- Triggers when Last Goose Bone is completed - Cysero's Secret
- Cysero (NPC) - Cysero's Secret
«Hero and Queen's ArchSage defeated in Goose»
Hero: I'm going to need that bone.
ArchSage: You have no idea with whom you are dealing.
Hero: Yeah, yeah. I've heard all this before.
ArchSage: No, you have not. Not like this.
«ArchSage gets up»
ArchSage: Drakath created the Lords of Chaos.
ArchSage: He was given a power that the world had never seen before.
Hero: Drakath is just a delusional, power-mad…
ArchSage: You are mssing my point, hero!
ArchSage: My queen GAVE this power to Drakath.
ArchSage: From another dimension, she was able to reach out and do this.
ArchSage: All that power that Drakath was given… it was such an unthinkable small amount of her power…
ArchSage: …That she was able to give it away without even feeling it.
ArchSage: She has oceans of power.
ArchSage: Drakath was allowed to dip a cup into those oceans and drink from it.
ArchSage: When I say that you can't imagine her might…It is no exaggeration.
ArchSage: It is literally beyond your ability to comprehend.
ArchSage: You are less than an insect to her.
Hero: Insects can bite and sting.
ArchSage: And then they get crushed.
Hero: You're wasting time.
ArchSage: You have no idea how right you are.
Hero: Give. Me. The. Bone.
«ArchSage shrugs»
ArchSage: Alas, I cannot. I do not have it.
Hero: Where is it?
ArchSage: The Archsage has it with the others. He's ready to begin the resurrection.
Hero: The ArchSage. I thought you were the ArchSage!
ArchSage: Yes, you were supposed to. He has been making preparations…
ArchSage: …while you wasted time here, distracted…
«ArchSage's body disappears, as an illusion would»
ArchSage: … by an illusion.
«Scene fades»
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