Shroud of Darkness War

Location: Shadow Duat
Map Name: shadowduat
Access Points:
- /join shadowduat
- Button in Game Menu
- Tomb of the Blue Lotus
- East of Screen 1
- 'Shadow Duat' button from Zhoom
- Apophis Chantress (Version 2) x1
- Royal Umbral Guard x7
- Umbral Serpent (Version 2) x5
- Umbral Sphinx x5
- Umbral Tomb Hound (Version 2) x4
War Boss:
- Screens 5, 6 and 7 were unlocked when the War Meter reached 25%.
- Screens 8 and 9 were unlocked when the War Meter reached 50%.
- Screen 10 was unlocked when the War Meter reached 100%.
War Progression:
- Mega Shadow Duat Medal
- Requires: Mega Shadow Duat Medal x3
- Rewards: 3,500 Gold, 12,000 Exp
- Shadow Duat Medal
- Requires: Shadow Duat Medal x5
- Rewards: 2,500 Gold, 6,000 Exp
- A Memory
- Apophis Chantress Guard
- Apophis Lector's Staff and Tome
- Chaotic Asura
- Doomed Metamorphosis Knight
- Doomed Metamorphosis Knight Hair
- Doomed Metamorphosis Knight Morph
- Doomed Metamorphosis' Loyal Knight
- Dual Chaotic Asura
- Forbidden Metamorphosis Fang
- Forbidden Ouro Scythe
- Life and Rebirth Staff
- Memorial Blade Pet
- Metamophosis Maw's Knight Hair
- Metamophosis Maw's Knight Morph
- Metamorphosis Maw's Knight
- Metamorphosis Maw's Loyal Knight
- Ouroboros Crown
- Ouroboros Warlock
- Ouroboros Warlock Crown Morph
- Ouroboros Warlock Crowned Hood
- Ouroboros Warlock Crowned Hood Morph
- Ouroboros Warlock Hair
- Ouroboros Warlock Hood
- Ouroboros Warlock Shag
- Ouroboros Warlock's Altar
- Ouroboros' Unbroken Dream
- Pixel Artix NPC Figure
- Pixel Gravelyn NPC Figure
- Pixel Iona NPC Figure
- Pixel NPC Stack
- Serpent of the Blue Lotus
- Umbra Metamorphosis Tome
- Umbral Guard
- Umbral Metamorphosis Scythe and Tome