Skye Faction
Leader: Lieber
- Balemorale Castle
- Castle Eblana
- Castle Gaheris
- Cold Thunder
- Naoise's Grave
- Queen Iona Challenge Fight
- Ruins of Loughshine
- The Hill of Lia Tara
Faction Quests:
Repeatable quests are Bold and Daily quests are also Italic.
- Astero's Quests
- Visceral Memory: +125 Rep
- Boneless: +125 Rep
- Caoimhe's Quests
- Wicker Magic: +1,250 Rep
- Maigh Eo: +1,250 Rep
- Resentment Harbour: +250 Rep
- Wisened Yew: +1,250 Rep
- Dragonflare: +250 Rep
- Shock Scatter: +1,250 Rep
- Grace of Three: +1,250 Rep
- Iubhair: +250 Rep
- Parting the Clouds: +1,250 Rep
- Arrester: +2,500 Rep
- Anvil Cloud: +200 Rep
- Felix Taylor's Quests
- Skye's Raindrops: +1,250 Rep
- Doctor's Orders: +250 Rep
- Shockwave's Ripples: +1,250 Rep
- Caretaker's Shadow: +1,250 Rep
- Harbinger's Tears: +1,250 Rep
- Spectre of Hunger: +1,250 Rep
- InnJustice: +1,250 Rep
- Find Shelter in…: +250 Rep
- Heavy Handed: +1,250 Rep
- Miserable Monsoon: +2,500 Rep
- Our Rain: +250 Rep
- The Storm Queen (Badge Quest): +500 Rep
- A Friend's Faith: +250 Rep
- The Storm Queen: +5,000 Rep
- Eilean a' Cheò: +250 Rep
- Kieran Lathurna's Quests
- Iona the Isolated: +2,000 Rep
- Generational Tyranny: +500 Rep
- Eye of the Storm: +500 Rep
- Lady Celestia's Quests
- Light of Youth: +75 Rep
- Competitive Spark: +75 Rep
- Deadly Muse: +125 Rep
- Lady Laidronette Cavendish's Quests
- Security Plushies: +125 Rep
- Lady Nialla Granville's Quests
- Fisticuff Tourney: +75 Rep
- Local Seafare: +125 Rep
- Lieber's Quests
- Cold Reception: +200 Rep
- Long Walk on the Beach: +125 Rep
- Lord Granville's Quests
- Unmended Scars: +1,250 Rep
- No Pain, No Gain: +1,250 Rep
- Lord Henry Vaughn III's Quests
- Searchlights: +1,000 Rep
- Queensmen: +1,000 Rep
- Cellar Secrets: +250 Rep
- Chaotic Roots: +1,000 Rep
- Eroding Era: +1,000 Rep
- Old Wolf: +250 Rep
- Abandoned Cradle: +1,000 Rep
- Shockwaves: +1,000 Rep
- Sleight of Hand: +250 Rep
- Double Fianchetto: +2,000 Rep
- Muusa's Quests
- Summer Castle Scroll: +50 Rep
- Lightguard's Allegiance Scroll: +50 Rep
- Pureblood Skye Scroll: +50 Rep
- Champions of Energy Scroll: +50 Rep
- Bananach Raven's Scroll: +50 Rep
- Leanan Sidhe Scroll: +75 Rep
- Yew Scroll: +75 Rep
- Energy Element Scroll: +75 Rep
- Naoise and Deirdre Scroll: +75 Rep
- Great Dragon of Energy Scroll: +75 Rep
- Hero's Daisy Scroll: +75 Rep
- Energy Necromancy Scroll: +75 Rep
- Thundersnow Scroll: +75 Rep
- Man in the Middle: +75 Rep
- Queen Victoria Alteon's Quests
- Till When?: +1,400 Rep
- Energetic Feud: +1,400 Rep
- Glacial Seal: +250 Rep
- The Cold Wind Guides: +1,400 Rep
- Cold Callers: +1,400 Rep
- Destinies Lost: +1,400 Rep
- Of the Sorrows: +2,100 Rep
- Cold-Blooded Torture: +1,400 Rep
- Echoing Cries: +1,400 Rep
- Dragon's Seal: +2,800 Rep
- Reactive Inductor: +250 Rep
- At Ease: +1,500 Rep
- Greenguard Daisy: +1,500 Rep
- True Nature: +1,500 Rep
- Deafly Pride: +250 Rep
- King of Briars and Smoke: +2,250 Rep
- Last Snowfall: +1,500 Rep
- Spring Melt: +1,500 Rep
- Connla: +1,500 Rep
- Dumha na nGiall: +1,500 Rep
- Changeling: +3,000 Rep
- Pushing Up Daisies: +200 Rep
- Needs of the Few: +1,700 Rep
- Lost and Numb: +1,700 Rep
- Childhood Memories: +250 Rep
- Strangled Sobs: +1,700 Rep
- Distant Care: +1,700 Rep
- Minus K: +1,700 Rep
- Someone Else's Blood and Tears: +1,700 Rep
- Honor Thy Family: +250 Rep
- Life's Latest Lows: +1,700 Rep
- Vow of Misery: +34,000 Rep
- Cloud Breaker: +200 Rep
Note: 'Eye of the Storm' Character Page Title is unlocked at rank 10.
Faction Shops:
- CastleGaheris Shop
- ColdThunder Shop
- Felix's Gilded Gear
- LiaTaraHill Loot
- Lothian Treasury
- Loughshine Loot
- NaoiseGrave Loot
- Skye Emissary's Merge
- Skye Emissary's Reputation
Faction Items:
- Electrojolt Scholar - Rank 5
- Electrowave Scholar - Rank 5
- Electrowave Scholar Hair - Rank 5
- Electrowave Scholar Morph - Rank 5
- Electrowave Scholar Patch - Rank 5
- Royal Electrowave Scholar Morph - Rank 5
- Skye Obelisk - Rank 5
- Mana Scholar's Warlock's Hat - Rank 6
- Mana Scholar's Witch's Hat - Rank 6
- Royal Electrowave Scholar Hair - Rank 6
- Royal Electrowave Scholar Patch - Rank 6
- Royal Electrowave Scholar's Quiver - Rank 6
- Shattered Skye Obelisk - Rank 6
- Shockwave Scholar - Rank 6
- Skye Cailleach Hood - Rank 6
- Skye Executor Hood - Rank 6
- Skye Executor Hooded Visage - Rank 6
- Skye Warrior Mask - Rank 6
- Skye Warrior's Cloak - Rank 6
- Anti-Storm War Beast Helm - Rank 7
- Anti-Storm Warbeast Skull - Rank 7
- Backhanded Speirling Dagger - Rank 7
- Backhanded Speirling Daggers - Rank 7
- Golden Snowflake Rapier
- Golden Snowflake Rapiers - Rank 7
- Halcyon Virtue Axe - Rank 7
- Halcyon Virtue Axes - Rank 7
- Halcyon Virtue Blade - Rank 7
- Halcyon Virtue Blades - Rank 7
- Halcyon Virtue Scepter - Rank 7
- Hoarfrost Snowflake Rapier - Rank 7
- Hoarfrost Snowflake Rapiers - Rank 7
- Mana Scholar's Arcane Craft - Rank 7
- Plasma Orbs - Rank 7
- Royal Electrojolt Scholar - Rank 7
- Scholar's AC Gauntlet - Rank 7
- Scholar's DC Gauntlet - Rank 7
- Shockwave Paralyzer Bow - Rank 7
- Skye Warden Hood - Rank 7
- Skye Warden of the East Cape - Rank 7
- Skye Warden of the East Mask - Rank 7
- Skye Warden of the West Cape - Rank 7
- Skye Warden's Ornate Mask - Rank 7
- Skye Warrior Hood - Rank 7
- Speirling Blade - Rank 7
- Speirling Blades - Rank 7
- Winter Solstice Staff - Rank 7
- Anti-Storm Warbeast - Rank 8
- Backhanded Speirling Guardian Dagger - Rank 8
- Backhanded Speirling Guardian Daggers - Rank 8
- Courtly Mana Scholar - Rank 8
- Demigod's Shadow Veil - Rank 8
- Halcyon Skye Axe - Rank 8
- Halcyon Skye Axes - Rank 8
- Halcyon Skye Blade - Rank 8
- Halcyon Skye Blades - Rank 8
- Halcyon Skye Hand Axe - Rank 8
- Halcyon Skye Hand Axes - Rank 8
- Halcyon Skye Longsword - Rank 8
- Halcyon Skye Longswords - Rank 8
- Halcyon Skye Scepter - Rank 8
- Hand of Winter - Rank 8
- Hands of Winter - Rank 8
- Royal Electrowave Scholar - Rank 8
- Skye Cailleach (Armor) - Rank 8
- Skye Executor (Armor) - Rank 8
- Skye Warden's Cowled Locks - Rank 8
- Skye Warden's Cowled Mask - Rank 8
- Skye Warden's Cowled Visage - Rank 8
- Skye Warrior (Armor) - Rank 8
- Speirling Gaheris Blade - Rank 8
- Speirling Gaheris Blades - Rank 8
- Speirling Guardian Dagger - Rank 8
- Speirling Guardian Daggers - Rank 8
- Thundersnow Ruler Hair - Rank 8
- Thundersnow Ruler Locks - Rank 8
- Anti-Storm War Tank - Rank 9
- Anti-Storm War Tank Helm - Rank 9
- Anti-Storm War Tank Skull - Rank 9
- Anti-Storm War Tank's Energy Aura - Rank 9
- Anti-Storm War Tank's Energy Fist - Rank 9
- Anti-Storm War Tank's Energy Fists - Rank 9
- Anti-Storm Warbeast's Energy Aura - Rank 9
- Anti-Storm Warbeast's Energy Fist - Rank 9
- Anti-Storm Warbeast's Energy Fists - Rank 9
- Divine Eyes of Scathanna - Rank 9
- Halcyon Coronation Axe - Rank 9
- Halcyon Coronation Axes - Rank 9
- Royal Shockwave Scholar - Rank 9
- Skye Emissary - Rank 9
- Skye Emissary Hair - Rank 9
- Skye Emissary Morph - Rank 9
- Skye Warden of the East - Rank 9
- Skye Warden of the West - Rank 9
- Skye's Wailing Greatsword - Rank 9
- Skye's Wailing Greatswords - Rank 9
- Thundersnow Ruler Morph - Rank 9
- Thundersnow Ruler Visage - Rank 9
- Crownslayer Bananach - Rank 10
- Dark Lightning Gloria and Scarf - Rank 10
- Dark Thunder Master - Rank 10
- Dark Thunder Master Long Locks - Rank 10
- Demigod's Divine Scathanna - Rank 10
- Divine Storm Scythe - Rank 10
- Galvanic Tyrant - Rank 10
- Galvanic Tyrants - Rank 10
- Queen Iona's Locks - Rank 10
- Queen Iona's Royal Attire - Rank 10
- Queen Iona's Visage - Rank 10
- Sovereign of Storms - Rank 10
- Thundersnow Demigod - Rank 10
- Thundersnow Demigod Morph - Rank 10
- Thundersnow Demigod Visage - Rank 10
Thanks to Kira159.
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