Outcast BoneBreak Recruit
Oh! I'm so glad to see you, Hero! … You ARE a hero? Good. I need help. I've been cast of the Fort guarding this area. Our leader, he's… gone bad. He wanted us to do BAD thing, and I couldn't bring myself to do it. I want to take him - Braddok BoneBreaker, DOWN! Will you… help me? Please?
He's kidnapped villagers and threated to kill them for ransom. You can see some of them strung up in the woods here. He's stolen, killed, lied, cheated… Pick a crime and he's done it. Those who don't pay him protection, well. He didn't get the name BoneBreaker because he's a healer, if you get my drift.
- Shara KinRunner's Quests
- Bonebreaker Merge
After completing the 'Break the Bone Fortress' quest:
Outcast BoneBreak Recruit
We have to face Braddok, and to do THAT, we've got to get into the dungeon. He's probably "interviewing" prisoners down there. He locks it, so we'll need to get the Dungeon Key from one of his guards.
- Shara KinRunner's Quests
- Bonebreaker Merge
After completing the 'It's a TRAP! (No, really.)' quest:
Outcast BoneBreak Recruit
You didn't expect to see me here, on Braddok's side? Heh. I make a pretty good lure, wouldn't you say? That;s my job. If I want to rise through the ranks, I bring in the fodder. That's you. You're the fodder.
Head into the dungeon now if you want to find out what Braddok is up to.
Braddok, he's done a lot for this area. As long as you're on his side, that is. I saw my family taken, my neighbors. I didn't want that to be me. I'm stronger than that. I have what it takes to survive in this world. I'm just not as strong as him. Yet.
- Shara KinRunner's Quests
- Bonebreaker Merge
After completing the 'Defeat Braddock Bonebreaker' quest:
Outcast BoneBreak Recruit
You've done a mighty thing here, Hero. I don't think this Keep or this forest will EVER be the same, now that Braddok's gone! And I think that'll be for the better. There is one last thing you could help us with, before you go… Killek Deadchewer.
He was one of Braddock's earliest recruits and he is a monster. The Horc tribes kicked him out for slaying the elderly for fun. Braddock keeps him around for his intimidation skills. But Killek, well… let's just say my training partner went with him to get a midnight snack… and never came back.Ouch
Exactly. Braddock was the only one who could come CLOSE to controlling him. With him gone… we're left with a problem. Since you did us the favor of removing Braddock, perhaps you could take care of this little issue?
- Shara KinRunner's Quests
- Bonebreaker Merge
After completing the 'Hunt for Killek' quest:
Outcast BoneBreak Recruit
Ah! So that's where he went. Poor Mortis. He was a pretty promising recruit. Oh. Mortis. You know. The pile of bones he was standing next to. Sounds like Killek's HUNGRY again. I can help you… I'll mix up his favorite brew and slip a bit of Marsh Maligner into it. He'll be out cold. I just need some ingredients. Help me help you, y'know?
After completing the 'Ask Me No Questions' quest:
Outcast BoneBreak Recruit
Alright. That was everything! I made and delivered it and did NOT join him for a bite. He likes his jokes. If you head over, you should be able to take him down.
After completing the 'Defeat Killek Bonebreaker' quest:
Outcast BoneBreak Recruit
That was brilliant! I haven't seen such good fighting since… well… ever. You wouldn't want to take over the band and lead us, would you? No? Oh. Right. You've got… destiny-things. But with him out cold like that, the rest of us are going to take the opportunity to - *ahem* convince him he's unwelcome, and to leave. Forever.
Do you REALLY want to know how we're going to convince a warrior like Killek to stay away? No. Didn't think so.
Location: BoneBreaker Fortress
Note: Also see BoneBreaker Outcast.

Thanks to Tristyn.
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