Sketchy Dragon
Location: Pencil Puddle
Level: 3
Difficulty: 1 star
Total HP: 970
- Claw: 35-42
- Fire FX/RAWR: 35-42
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Dragon Head Trophy (Used in the 'Dragon Head Trophies' quest)
- Dragon Quest Reward Item (Dropped during the Yeah, another quest quest)
- Dragon Tail Trophy (Used in the 'Dragon Tail Trophies' quest)
- Scrawl Spirit (Dropped during the 'The Scrawl Spirit' quest)
- Sketchy Cookie Box (Dropped during the 'DragonDoodle Cookies' quest)
- Sketchy Portal Not Found (Dropped during the 'Gateways to Chaos' quest)
- Try Again!
Items Dropped:
- 1 Dimensional Armor
- Dual Sketchy Cutlass
- Dual Sketchy Guns
- Hand-Drawn J6 Armor
- J6's Secret Hideout Map
- Sketchy Artist Hair
- Sketchy Artist Locks
- Sketchy Bandana
- Sketchy Bandana + Beard
- Sketchy Bandana + Locks
- Sketchy Bandana Hair
- Sketchy Battle Gear
- Sketchy Beard and TopHat
- Sketchy Cutlass
- Sketchy Gun
- Sketchy J6 Helm
- Sketchy Pirate
- Sketchy Shotgun
- Sketchy TopHat
- Sketchy TopHat + Hair
- Sketchy TopHat + Locks
- Stonewrit Found! (Dropped during the 'Find The Stonewrit!' quest)
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- Visible Dye
- Also see:
Thanks to Cahyo kurosaki, fluian, GENGSTUPID and prozo_superlike.
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