 AC)
Bright Warlord Of Nulgath Wrap (AC)
Bright Water Dragon Guardian
Bright Wings
Bright Wings of Swordhaven
BrightBlade Shoulder Cloth
BrightFall General's Battle Gear (0 AC)
BrightFall General's Battle Gear (AC)
Brightfall General's Wrap (AC)
BrightFlame DragonKnight Cloak (AC)
BrightFlame DragonKnight Winged Cloak (AC)
BrightFlame DragonKnight Wings (0 AC)
BrightFlame DragonKnight Wings (AC)
Brightfrost Elf Bannered Rune
Brightfrost Elf Rune
BrightGuard's Staff Cape
BrightPyre Warrior's Cape
BrightPyre Warrior's Cape and Rune
BrightPyre Warrior's Rune
Brilliant Backblades (1)
Brilliant Backblades (2)
Brilliant Ice Crystal Cape
Brilliant Shoulder Parrot
Brilliant Starsword Backblades
Bronze ChronoGuardian Bazooka Cape
Bronze ChronoGuardian Rocket Pack
Brown Dragon's Accoutrements (0 AC)
Brown Dragon's Accoutrements (AC)
Brown Dragon's Parrot Cape (0 AC)
Brown Dragon's Parrot Cape (AC)
Brown Dragon's Pirate Tail (0 AC)
Brown Dragon's Pirate Tail (AC)
Brown Dragon's Wings (0 AC)
Brown Dragon's Wings (AC)
Brunswick Leo's Requiem
Budding Love Hearts
Bulbous Abdomen Cape
Bulgaria Spirit Scarf
Burning Brand Banners Cape
Burning Celestial Wings (AC)
Burning Faerie Wings
Burning Flame of Destruction
Burning Pyromancer's Wrap
Burning ShadowFlame Cape
Burning Sun Shields (Merge)
Burning Sun Shields (Wheel)
Burning Wings Of Abezeth
BurningJay Wings +5
Butcher Backblades of Nulgath
Caecalian Defender's Wrap
Canada Spirit Scarf
Candy Corn Crusher Cape
CandyCaster Cloak
CandyCorn Wings
Cangaceiro's Carabina (Cape)
Cangaceiro's Crossed Peixeira
Capa das Ondas
Cape des Coeurs
Cape of Awe
Cape of Aww
Cape Of Envy
Cape of Eternal Dawn
Cape of Giants
Cape of Guiding
Cape of Insanity
Cape of Light
Cape of the Dark Moon
Cape of the Dawn Mage
Cape of the Infinite
Cape of the Midnight Mage
Cape of the Slayer
Cape of Valor
Cape Of Viltusial
Cape Shaped Giftbox (AC)