Sepulchure's DoomKnight Armor

Location: Necropolis
Price: N/A (Reward from the 'Summoning Sepulchure's Armor' quest)
Sellback: 0 AC
Rarity: Artifact Rarity
Description: Even in death… Sepulchure's harrowing legacy lives on forever. You have proven yourself more terrifying and dedicated than Sepulchure himself. Now you shall do Sepulchure's bidding as Lore's most terrifying DoomKnight!
- Previously Legend only.
- Required to accept the following quests:
- Required to access the following shops:
- When equipped, this item does 51% more damage to Human Monsters.
- Also see List of all DoomKnight Armors.
Thanks to Locke Lionheart and Skyandee.