Shadow Rise
Dungeon-Level 25 to 32
Fight your way down through the depths to find Death's Lair.
- BlastBones x4
- Broken Bones x5
- Darkness Elemental (1) x10
- Dry Ice Mage x10
- Forgotten Bandit x12
- Infernal Warrior (Monster) x1
- Inferno Dracolich (Level 49) x13
- Toxic Fiend x11
- Undead Warrior (Monster) (1) x1
Map Name: shadowrise
Room Limit: 4
Access Points:
- /join shadowrise
- Battle Drakath - 'Go to Shadowrise' button from Loremaster Maya
- Shadow Attack - West of Screen 1
- Chaos Finale Map
Note: Must have completed the 'Battle the Champion of Chaos!' quest to access this location.
Thanks to Apus, Leila and Renz9000.
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