Quest Location: Basani
Quests Begun From: Scoria
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Level 20' quest.
Thank you for helping! My son, Andesi, and the other kids are trapped in the Mill at the other end of town. The stone walls should protect them from the fire but we need to know that our kids are OK. Please go check on them.
Items Required:
- The Mill is Sealed x1
- Go to the Mill at Screen 10 of Basani.
- 2,000 Gold
- 2,000 Exp
Thanks to the magic caster.
Requirements: Must have completed Andesi's Quests.
Note: This quest is accepted from Andesi.
Is this our family pendent? And a note from Andesi inside?! Oh, thank you so much. I wouldn't have believed it. I'm so proud of my son.
Items Required:
- 2,000 Gold
- 2,000 Exp
Thanks to the magic caster.
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