Scroll of Chaos Fog

Location: Spellcraft
Price: N/A (Use Enchanted Ink and make this combination)
Sellback: 25 Gold
Type: Item
Description: A poisonous gas that instills insanity dealing damage with a chance to stun or cause insanity. Insane opponents have a reduced chance to dodge and deal less critical strikes.

  • Stacks up to 99.
  • Cooldown lasts 30 seconds.
  • Crafts in batches of 10.
  • Deals 150% Hybrid DPS and has a chance to apply either effect to the target:
    • Insanity, reducing its Crit Chance and Dodge by 50% for 10 seconds.
    • Stunned, stunning them for 2 seconds.

Thanks to Flitterifie.

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