Skeletal Warrior
- Level 3 (Version 1)
- Level 3 (Version 2)
- Level 7 (Version 1)
- Level 7 (Version 2)
- Level 8
- Level 15
- Level 25
- Level 28
Level: 3
Difficulty: 1 star
Total HP: 610
AI: Shadowfall - Aggressive on entering screen and on respawn.
- Slash: 20-26
- Smash: 20-26
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Arcane Parchment (Dropped during the 'Necrotic Sword of Doom Badge' and 'You'll need a Spellbook!' quests)
- Bony ChestPlate (Dropped during the 'Skeletal Sabotage' quest)
- Broken Dream Catcher (Dropped during the 'Alignment Quest: Light... or Dark?' quest)
- Chaorrupted Skull (Dropped during the 'Tomb With A View' quest)
- Chipped Tooth (Dropped during the 'Chipped Tooth' quest)
- Environmental Findings (Dropped during the 'Monster 4: Skeletal Warrior' quest)
- Gilded Bone (Dropped during the 'Arcane Paragon Pet (NPC)'s Quests' quests)
- Graveyard Token (Dropped during the 'Undead Slaying!' quest)
- Green Jewel (Dropped during the 'Bejeweled Blade' quest) (Museum)
- Green Jewel (Dropped during the 'Bejeweled Blade' quest) (Nostalgia Quest)
- Habits Studied (Dropped during the 'Monster 4: Skeletal Warrior' quest)
- Itemized Item List (Dropped during the 'Monster 4: Skeletal Warrior' quest)
- Jingle Skull (Dropped during the 'On the 8th Quest of Frostval' quest)
- Jingle Skull (Dropped during the 'On the 9th Quest of Frostval' quest)
- Old Bone (Dropped during the 'Help Professor Mueran' quest)
- Powdered Warrior Heart (Dropped during the 'Barnabas Castle Quest' quests)
- Shadow Fossils (Dropped during the 'Shadow Skills' quest)
- Skeletal Claymore (Dropped during the 'Skeletal Sabotage' quest)
- Skeletal Warrior's Soul Energy (Dropped during the 'Rutilans' Soul Harvest' quest)
- Skeleton Slain (Dropped during the 'Defend the Throne Room' quest)
- Skeleton Captured (Dropped during the 'I Want to Be The Very Best Necromancer' quest)
- Skeleton Skulls (Dropped during the 'Defend the Throne Room (Storyline)' quest)
- Skellophane Tape (Dropped during the 'Free HeroPoints!' quest)
- Surge of the Undead Soldier (Dropped during the 'Skeletal Warrior Upsurge - Gold Boost' quest)
- Toe Jam (Dropped during the 'Toe Jam in Shadowfall' quest)
- Undead Head (Dropped during the 'MoglinRider Daimyo' quest)
- Undead Un-Life Force (Dropped during the 'Undead Energy' quest)
- Undead Un-Life Force (Dropped during the 'Slay the Unworthy' quest)
- Unseeing Eye (Dropped during the 'Victory Blade Enchantment' quest)
- Yara's Ring (Dropped during the 'Ring Bearer' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Blinding Light Fragments (Dropped during the 'Finding Fragments' quests)
- Brutal Sword
- Fighter Helm
- Hilt Found! (Dropped during the 'Find the Hilt!' quest)
- Iron Hammer
- Mystic Quills
- Skeleton Hand
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- Unidentified Weapon (Dropped during the 'Forge Gemstones for Nulgath' and 'The Search for the Sword' quests)
- Also see
Thanks to ANGELO13542, akoru, Breger, Cahyo kurosaki, Draconian 7345, HunterCurtis, ion_26, Karika, Ken serith, Lord Zombie, Nightly, not a hax, Rich Wind, rickyb20, ShadowWhisperer, SirBlackAxe, Stephen Nix, The Legendary Hero, Xia, Zealotus, zenron the greatn, Zero IX and .Shadow//.
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