Unfortunately, I cannot allow just anyone to enter Jingshen. Only the gentlest and most agile of heroes can travel through it without causing too much distress. If you can steal the bowl from a kappa ninja's head without spilling any of the water, I will know you are such a hero. Kappa Ninja can be found at the Yokai Ferry.
Excellent. Now we can proceed.
Items Required:
Thanks to rickyb20.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Jingshen Forest, just east of here, is home to a great many nature spirits. Normally they are gentle beings, a source of growth and vitality. But recently something has corrupted their energy and made them… wrong. If you kill these corrupted spirits, they should revive without the corruption.
Thank you. Now all we can do is wait.
Items Required:
- Corrupted Xingzhi Slain x4
- Corrupted Lingzhi Slain x4
Thanks to rickyb20.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Simply killing the corrupted spirits doesn't seem to be solving the problem. If you bring me some of their elemental cores, I may be able to determine the source of the problem. Cores from either Lingzhi or Xingzhi will do.
These are perfect. Let me take a moment to study them.
Items Required:
- Corrupted Core of Nature x8
Thanks to rickyb20.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The source of the corruption still isn't clear. I will need to compare the corrupted cores with some samples from a pure, untainted forest. Go to Pinewood Forest in Dwarfhold, and gather the essences of the creatures living there. Your attunement with Jingshen Forest will allow you to see and collect them.
These are excellent specimens. Thank you.
Items Required:
- Pure Essence of Nature x8
Thanks to rickyb20.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
I've made a purifying salve from the nature essences you collected from Pinewood Forest. If we disperse it throughout Jingshen Forest, that should help remove whatever this corruption is. Go into the woods and place samples of the salve on the ground. Be sure to spread them out.
Good work. Now, let's watch and see if that helped!
Items Required:
- Purifying Salve Dispersed x6
- Click the blue arrows around the map
Thanks to rickyb20.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
That doesn't seem to have done much good, either. There's a more direct method we can try, but gathering the ingredients will take some time. First, I'll need you to go back to Pinewood Forest. The Pine Trolls who live there use a special blend of healing herbs. If you can collect 10 pouches of it, that should be enough.
Ahh, just smell that! Even a whiff of these herbs is invigorating!
Items Required:
Thanks to rickyb20.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The berries that grow on Treeants promote growth and hardiness. For the next ingredient, we'll need about 10 handfuls of them. You can find Treeants in the Poison Forest or at the Greenguard Farm, but be careful – they may not be happy about being harvested.
That should be enough. Here, taste one – they're delicious!
Items Required:
Thanks to rickyb20.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Next, you'll need to travel to Faerie Forest in Chiral Valley and collect some Essential Oil of Faerie. You'll get it from the Chainsaw Sneevils, who have collected it from… well, best not to think about it. 10 vials of it should do.
These samples are very strong! Yes, this should be perfect.
Items Required:
- Essential Oil of Faerie x10
Thanks to rickyb20.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
I've crafted a tonic from the herbs, berries and oils you brought back. If the forest spirits drink it, it should cure them of their corruption. But no one really enjoys medicine, do they? You may need to rough them up a bit before they're willing to take it.
I should have had you get some Raspberry Smoothies to put it in. Ah, well! Next time.
Items Required:
Thanks to rickyb20.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The tonic worked – I watched the corruption vanish from the forest spirits! but it returned almost immediately. Something in the forest must be keeping the spirits in this impure state. Go back into the forest and fight the corrupted spirits until you've found some clues as to what could be causing this to happen.
Of course. How could I not have seen it before?
Items Required:
Thanks to rickyb20.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
Based on the clues you found, this is the work of a Yaomo – a type of malevolent spirit. It must be hiding somewhere within the forest. If you take one of the corrupted spirits' cores with you, you should be able to sense the entrance to his lair. Come back when you have found it.
You sensed a hidden passage? How interesting.
Items Required:
- Yaomo's Lair Discovered x1
- Click the blue arrow on Screen 13
Thanks to rickyb20.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
So, you were able to find where the Yaomo's lair is, but you couldn't enter? It must be protected by some kind of ward. Fight the corrupted forest spirits and collect samples of the Yaomo's malevolent taint. If you have enough of it on you, you may be able to trick the ward into letting you pass.
Yes. If you carry all of this with you, I think you'll be able to enter the Yaomo's lair.
Items Required:
Thanks to rickyb20.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
All that's left to do now is confront the Yaomo who's corrupting our forest and defeat him. Return to me when it has been done.
It will take some time, but with the Yaomo defeated the forest will be back to normal soon.
Items Required:
Thanks to rickyb20.
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
You've defeated the Yaomo, but the forest spirits won't heal on their own. Destroy 12 Lingzhi so their physical forms can return to the earth. When they regrow, they will be pure.
The best thing about composting Lingzhi is that it gives the new ones a place to grow!
Items Required:
- Corrupted Lingzhi Destroyed x12
Thanks to rickyb20.
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Defeat Yaomo' quest.
The corrupted Xingzhi will also need to be helped, but they don't have a physical form. Defeat them, and then collect their tainted Qi. This will help them to return more quickly in a purified form.
Thank you. The renewal is a slow process, so any further help you can give will be welcome.
Items Required:
Thanks to rickyb20.