Troll Elder and Sage
Please journey to the Ravine Temple before confronting the Alliance Leaders.
-Troll AC Shop (1)
-Troll Merge Shop
After completing all previous storyline quests:
Troll Elder and Sage
Hero, it saddens me that my people have come to this. The Alliance should never have tried to treat with us through intimidation. We are a proud people, and we must show them that war is a dance of blades and magic. They cannot move with us a equal partners; so now we must end the dance.For good.
The Horcs… it is and oddity. We are at war with them, yet outside the threats have forced us to join together. Perhaps this will be a road to peace in the future. Perhaps… not. The threat of Chaos is so great! We shall see.
-Troll AC Shop (1)
-Troll Merge Shop
-Sokrakiis' Quests
Troll Elder
You must turn back, Hero! This region of Bloodtusk is restricted. No Troll or Horc has walked these grounds in centuries! Return the /alliance to learn what awaits here.
- Alliance
After completing the 'Alliance Demotion' quest:
Troll Elder
I stand before the SkyDancers and vow I did not know Krellenos was capable of such an… abomination! All of my people will work with you cleanse his stain of dishonor. I fear he goes now to our most ancient sacred grounds! We must hurry; if he connects to the spirit of our people there we are finished!
Krenellos was always such a happy youth! Always considerate of his sister, making sure she was loved when so many rejected her. And he cared so much for his younger brother! To KILL him…! I cannot see how Chaos has tempted him, unless he was promised power over the future instead of mere visions of it.
I fear for Khasaanda now. Her hold in sanity was tenuous, at best. With her younger brother slain by her elder… I cannot see her remaining with us much longer. I will send Dregas to her; he once enjoyed teaching her. Perhaps he can help her see a new future for herself… and all of us.
After completing Sokrakiis' Quests:
Troll Elder and Sage
Krellenos is no Troll, not any longer. The Gods of Song will sing his death! But now… now we must prevent him from destroying my people and the Horcs of K'Thurr. We need you, Hero! But I fear.. did you see the Serpentress he held sway over? To adopt such a symbol of death and disease… I am uneasy.
- Sokrakiis' Quests
Philisophy and History Adept, Troll Elder
I greet you, hero. Welcome to Bloodtusk Ravine, and may your stay be enjoyable. We have much to offer you if you enjoy the Arts. Or perhaps the study of philosophy or history is more your taste? We Trolls are a peaceful, refined, and cultural people now, though our past is sadly littered with the bones of our enemies.
I am one of the elders of the city, and can tell you what you would like to know about all aspects of our fair home. But for me, I prefer to discourse at length on topics like history, literature, and philosophy. Feel free to browse my writings, but you'll need a dictionary and translator to truly appreciate them.
I look on the residents of this town as my children, and I must care for them as best as I can. Some of them, though, are more wayward than others. Khasaanda, for example, is a sad child. The town does not listen to her, though I think they should. I see why they do not, for her words are sharp, and the images she conjures are unpleasant. Especially when she speaks of her visions from the Land of Dreams and Nightmares.
But her brother! Ah, Krellenos. I often see him with Samba and Oishii. They are a happy trio, and it is a joy to teach them the Lore of our ancestors. I often sit with them and discuss the nature of Art and Prophecy. Krellenos amuses us all. I have high hopes of his affable nature conquering his sister's bitterness, and aiding in her return to a more creative, cheerful state.
Samba and Oishii are happy souls, and gentle. I think, though, that if they were ever to be really tested, they would prove themselves to be warriors at heart! Never threaten the meek, Hero, for they will surprise you with their strength, and will fight back even more ferociously when cornered.
Bachius… *sigh* He thinks I do not see what he does, the messages hidden in his music. He must make up his own mind, go his own way. But he must not destroy what our people have worked to achieve these last 200 years!
After he was attacked by a marauding band of Horcs, and because he is half-troll, half-horc, he has never been quite as happy as the rest of us. He can be, I fear, susceptible to the persuasions of his friends, eager for action.
After completing the 'Horcs Stink!' quest:
You want to summon the Twin Watchers? That is… permissible. I can tell they know much that might help us. Druuz may show you. I will do anything to assist the increase of your knowledge, my friend, if it will benefit my people! And I command you for your willingness to work with Druuz. He is a good youth. Overeager for acceptance, perhaps, but that is understandable, I think.
- Sokrakiis' Quests
- Sokrakiis Rep Shop
- Sokrakiis' Quests
After completing She Who Answers' Quests:
Philisophy and History Adept, Troll Elder
You have much wisdom, Hero. As you say you have learned from us, we too have learned from you. I wish you success in your travels. May you be ever free, strong, and wise!
- Sokrakiis Rep Shop
- Sokrakiis' Quests
Troll Elder
Hero, thank the dancers you're here! The rumors have proven true; a Horc is aligning itself with Chaos! We feared this when the rumors started, and it has come to pass. I can no longer halt the young ones eager for war. Indeed, we must save ourselves! Whoever this vile barbarian is, they are using the very beasts against us! Help keep my children safe.
I fear for their safety, Hero. Chaorruption is… I would not want any of my people to suffer that! To be consumed for the inside by desires and emotions pulling you in all directions at once… copelling you to act against your nature… it is disgusting! Keep the chaorrupted creatures from defiling my sons and daughters!
There is no telling what will happen once we quell this bestial uprising. Even our prophets are silent, beyond vague warnings of terror and bloodshed to come. Khasaanda just laughs and laughs when I approach her. I fear for her sanity, and for the safety of us all. Should the Horcs rise again, and wield the power of Chaos… both our people will suffer.
- Sokrakiis' War Quests
- War Paint
- Ravine Temple
Horc Chieftain
Go. You must save the Temple before you will have time to explore this cave system.
- Ancient Temple
After completing the 'Though Nature Bars the Way' quest:
Troll Elder and Sage
Hero, a time I never thought would come has arrived - Trolls must band together against one of their own. Krellenos has turned his back on his people, his land, himself. Every move made has been to deceive or confuse us. He hid well while seeming to help. Now WE need you to help us ensure he never causs harm again.
Hidden deep within the walls of his home, Krellenos moved us about as though we were Tschach pawns. Here, there, making us attack the Horcs and our land, and then ally with them. Truly, his plan defies logic. And, I fear, that is exactly what he intended. How well it worked! To our discredit, we never suspected him.
After completing the 'Shine a Light on Deception' quest:
Troll Elder and Sage
There is no hope for him. He is beyond redemption. All that is left for us is to hope you are able to defeat his Beast… and then him. We will mourn the younger brother he arranged to slaughter. We will take good care of his sister, unstable though she is. But for him - destruction! It is the only way we may atone for his betrayal.
- Sokrakiis' Quests
After completing 'Battle the Baas!' quest:
Troll Elder and Sage
As'kaavi help me! Hero, where did I - did we - fail? Where, when did we lose them? HOW could we have been so blind, that we could miss them twisting, willing succumbing to a taint that would kill them from the inside? For them to turn against us, to turn TO Chaos! How - *choke* why… How could we let them down so terribly?
Troll Elder
Please return to Bloodtusk Ravine. There is much information for you there, and tasks we need your help on. Speak to Ksakkis - she will be able to guide you on your journey.
After completing all previous storyline quests:
Troll Elder
I greet you, Hero, in sadness, but I wish to thank you for staying true to us. I fear for my people in this new regime. We have always trusted the Alliance but… hey do not know what is best for us right now. I worry that they desire our resources more than our freedom from Chaos. With the Horcs lost to it, this most precious substance is in danger! Rumors have already started that it is gone, and anarchy threatens our home!
What resource?
There is a material here found nowhere else in Lore. It is sacred to our people, and the Horcs. This has caused great tension between us in the past. The Accord of the Dark Sun guarantees that ALL of this substance is kept in a secure, neutral place for all to draw on, and on its grounds peace prevails. Now that the Horcs have fallen to Chaos, though… I am afraid they will either consume or destroy it all!
-Sokrakiis' Quests
-Troll Defiance Shop