Moglin of the Undead Legion
No, I did not take Twilly captive. No, I am not behind this scheme to kidnap all the moglins of Nibbleon. I'm just EVIL. I'm not a complete jerk!
After completing the 'Drones are a Drag' quest:
Moglin of the Undead Legion
No, I did not take Twilly captive. No, I am not behind this scheme to kidnap all the moglins of Nibbleon. I'm just EVIL. I'm not a complete jerk!
After completing the 'Investigation Time' quest:
Moglin of the Undead Legion
They took him! THEY TOOK TWILLY! You gotta help me get him back!
Aww, that's so sweet! You really care!
What? No I don't! But those jerks took someone who was clearly under MY protection! It's an insult to my strength and power. We have to make them pay!
After completing the 'Time to Teleport' quest:
Moglin of the Undead Legion
Alright, jerkface - it's payback time! He may have a big, strong mech and an army of drones, but I have the power of the undemorld! Oh, and you. also have you.
After completing the 'GET HIM!' quest:
Moglin of the Undead Legion
Booyah! Take THAT, robo-jerk! You can't stop the Undead Legion!
Location: Musty Cave
- Also see:

Thanks to ShatteredReality.
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