Snee-Vo the Clown (Pet)

- Snee-Vo the Clown
- Snee-Vo the Clown 15
- Snee-Vo the Clown 14
- Snee-Vo the Clown 13
- Snee-Vo the Clown 12
- Snee-Vo the Clown 11
- Snee-Vo the Clown 10
Price: N/A
- Merge the following:
- Golden Ticket x1,000
Sellback: 0 Gold
Rarity: Seasonal Item Rarity
Description: Exactly what you have always wanted: a mallet-wielding sneevil dressed as a clown! They all float down there where he comes from… Happy Lucky Day!
Note: Also see Snee-Vo The Clown (NPC).

Thanks to Decan and mturf.