Descendant of the Jade Stallion
I'm late, but I showed up, and that's a big deal for me. At least I'm in the Yokai Realm, which I'm going to assume is a lot more fireproof than our regular realm. What's the plan? Recite a folk song? Tian Hei Hei…I remember singing that on hikes when I was a kid.
After completing the 'Ame no Murakumo' quest:
Descendant of the Jade Stallion
This is a nightmare. I was already tired of having to wake up to the same day over and over, but now it'll never end? I can feel something else different with me too. The fires I worked so hard to keep under control are slowly starting to frenzy again. It's my innate magic. My cousins won't realize it right away, but theirs are going to go out of control too. It'll hurt people, and we'll have to lock ourselves up.
Location: Yokai Realm
Note: Also see Royal Yukata.

Thanks to Tux47.
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