The Hot, Saucy Knight
Welcome to Beleen's Dream Island. But it's more of a nightmare than a dream, because Beleen has gone missing! Beleen wanted to find true love on Valentine's Day… but if we don't find her in time, then she'll NEVER love again!
- Hero's Heart RaresTalk
This island if full of everything Beleen loves: pink sand beaches, Sriracha rivers, chocolate, balloon animals, heart-shaped landscaping, adorable critters, fortune cookies, and the world's largest Red Velvet Cake mountain.Beleen wanted to find her true love on Valentine's Day and whoever was the first to retrieve the Crystalized Legendary Cherry atop the Red Velvet Cake Mountain would be her Valentine. Make your way through the Island and let's see if we can find Beleen!
- Sir Racha's Quests
After completing the 'The Legendary Cherry' quest:
The Hot, Saucy Knight
A chamber… inside a cake? This is a crumby Situation. Whisk your way through that door and beat whatever beast is inside. If anything has happened to Beleen… they'll be in tiers… just like this cake!
- Sir Racha's Quests
After completing the 'Your Just Deserts' quest:
The Hot, Saucy Knight
Congratulations on winning Beleen's competition! Beleen might be a total airhead, but you can't help but love her. Check out your grand prizes, and we hope to see you again on the next episode of Beleen's Dream Island.
Location: Beleen's Dream
Thanks to Gengstupid and Tendou no Mazo.
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