Jump to: Safiria's Castle, Safiria's Castle (Gift), Bad Moon.
Quest Location: Safiria's Castle (Location)
Quests Begun From: ShadowSlayer K
It's important to have rations while travelling, but you already know that. Get us some fresh meat. Do you think Yulgar has any surplus in the Cellar?
Items Required:
- Green Mystery Meat x10 (stacks up to 30)
- Dropped by GreenRat (Level 4)
- 900 Gold
- 1,300 Exp
- Meat Ration
Thanks to a4r0n.
Quest Location: Safiria's Castle (Location)
Quests Begun From: ShadowSlayer K
Requirements: Must be Level 50.
- Lend an Ear
- The Voice from Yesterday
- Shadow Slayer Slayer
- Dinner for Two
- Preparedness Awareness
- Quality Tea Time
- Shadowslayer Summoning Ritual
It shames me to admit, but sleep is hard for me to come by these days. Rather, these terrible dreams torment me. If I could trouble you for some time, I'd like you to lend me an ear. Several ears actually. The ear of a Gorillaphant from Arcangrove, Sneevil from the Boxes, Dustbunny of Doom from a Terrarium, and a Drow from the Uppercity. That may well be what I need for some good rest.
Items Required:
- Gorillaphant Ear x1
- Dropped by Gorillaphant
- Sneevil Ear x1
- Dropped by Sneevil
- Dustbunny of Doom Ear x1
- Dropped by Dustbunny of Doom (Monster)
- Drow Ear x1
- Dropped by Drow Assassin (Monster)
- 0 Gold
- 3,000 Exp
You may also choose one of:
Quest Location: Bad Moon
Quests Begun From: Shadowslayer K
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Suspicious Minds' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
Those accursed hunters are impeding our progress yet again! They claim we're getting in the way of their duty when they're actively hindering the extermination process. This is why I don't like working with untrustworthy factions. Let's just include them as part of our "extermination". Free of charge.
Items Required:
- Hunters Exterminated x16
- Dropped by Hunter (Monster)
- 5,000 Gold
- 5,000 Exp
Quest Location: Bad Moon
Quests Begun From: Shadowslayer K
Requirements: Must have completed the 'No Different From Prey' quest.
Requirements: Must have Sparkly Shadowslayer Relic in your inventory.
Where did you even get that shard? That's a powerful relic in your possession, that Lunar Tear. The colors you see are aspects of the Moonlight. With the right reagents, we can construct a potent sigil from it.
Items Required:
- 5,000 Gold
- 10,000 Exp
- Lunate Sigil x2
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