Sir Valen's Quests

Jump to: Scarsgarde Keep, Ebonslate Fortress.

Quest Location: Scarsgarde
Quests Begun From: Sir Valen

Note: This quest can only be completed once.

It is imperative we reach Scarsgarde Keep without beeing detected. Deadlicks' flying poison-eyes and guards grifs patrol the forest. We'll need to take them out if we have any hope of sneaking closer. Slay VenomWings, then put their tainted meat around the woods. That will take care of both.

Items Required:

  • VenomWings Slain x6
  • Poison Placed x6
    • Click the blue arrows around the map


  • 250 Gold
  • 250 Exp

Thanks to Syudanco.

Quest Location: Ebonslate Fortress
Quests Begun From: Sir Valen

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Choose Your Path' quest.

Dethrix has a horde of Mind Con-Trolls guarding his fortress! You'd better take them down first, before they mind con-troll your army!

Items Required:


  • 200 Gold
  • 200 Exp

Thanks to ShatteredReality.

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