Snowbeard's Quests

Quest Location: Inn Ternet
Quests Begun From: Snowbeard


  • Previously called "Adorable Sisters" and before "Gem Blessing".
  • This quest can only be completed once.

Have you met the seven sisters yet? I owe each and every one of them my life. They all found me, and together they took care of me while my wounds healed. Why don't you go and introduce yourself to all seven of them, and come back to me when you're done.

Items Required:

  • Sister's Blessing x7


  • 0 Gold
  • 0 Exp

Thanks to Cornfield10 and Dragonicoe.

Quest Location: Inn Ternet
Quests Begun From: Snowbeard

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Follow your Nose!' quest.

Is that my gold I see in those grubby little mitts? Give it here!

Items Required:


Thanks to Cornfield10.

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