Scroll of Shiftburn

Location: Spellcraft
Price: N/A (Use Enchanted Ink and make this combination)
Sellback: 25 Gold
Type: Item
Description: Deals light damage with a chance to apply up to 6 different effects from increasing haste to dealing incredible amounts of damage.
- Previously called "Scroll of Shift Burn" and before "Scroll of Shiftburn".
- Stacks up to 99.
- Cooldown lasts 20 seconds.
- Crafts in batches of 10.
- Applies Burning to the target, casting a moderate DoT lasting 10 seconds.
- Applies noMana to the user, reducing mana usage by 90% for 21 seconds.
- Has a chance to apply Trolled, stunning the user for 2 seconds.
- Has a chance to apply Stunned, stunning the target for 2 seconds.
- Has a chance to apply Shifting to the user, increasing haste for 10 seconds.
- Has a chance to apply Shifted to the user, a high HoT lasting 10 seconds.
- Has a chance to apply Burnated to the target, reducing their damage taken by 25% for 10 seconds.

Thanks to Flitterifie.
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