Level: 2
Difficulty: 1
Total HP: 540
- Slash: 2-4
- Stab: 2-4
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Beast Crate (Dropped during the 'Beat the Beasts' quest)
- Box of SneevSnax (Dropped during the 'SneevSnax in Boxes' quest)
- Boxes (Dropped during the 'Missing Boxes' quest)
- Chewed-Up Wire (Dropped during the 'Circuit Breakers' quest)
- Crown Shards (Dropped during the 'Dragon King Chest Pet' quest)
- Electrical Tape Roll (Dropped during the 'Current Affairs' quest)
- Flat container (Dropped during the 'Free HeroPoints!' quest)
- Metal Ore (Dropped during the 'Odd's 'n' Ends' quest)
- News Scroll (Dropped during the 'Weekly Power Gem Quest' quest)
- Sneevil Boxed (Dropped during the 'Spend One HeroPoint' quest)
- Sneevil Boxed (Dropped during the 'Spend Two HeroPoint' quest)
- Sneevil Boxed (Dropped during the 'Spend Three HeroPoint' quest)
- Sneevil Boxed (Dropped during the 'Spend Six HeroPoint' quest)
- Sneevil Boxed (Dropped during the 'Spend Ten HeroPoint' quest)
- Sneevil Boxes (Dropped during the 'Sneevil Boxes' quest)
- Sneevil Convinced (Dropped during the 'HeroMart Defender' quest)
- Sneevil Ear (Dropped during the 'Lend an Ear' quest)
- Spare Fuse (Dropped during the 'Current Affairs' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Box Cutter (Dropped during the 'Dage's Black Box' quest)
- Cubes
- Dage's Note (Dropped during the 'Dage's Black Box' quest)
- Sneevil Lore Scroll
- Straight Edge
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
Note: Also see List of all Sneevil Monsters.

Thanks to Cornfield10, Darty 520, Etching, GENGSTUPID, Nightly, Retro Gx, Rsrdaman, Stephen Nix, Tendou no Mazo, Wpack10, Zero IX, [Confuzed] and .Shadow//.
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