Scroll of Bane
Location: SpellCraft
Price: N/A (Use Runic Ink and make this combination)
Sellback: 25 Gold
Type: Item
Description: Deals damage and applies an effect based on your target's tag.
Human: DoT that negates all non life steal healing for 10 seconds.
Undead: Scroll deals bonus damage and undead are Stunned for 3 seconds.
Dragonkin: Reduces target's outgoing damage and Damage Resistance by 30% for 10 seconds.
Elemental: Increases your outgoing damage and Damage Resistance by 40% for 10 seconds.
Chaos: Increases your Crit Damage by 150% but reduces your Crit Chance by 30% for 10 seconds.
- Stacks up to 99.
- Cooldown lasts 20 seconds.
- Crafts in batches of 10.
- Previously called "Scroll of Talon Twisting".

Thanks to rickyb20.
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