Sir Vival's Quests

Quest Location: Swordhaven Castle (Location)
Quests Begun From: Sir Vival


Note: This quest can only be done once a day.

Gargoyles are supposed to scare off evil spirits… but the Swordhaven Gargoyles are scaring off everybody and destroying our kingdom! I could use your help everyday dismantling our resident Gargoyles that will go helping Swordhaven repair all the damage done by these granite giants.

Items Required:

  • Gargoyle Head x1
  • Gargoyle Ears x2
  • Gargoyle Fang x1
  • Gargoyle Wing x2
  • Gargoyle Granite x3
  • Gargoyle Tail x1
  • Gargoyle Claw x4


Thanks to Sasuke_kool1.

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