- Skull Arena - Plays after completing the 'Lacking Brain Substance' quest
«Scene: At the concert»
Artix: This is the final nail in your coffin! For our next number, this is Warcry!
«Brain Matter appears on top»
Warlic: The members of Brain Matter vacated their stolen skeleton bodies and fused into one brain!
Warlic: Or rather, a little less than half a brain, but they're stomach turning nonetheless.
Warlic: If we don't retaliate, they'll crush us physically, then pick up their instruments to do so mentally.
Zhoom: We can't stop shredding. It's an instant disqualification if our music mutes.
Alina: This is tough! They sound exactly like us, even down to my voice!
«Hero comes up to attack Brain Matter»
Hero: Ding ding, knock out! There aren't any rules against shutting you up with a roughing!
Hero: Hold on, how is your music still blaring?
Jongaar: I was willing to give a fellow musician the benefit of the doubt, at least when it comes to performing my songs.
Jongaar: For real, I don't mind if someone plays my music better than me. That'd be cool.
«Jongaars appears and exposes a sound box»
Jongaar: Saying you composed them on top of jaw-syncing to a recording of us?
Jongaar: Your band's slimier than the actual slimes crawling around outside my favorite pizza shop.
Pit: Who cares! You think we lost? Even if you win, we still win!
Jongaar: Yo, is this sour grapes or are actually in trouble?
«Scene: Concert»
Pit: It doesn't matter if we can't raise our original giant body. You will!
Pit: The runes engraved into the Skull Dome got charged up by all of the music, and we're going to rise again!
«Scene: Shaking Skull Dome»
Pit: All according to plan!
Laryn: Pit, is the rest of our body underground or what?
Medullos: I don't remember how our real body died that well. Didn't we get decapitated or something?
Bellum: Bruh.
«Scene: Concert»
«Alina wipes out Brain Matter»
Announcer: Guys and ghouls, we have our first champions of the Skull Dome's Battle of the Bands!
Announcer: Clack your knuckles and start shrieking for the NPCs!
Hero: Artix, can you hold it together long enough to give an encore?
Artix: Only if Jongaar grabs a guitar and jumps on stage with us!
Jongaar: Crank up the volume, I'm on!
«NPCs playing music»
Artix: This next one goes out to our VIP Guest, <Hero>!
«Scene fades»
Previous: Punk Talk