Armory Guard
Welcome to the Swordhaven Armory! Through me, you can access the Pactagonal Shop, and the shop for players who battle on the side of Good. To preserve the Truce, the Guardian, Dragonlord and StarCaptain shops have been moved to the Guardian Tower in Battleon.
During the 'Looking for a Good Hero' quest:
Armory Guard
You say my mother GAVE her own grandchildren to the SkyPirates as… collateral? As assurance that she would not betray them?! If YOU don't get them out, Hero, then rest assured that I will. Family matters much more than Mother believes. She drove me to the knights with her selfishness and cruelty.
Location: Swordhaven Castle (Location)
- Also see:
Thanks to Hina, Enzeru, Syudanco and .Shadow//.
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